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Everything posted by NoWay

  1. I can really understand why many fans are mad at SE. It's just so unfair that they announce the event as such a big event and in the end we only got 3 screenshots. What I mean is SE do know very well how long we're waiting for this game. It's not fair that only a couple of fans are able to see such anticipated trailers and we hardly get anything. I don't know how to feel and I only hope that they better decide to release these trailers. Everyone of us deserves news about KH3 and not only fans in Japan!
  2. In Germany the event will take place in the morning. I think 5 am, so I luckily just have to go to bed early on Monday
  3. I agree. I think that Kairi has already been in the ROD and maybe Kairi herself is the "Key to return hearts" that can save the lost ones. I would like that because finally she would be more relevant
  4. The German dub is really good, but I prefer the English dub. English voice acting is so good. Especially Sora, Riku, Xemnas, Ansem SoD and Roxas but really nearly every English voice in KH is awesome..
  5. I haven't got much money and now I'm hoping that they release 2.8 in Europe in Summer so that I can save some money The struggles of being a student hahaha
  6. Recently it has been so much fun to be a Kingdom Hearts Fan.. I mean, this year we had got E3, Unchained X, D23 in Anaheim, 2.8 Announcement and still TGS and the big fan event that is D23 in Japan.
  7. It would be really cool to see how NPCs are trying to escape from attacking Heartless/Nobodies/Unversed or how they actually attack NPCs and try to turn them into Heartless. That would be interesting. It would have an absolutely new feeling if you would actually see how NPCs turn in front of you into Heartless which then are attacking you
  8. At first, I'm sorry for my English. I'm not a native speaker but I hope you'll understand what I want to say. Multiple playable characters could be like in GTA 5 (3-4 playable characters. Maybe Sora, Riku, Aqua and Lea). Not in that grand extend but changing the character in certain parts of the story would be cool. Or playing the first walkthrough as Sora and then in the end playing the story again as Riku like CoM. Square Enix can also introduce once again Secret Stories like Aqua's in BBS. So many possibilities. But the main game should be focussed on Sora. Changing the main character would also be cool with just being bonus content.
  9. You can rèad the article here: http://kh13.com/news/square-enix-says-tangled-is-the-first-world-you-visit-in-kingdom-hearts-iii
  10. Okay, that makes sense.. I was so confused.. Yeah I think it was last week that Nomura announced that in an interview.
  11. When Tangled is the first Disney World and Sora is already wearing his new costume, why is then Sora wearing his KH2 costume in Hercules' world although Tangled is the first world and not the Coliseum?
  12. Hey, I'm a Muslim from Germany and this is my second post here. :)For me Ramadan seems to be very easy so far. I don't know why but time flies for me :DThe weather isn't also very warm. It's very rainy and cloudy here. Bad for the others, good for the Muslims :DWe are having Iftar 9:57 pm today.
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