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The 13th Kenpachi

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Everything posted by The 13th Kenpachi

  1. Can KH3 get cancelled for like a day just so I can see how everyone reacts and then the next day they say they're continuing...
  2. Quite, I'm driving home. But I'm not the one driving Stfu
  3. That Xbox One game about slaying dragons all DMC style, it's been cancelled. .....
  4. Red hair!=Ginger Only played 2 games so I don't know who half of them are!
  5. Yes prophet Felixx, KH3 is coming out tonight whilst I'm asleep.
  6. If anything, wasn't it the KH fanbase's fault since they were the ones who kept demanding games? That's more of a suggestion rather than a statement so I don't want fanboys to start attacking me. The Luminous Engine is trash and should be slam dunked into the garbage bin. Wow, it makes the game look pretty! Despite causing both KH3 and FF15 to have development problems. FF13 looks better than FF15 and that was made on a weaker engine. Square Enix have learned from that anyway, FF7R is using UE4, they switched KH3 to UE4 and FF16 will probably do the same.
  7. What are you talking about? Dean defended Tabata in the video he made... I don't think it's fair to bash Nomura and say it was all his fault. It was a mixture of different factors. Anyone who says this game was in development for more than 3 years has some research to do or is plain lying. Anyway, I honestly don't care about this whole fiasco anymore. It's boring to talk about, I just want to see the FF7 remake and know if Hiroyuki Ito is making FF16.
  8. His name is Reno and he came before Axel so.... That poem makes no sense
  9. If you honestly believe what EB games says then I have no words lmao. But that FF7 remake is looking good for late 2017
  10. I want Genesis and Kuja too. Agreed. But 13 was always FNC, it was 15 that abandoned that. Disney super bosses are boring and I can't take them seriously. You'll spend like 70% of the game in Disney worlds, let's give Final Fantasy the spotlight, you know that franchise that's meant to be part of this one but has been pushed to the side since KH2? Sin Genesis Lightning and or Noctis Trance Kuja Kefka Bizzaro or final form Sephiroth Ultimecia or Edea Yiazmat Any of the dark aeons from 10 One of the weapons from 7 Gilgamesh Caius Obviously I don't expect all of these but I want at least 1 or 2 of them. Oh and since Unchained Chi has super bosses why don't they throw those in?
  11. I haven't played a KH game in a long time, and the last time I played DDD all the way through was in 2012. So DDD Back Cover 0.2
  12. Welcome to the site! I'm a big FF fan too. You can catch up on the KH franchise in March when the 1.5+2.5 PS4 collection comes out, as well as 2.8 on the 24th. If I was you I'd wait until 1.5+2.5 comes out, play it and then buy 2.8. Have fun
  13. Nomura already went back on 'KH3 announcements this winter' when he said no news on KH3 until after 2.8 Winter is December all the way until March. No they never said they'd do anything, like I said he took the statement back.
  14. Sakaguchi? He left in 2004 lmao Yes, it was running off of the Ebony Engine. If it had come out in 2017 or even 2018 the hype may have died out and people would start moaning like they do with KH3. This game was always in a development hell, even when the game was rebranded the staff were tired and exhausted. I like the game, but I'm glad this whole fiasco is over. I'd love to focus on Hiroyuki Ito's FF16 (hopefully) and Nomura's FF7 remake. Having this game in 3 parts like they wanted to originally would have made the story way better.
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