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The 13th Kenpachi

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Everything posted by The 13th Kenpachi

  1. 'This was a big let down' Can we start making memes out of these people now?
  2. Lovely video! His coat looks fresh and I love the hat. Glad to see he's doing well, don't think he's shown his face on camera since E3 2013.Happy holidays Nomura! Oh and he's moving house
  3. Look under the pic of Terra and Ven. We've never seen that part of the waterfall http://kh13.com/forum/gallery/sizes/45413-aqua-and-screenshots/large/
  4. Only played 2 games, Naruto Storm 4 and FF15. I liked FF15 more.
  5. Good old KH3 news! I don't wanna be too hopeful but I look forward to hearing it in the next trailer or sometime in 2017.
  6. Here's a football, not the most interesting but still quite cool! Here's some funny UE4 animations
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