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Everything posted by NoWay

  1. As far as I'm concerned I don't need anything KH3 related.. I'm fine with 2.8 & 1.5+2.5 and Season 2 of UX. That's a lot of stuff to keep us entertained.. 2.8 is such a blessing
  2. He should NOT play BBS or UX at first as both rely on story aspects from further KH games. The best order would be: 1. KH1 2. Chain Of Memories 3. 358/2 Days 4. KH2 5. Birth by Sleep 6. Re Coded 7. Dream Drop Distance 8. 0.2 Birth by Sleep 9. X/UX/XBC Birth by Sleep feels more intense/sad if you know whats going to happen to Terra or more precisely who he is going to be in KH1 & KH2. I would recommend you this order. SPOILER I was literally shocked during BBS, because of the fact that Terra is somehow the Final Boss in KH1 & 2 aka Ansem SoD & Xemnas..
  3. Guys I'm so excited!! I've received an Email from Amazon that my 2.8 preorder is on its way to me! It will be delivered on Monday! I just wanted to share my excitement with you! Is anybody else getting his 2.8 copy before the actual release & if not, when are you going to get 2.8 ?
  4. I am disappointed because BC did not show 1. the Keyblade War 2. The Foreteller's faces 3. Skuld and that many questions still remain unanswered for example what exactly happens to Ephemer Nonetheless it was an interesting movie but SE wasted so much potential
  5. I don't know why but I'm not interested in any KH3 trailers.. Just give us the release date Would like to experience everything within my first playthrough.. but if SE releases trailers I will definitely watch them..
  6. She considered giving them the ability to wield the keyblade but she didn't do that after she realized Riku was chosen by Terra
  7. I'm totally okay with 80 minutes. I considered Days and Coded really exhausting to watch because of the length although I enjoyed many passages in both movies.
  8. I think I'm going to play 0.2 and then watch Back Cover. DDD can wait because I have played it on my 3DS recently. I don't want any spoilers to ruin this experience . 2.8 is my first Kingdom Hearts experience with new games and new story aspects without knowing them from LPs. For example I played BBS last/this year for the first time but I knew the game from LPs so it wasn't as exciting as playing a brand new game. The 12 days in January between the Japanese and the Western Release date is going to be a torture!
  9. That's strange.. Maybe its just a translation mistake because in the German KH2 version Goofy said that "your majesty" banished Pete. And your majesty could also refer to Minny..
  10. I would rather have the release date announced on the 15th anniversary in March. At this point I'm expecting a Winter 2017 release.
  11. The more the merrier. But I hope we'll get many new original worlds and especially a new final world. I don't need another endgame world such as TWTNW or the KG. They should appear during the end of the main story but not as THE last world.
  12. Mickey is looking AMAZING! In this new screenshot he looks so much better than in the second 2.8 trailer
  13. Thank you. :)I hope this gets clearer in the next story updates.
  14. If X is the real world, then why are the Chirithy's living in both realms in KHX and KHUX? Wouldn't they be supposed to live only in the Realm of Sleep in Unchained X? This is really confusing.
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