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Roxas that's a stick

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Everything posted by Roxas that's a stick

  1. Pokemon sun and moon is out! Yay!!

  2. I had a stale biscuit........

    1. Frisk


      Welp you win life, Duck uwu

    2. MythrilMagician


      Why thank you Ruby uwu

    3. Frisk


      You're welcome owo

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  3. I have no friends at school anymore.........

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      Well, it doesn't have to be necessarily sports, just anything where you could meet more people, just to make new friends

    3. Roxas that's a stick

      Roxas that's a stick

      I think some point in November I'm starting a physiotherapy class so hopefully I might meet some people there!

    4. Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)
    5. Show next comments  15 more
  4. I want it to be Christmas!!!!!!!!!

  5. It's my first week at school and I've already had a detention.......

  6. Omg! You like One Punch Man!!! xD

    1. The Transcendent Key

      The Transcendent Key

      Oh wow, then I'm glad all my hard work is paying off! :)

    2. Roxas that's a stick
    3. The Transcendent Key

      The Transcendent Key

      I need to find Genos and tell him the good news!!!

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  7. I got Hyrule Warriors Legends!!! :D

  8. I like ur profile picture!! :D but metal gear solid 3 ocelot is better!! xD

    1. Joker


      "Your pretty good" I love mgs 3 so much xD , though tbh gameplay wise my fav is portable ops

  9. I've finally got Fire emblem fates conquest!!! :D

  10. My friend from school made me eat all my lunch today.... I'm gonna get fat......

    1. Philip Ellwell

      Philip Ellwell

      Better to be a little plump than unhealthily skinny.

    2. Roxas that's a stick

      Roxas that's a stick

      I would prefer to be skinny and also are u making Metal gear solid references by any chance? xD

    3. Joker


      No, why would I do I mean why Such a lust for revenge wwwwhhhhhoooo!

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  11. Oh my gosh! U like Gravity falls, Steven universe, Metal gear solid, pandora hearts, the world ends with you and Final fantasy!! Your awesome!!! :D

    1. EchoFox23*


      Thank you! You're awesome too! ^-^

    2. Roxas that's a stick

      Roxas that's a stick

      Yay!!!! Thank you!!!! :D


  13. I'm such a lonely person......

    1. Cricket


      Do something that makes you interact with others and gives you a chance to form new friendships...it maybe be uncomfortable or too much trouble to make new friends, but you will not be lonely forever. I hope it gets better and don't give up.

    2. Roxas that's a stick

      Roxas that's a stick

      I currently only have two friends at school! :( All my other friends were horrible to me and they all basically ignore me now! :(

  14. Hello Justin!!! :D We've not spoken in ages!! How've u been?! :D sorry I've not been on I've been doing stuff! Also did u draw ur profile picture? (Just out of interest! :D)

    1. Roxas that's a stick

      Roxas that's a stick

      I love that picture!! It's really good!! :D

    2. -Justin-


      Yeah, he did a really awesome job on it! :D

    3. -Justin-
    4. Show next comments  15 more
  15. Man Ive not been on here in ages!!! xD

    1. Javelin434


      Despite knowing you for some time, I still giggle like an idiot when I read your username xD

    2. Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)
    3. Roxas that's a stick

      Roxas that's a stick

      Lol! I know my username is so amazing!!! xD

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  16. I FEEL SOOOOOOOO LONELY!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. I like ice cream
  18. I was chucked out my friend group at school and now I'm a loner.... :(

    1. Roxas that's a stick

      Roxas that's a stick

      I knew them since I started secondary school! And we had fun times together...

    2. Penny


      Kh13 is love, kh13 is life, kh13 is all that you need :3

    3. Roxas that's a stick
    4. Show next comments  15 more
  19. Omg! I just noticed that u like the anime Black cat!! I do too!!! :D

    1. Exilra


      Cool! :D Apparently the manga is longer. Never read it so I can't confirm it though.

    2. Roxas that's a stick

      Roxas that's a stick

      My sister has the first Black cat manga book!!

  20. I completed Kingdom hearts 358/2 days!!

    1. XionRoxasSora


      Nice!! And did you cry when Xion died? I did and i don't cry easily.... :(

    2. Roxas that's a stick

      Roxas that's a stick

      Well I nearly did but then Roxas said ''Who else will I have ice cream with'' xD

  21. I completed The world ends with you!! :D

  22. Joshua's now my new favourite The world ends with you character because he looks cool!!
  23. Roxas that's a stick


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