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Roxas that's a stick

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Everything posted by Roxas that's a stick

  1. Anyone here think it's weird that I'm actually enjoying my exams?....

  2. Getting Fire Emblem Fates Birthright for my birthday! And then I'll have all three games!! xD I'm totally not obsessed....

  3. I wanna eat cookies!!

    1. CriticalAssension


      Wow...You just killed thousands of cookie lives. Y'all really are heartless...

    2. Sendou Aichi

      Sendou Aichi

      Cookies are born to be eaten...

      By me.

    3. Roxas that's a stick

      Roxas that's a stick

      I ate a whole packet of cookies earlier.... I'm gonna get fat!! xD

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  4. Apocalypse started. My old best friend spoke to me today and hugged me.... 0o0

  5. Getting Fullmetal alchemist anime box set for ma birthday!! :D

  6. Love your profile picture!! :D it's from the Kingdom Hearts 1 manga isn't it!! xD

    1. -Justin-


      It sure is. Thanks Heather! :D I also love your profile picture, it never gets old! xD

    2. Roxas that's a stick

      Roxas that's a stick

      I know my profile picture is great!!!! xD

    3. -Justin-
  7. Well, I didn't eat any lunch today... :|

  8. My Grandma died yesterdy. Cried so much in bed last night.

    1. Roxas that's a stick

      Roxas that's a stick

      And one of the teachers from school died yesterday!! I didn't know him though but it's still sad.

    2. -Justin-


      Gosh... Death is a horrible thing.

    3. Roxas that's a stick
    4. Show next comments  12 more
  9. My name is Dan and my names Rose. Our son Weasly kinda glows. And that's not good so we suppose. We should let it grow.

  10. GET IN THE BAG NEBBY!!!!!!!

  11. MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (I have no idea what I'm doing with my life right now.....)

  12. Got an epic Kingdom Hearts chain necklace!! :D

  13. Omg soo many Gravity falls gifs!! I love em!! :D

    1. Roxas that's a stick

      Roxas that's a stick

      I've already finished it!! xD

    2. Frisk



    3. Roxas that's a stick

      Roxas that's a stick

      Lol!!! It's such a great show! And Bill is bae!! xD

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  14. I laughed so much at Dat boi in the striped pajamas!! xD

    1. Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)



      pls expect more pics in this profile, I've been too inactive lately -.-

  15. I put a really badly edited Santa hat on my profile pic!! xD

    1. Nick Sideris

      Nick Sideris

      Nah , it's just fine .

    2. Awesome Sauce

      Awesome Sauce

      I don't have a Santa hat

    3. Roxas that's a stick

      Roxas that's a stick

      If you look closely it looks very terrible and you can see where I tried to cut around it!! xD

  16. I completed fire emblem fates conquest!! :D

    1. MythrilMagician



      They stood no chance against your stick

    2. Mystics Apprentice

      Mystics Apprentice

      That stick is deadly. :P. And congrats on beating Conquest! That game is tough. I'm on i believe chapter 15 or 16 and really enjoy it, even if very challenging at times.


      Who did you pair Corrin with?

    3. Roxas that's a stick

      Roxas that's a stick

      My stick is all powerful!! xD The ending was really intense and I married Jakob!! xD

  17. I hate that unicorn from gravity falls!!! xD

  18. Well I cried at school today and I feel like killing myself... MERRY CHRISTMAS TO MEEE xD Sarcasm.....

    1. -Justin-


      We'll always be here for you, Heather. Never forget that. :)

    2. Roxas that's a stick
    3. -Justin-
    4. Show next comments  12 more
  19. Ugh I hate school soo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Nick Sideris

      Nick Sideris

      Who doesn't ? I used to hate school , too.

    2. Roxas that's a stick

      Roxas that's a stick

      It's even worse when you don't have any friends!!!

  20. Omg!! Bill Cipher is bae!!! xD

    1. The Transcendent Key

      The Transcendent Key

      Why thank you, human! I appreciate your flattery! In fact, when I destroy the world, I'll spare you! :3

    2. Roxas that's a stick

      Roxas that's a stick

      Why thank you very much for sparing me Bill Cipher!! xD

    3. The Transcendent Key
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