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2 quid is good

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Everything posted by 2 quid is good

  1. One bastard just voted for one meme
  2. Yeah it's a little inaccurate but I'm surprised he did that
  3. Check the pins if you wanna know I've also updated the album with people's names listed with their memes I should probably link that
  4. Oh shit, it's the weekend and we forgot to do ghibli
  5. Not of that level anyway And not something I can really claim without fighting like twenty people
  6. Yeah but there's no money in my family
  7. > Lay claim to the royal lineage. @Inçendyne I WISH
  8. I would rather throw myself out my window
  9. And I don't have a degree yet
  10. .... I really don't wanna go back to retail but at this point I can't really see anything else
  11. I'm trying to find a new job now too
  12. All I will say is, I'm in the top 3
  13. Seriously, it's the most unlikeliest person
  14. You are gonna be so surprised by the winners
  15. Me being me and knowing who made which meme
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