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2 quid is good

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Everything posted by 2 quid is good

  1. Jesse McCartneys best voice performances are there in the game and movie
  2. The movie is terrible, I would not recommend watching it You can get a lot more out of the game
  3. Plus it experiments with gameplay a lot, the Disney worlds really suck if you've recently played kh1/COM but the actual story is neat in and of itself
  4. I'll take the compliment I guess Yes I agree, but since when did a game need to have plot relevance to be released? Re:coded had very fluid combat
  5. It was completely outsourced and everything > Lowkey glad that KH13 is the smarter side of the fan base ? @Kylvex who told you that Have you met all of us?
  6. I mean, recoded took zero development time away from any other game Like it had no impact at all on anything else
  7. I mean there's nothing wrong with that, people just treated it as a must buy and we're duly disappointed when we already had plenty of info about what recoded was
  8. So recoded is always seen as "worthless" because it brings nothing to the table we don't already know in terms of plot
  9. Yeah but Kingdom Hearts as a franchise and the fanbase are INTENSELY driven by connecting every thing
  10. Of course it's good The fandom hates it because it doesn't connect to the main plot The fandom are idiots None of us should let the fandom make our opinions for us
  11. I only prefer the KH twister
  12. @?Snow? I watched that game and now don't have a brain
  13. Yeah he tortures me with sticky rice every week
  14. Yeah but it looks so shit when you have a x sign @Novayon
  15. ???? How else do you write X's in algebra Obviously I don't write it like that in real words
  16. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Yeah X=>1 Anything that's not zero works, even negative numbers
  17. Ikr Not satisfying at all The firetruck you want me to write, 0=0? No shit it does
  18. Okay you know what We can do this Simultaneous equations Lemme find a pen and paper
  19. That's piss easy x= 14-6y ÷ 5 If only the rest of the titles had such simple meanings
  20. An adaptation needs to work in its own medium Pffffft If aerith was kept alive after the point she's meant to die I'd call it plot armour But that's a different case
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