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2 quid is good

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Everything posted by 2 quid is good

  1. ? Well maybe they can just let us get away with it
  2. They go to extreme lengths for their job
  3. Yeah you haven't met British ticket inspectors
  4. Sometimes they are and that's just the worst
  5. Wym covid, I've been running these rates my life
  6. Ehh I mean the train is like £3 and a child ticket is like £2 but there's never an inspector so really the train is free
  7. When the item costs 50p? Yes it is
  8. I'd have to pay 1.50 for postage
  9. .... Now that unessential shops are open I can finally buy the side chick of my life
  10. Now that unessential shops are open I can finally buy the love of my life
  11. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/493890050396782615/661356622009860329/Screenshot_20191230-235417.png a teaser
  12. It's not related to KH at all
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