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2 quid is good

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Everything posted by 2 quid is good

  1. Funny enough it's not nearly as funny as I would have liked I thought I should use big serious words
  2. Eraqus?? I thought you hated him
  3. > a lot of this stuff can be easily overlooked, but I’m glad it’s getting the recognition is deserves in this video. ? @moon☁ yeah I really do feel like people paper over so much of KH2 just because it's seen as only a good combat game when it's like such a goldmine of detail And to a lesser extent KH1
  4. ? hey I had legitimate issues with those black and white football matches
  5. I will endeavour to do better next time
  6. no its fine I just wasn't expecting it I honestly didn't think it was all that good ?
  7. Ehhhh somewhere between est and pst
  8. Hopefully tomorrow morning America time
  9. And I think it's fine, low effort memes are pretty funny
  10. Tbh most people didn't but I don't blame them
  11. @ScaryWalrus oh yeah I never bought it
  12. Or at least I haven't said anything
  13. Don't worry, nobody knows a thing
  14. Yeah because only two submissions are allowed
  15. Would love to see you all try and figure out who did what And nobody better give away their memes or I'll excommunicate you
  16. Can't wait for the reactions lads
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