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Everything posted by NoWay

  1. Didn't some SE member told that they are only allowed to reveal the release date when the game's development is going to finish soon? So, if we have got the release year, this means KH3 is at least at about 60/70% of completion..
  2. I'm more worried about Sora's voice actor. I thought he sounded really strange in 0.2 as HJOs voice sounded way too high.. I liked his KH2 voice more
  3. "There are so many characters, so the story is dark and he is not planning it to end it all at once." What? Does that mean we may get some cliffhangers in KH3?
  4. E3 would be the best opportunity to promote KH3 and to disclose the release date. Best thing is we won't have any dry season anymore thanks to the new KH3 trailers, the PS4 remasters and Union X. I'm expecting the story to conclude mid 2018.
  5. At first: happy KH3-Releaseyear-Announcement-Day So after watching this amazing and stunning trailer, I'm getting a bit worried in terms of the balance of the combat system in KH3. It seems like we are going to be powerful af. And now that we can have up to 5 party members it seems like the games going to be much easier than the other ones. So how do you think will SE balance the whole combat system? In my opinion they need to nerf for example Buzz and Woody. Or in general if you are getting more than one new party member SE should nerf them. On the otherside I really hope to be confronted with much more and more powerful Heartless and Nobodies. And please, don't let the boss fights be tooo easy. So that's my point of view. What do you think? Are you also a bit worried?
  6. Noooo I don't want all worlds to be revealed. Like really why do you have to reveal everything before the game releases?
  7. I'm here for an August/ September release. Or early October.
  8. At first KH3 should be released without the feeling of being unfinished (I'm looking at you FF15). However, I would like to have some bonus story DLCs just to expand the KH3 story. For example something like Episode of Kairi, Episode of Young Xehanort or Episode of Lea etc.
  9. You can clearly see that they are not the same Keyblade transformations
  10. No, this one's different. Maybe it's a new transformation from a Wreck it Ralph keyblade?
  11. So, as we have seen in the trailer Sora's got a new transformation or "form" which is called "Second Form". It is noticeable that he wears his KH2 outfit in this new form. I think that Second Form is the new Limit Form only with KH2 Sora. So Second Form could be the third introduced Drive Form in KH3. It would make sense as he's using KH2 abilities like Magnet. What do you think?
  12. I would like something like an "Episode of Lea/Kairi/Riku/Xehanort" etc. At first KH3 should not feel incomplete. But with that kind of mini episodes SE can keep us entertained with new stuff without releasing new games. They should expand KH3 like Rockstar did with GTA5. The game's complete but with online content they expanded the gta5 universe. So can SE with bonus story and other content. It would be exciting to get that kind of episodes
  13. But not being a GoL doesn't mean you are not able to fight.. I mean Donald and Goofy aren't most likely GoL but they will participate in the final fight. Imo everyone could participate in the final clash
  14. I don't see the point of jumping ship. If the games after KH3 are good then where's the point of not playing those new games? If a game is good, then I will buy it.
  15. And don't forget the huge promo for 2.8. 1.5+2.5 didn't have really big promo compared to 2.8
  16. Sora'a face looks amazing on the UI! I think his face looked very ugly on the UI 2015 but now it looks so clean and improved! I hope SE & Nomura don't dare rushing this game like FF15!
  17. Don't you guys think a March 2018 release could be too early? I don't know why but I want KH3 to be as good as possible and don't want it to be as rushed as the last 5 chapters of FF15.. I'd be totally fine with a Summer/Autumn 2018 release
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