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About Tinkerbells

  • Birthday 06/06/1991

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    ★ glitter everywhere ★
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  1. I am really excited for this one! I didn't like Man of Steel (Superman is not my favorite superhero at all ^^') but I expect a lot from this one (and Suicide Squad). It's nice to see that they want to handle that whole thing of being a superhero completely different as Marvel does and hopefull that will be refreshing.And veeeeerrry excited for Wonder Woman! She looks so cool and badass!
  2. I was surprised by these news So we will get more Infos sooner than we expected. While I would love to see a new world, I would also be happy to see some other details regarding the Gameplay. Maybe a look at other characters would be nice now too (even if it would be just Disney Characters in their world). And hopefully they will release something officially and not hold it back a bit more. I just hope they will hold back a release date, it's way too early for that in my opinion.
  3. I have to say my least favorite Pixar Movie is Monsters Inc. I just don't have a connection with this movie...
  4. I am currently reading the first book and I am looking forward to the second one. The cover is of course a tiny let down for me, as it looks to plain, in contrast to the first one.
  5. Oh, I liked Reaction Commands very much (because, let's be honest, some were really nice). But I think based on the things we have seen in the trailer, it might actually be much better now to have free control about it - I am very excited about them now and curious how it will look and be used in the finished game.
  6. Aw, thank you all very much for the warm welcome so far!
  7. Hi !My name is Nathalie, I am 24 years old and - of course - a big fan of Kingdom Hearts. I'm visiting this site now for some years, but now I've decided to join the community and take part in some of the discussion going on here!What else can I say about me? Well, I am also a very big Disney-Fan (and I basically love everything that has to do with it, especially the Movies and Parks), I love books (mostly I love the Shadowhunter Series by Cassandra Clare) & movies and TV series of all sorts - I am always open to talk about it~ and I like Lady Gaga, she is very important to me and saved me a lot tbh. And I like to draw and with that you basically already know a lot about me and yet nothing at all ~I hope we will have a great time together~!
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