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Roxas that's a stick

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Roxas that's a stick last won the day on January 25 2023

Roxas that's a stick had the most liked content!

About Roxas that's a stick

  • Birthday 02/27/2002

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  • Member Title
    The stick that never was
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  1. That awkward moment when you've not been online for like 3 years 

  2. Ayyy lol I actually feel somewhat proud of myself! XD
  3. Kh13 username: Roxas that's a stick Showdown name: stick Time zone: BST
  4. Lol hi I exist!! 

    Ive not been online in aggggeeesssss!!!! 

    1. Azure Flame

      Azure Flame

      No, you have not.  Welcome back!

    2. blossom goodness
    3. Azure Flame

      Azure Flame

      Welcome back to you too then blossom!

  5. Lol! I've not been online in ages!!! Hello world!! ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Roxas that's a stick

      Roxas that's a stick

      Lol hello!!! XD I have made an appearance again!! XD 

    3. Azure Flame

      Azure Flame

      Welcome back!

    4. Roxas that's a stick
  6. Hey, Don't forget that you're playing @Azure Flame in about half an hour! Good luck

    1. Roxas that's a stick

      Roxas that's a stick

      I'm gonna do it after 5pm when I get back from school tomorrow!!! 

  7. KH13 name: Roxas that's a stick Showdown name: Stick Timezone: England Character: Axel
  8. you'er not the same roxas that's a stick from waaaaaaaaay back that i, definitely don't owe a stick to for some reason i forgot? xD

  9. I got FF15 For Christmas!!! I LOVE IT

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Roxas that's a stick

      Roxas that's a stick

      I got FF15 on the PS4! And yeah I'll consider playing Comrades! 

      Omg I suck at driving! I've already crashed the Regalia 3 times.....

    3. Azure Flame

      Azure Flame

      I usually just let Ignis drive lol.  I also have it on PS4, currently working on a Magic character for Comrades.

    4. Roxas that's a stick

      Roxas that's a stick

      I like driving the Regalia myself!! XD I have literally given up on getting my car fixed because of the amount of times ive accidentally crash it! XD 

  10. Lol!! Hi Discord doesn't work at school!! XD

  11. Lol!!! I'm at school right now!! XD

  12. Lol!!! I'm at school right now!!!! I'm really bored!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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