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Mr. Boba

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About Mr. Boba

  • Birthday 10/21/1996

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    Kids! Eat your yogurt!
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  1. I'm already disliking that Rebirth Theory so much... I fear that it's going to ruin all the previous character development so far, along with erasing that uniqueness between the characters. Also, to say that there is Reincarnation involved implies that the Concept of Death exists, which is the opposite of what Nomura clearly stated in one of the interviews before, where "in the world of KH there is no concept of Death".

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mr. Boba

      Mr. Boba

      Yeah, I understand that from all those memes and stuff. Along with how Ventus, Terra, and Aqua even carry different bits of Sora's personality, but I'm talking about how I'd rather want to know these characters as who they are RIGHT NOW. Not who they WERE BEFORE. You throw that into the already-complicated mix, I'll never see them the same way ever again. That's not a perspective that'd be fun for me to see.

    3. Robbie the Wise

      Robbie the Wise

      They already did that with DDD, at this point it is what it is.

    4. Mr. Boba

      Mr. Boba

      I fail to catch what you're trying to say here... what exactly did they do in DDD? You mean the time traveling?

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