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About Trash-ItTrevor

  • Birthday 11/26/1994

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  1. Actually, I would love to maybe revisit some of the worlds in DDD, maybe now that they're awake things will be different. What I wouldn't give just to see Notre Dame be done better, with an actual Frollo boss battle.
  2. Man, if this IS a hoax, it is one damn good one. Those voices are spot on, 100%. I feel like in the video you can even spot a small glimmer of footage when the camera isn't as covered at some points. All I can say is, I hope to God Leaonard Nimoy (RIP, you wonderful man) recorded his lines before his unfortunate death. He plays Xehanort perfectly.
  3. Wreck-It Ralph. God, how absolutely meta it could be. Sora visits Fix-It Felix, and Ralph and co. recognize him, and keep telling him he's from a video game. Of course, I would want it to be extremely subtle. In all honesty, I really wouldn't want them to acknowledge that it's a game. It would be weird. As for the world, since we've seen that the worlds in 3 are quite large, I don't see any reason why it can't contain Game Central Station, Fix-It Felix, Sugar Rush, and Hero's duty. Just imagine entering the Fix-It Felix arcade cabinet from somewhere in, say, Radiant Garden. And Cybug-Turbo would be a really great boss, that thing is super scary and there's no way they'd be stupid enough to miss an opportunity like that, right? (Frollo, anybody?) And with KH3's graphic style, they can make the world look fantastic.
  4. I would love for a solid 40 hour campaign. Keep in mind this is all speculation, but I believe the plot will include Sora's journey at the end of DDD, finding Aqua, waking up Ventus, gathering all the Lights, gathering all the Darks, and taking out Xehanort. So, that's a good bit to cover. I hope the post-game expands the total time well into the 60 hour range. Tournaments, new items to synthesize, bonus bosses and maybe even new areas. I just want this game to be jam packed from start to finish.
  5. Sorry if this is already a topic, I've lurked here for years but never bothered to make an account until I saw the new footage at the conference today. The grassy area Sora is at in the footage is a whole new version of Olympus Colosseum, and it looks gorgeous. Finally looks to be a full fledged world. This is backed up by the pillars seen in the background, as well as the trees with classic Hercules style swirls on them. Another note, Sora is seen weilding StarSeeker, and what can only be the new Keyblade for Olympus Colosseum. It has pillars near the handle, and the blade seems to be Zeus holding a lightning bolt. It also transforms into a chariot with a Pegasus.
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