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The 13th Kenpachi

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Everything posted by The 13th Kenpachi

  1. Played KH1 KH2 BBS DDD 358/2 DAYS COM RE:COM Re;Coded UX KH2FM KH1FM BBSFM Beaten/completed KH1 KH2 KH2FM 358/2 Days BBS DDD BBSFM Never beat KH1FM or Re:COM/COM. I got stuck on Riku's second fight in COM and Re:COM I stopped playing because my laptop couldn't handle it. I haven't beaten the HD versions of the games on the PS3 remixes despite getting them one year ago. Since I've gotten into a lot of turn based and strategic JRPGS lately I think I'll enjoy Re:COM a lot more since it seems a lot more strategic. I might end up playing it before March since the PS3 version is glitch free I believe.
  2. I have heard there is a surprise in 0.2, it's a Sadly they couldn't even make 0.2 work on day one and it was crashing regularly. That has been patched but it's still sad. The game is a demo.
  3. Someone send help, I can't stop laughing at how bad this is.
  4. No it can't be it's clearly canon they are perfect they never make mistakes and this supports my really stupid theory about a bunch of gibberish Lmao it was clearly a mistake.
  5. You might be missed, I remember seeing your inauguration ceremony at a young age. Goodbye.
  6. I know it's not a scene but I'm stunned no one has talked about the extract from Ansem report 4, where it states The Heartless appear in groups, and are multiplying rapidly. I've provided them both living and nonliving samples Hence Apprentice Xehanort abducted people and corpses and fed them to the heartless
  7. Square Enix legend turns 53, scenario writer for most of your favourite Sqenix games. FF7 FF8 FF10 Kingdom Hearts Kingdom Hearts Chain Of Memories FF10-2 Kingdom Hearts 2 Crisis Core FF15 (original story) FF13(mythology) He also wrote the story for SSB4 adventure mode! Happy birthday!! https://twitter.com/KH13community/status/822337872111882242
  8. Was originally going to but I felt it was a bit of a cop out. Your wish has been granted
  9. When do Square Enix ever stream Kingdom Hearts? They really are promoting this collection a lot, I like it.
  10. It'll certainly be interesting. Wanting him to fail is stupid, most people in America should be rooting for him even if they dislike him. It's only common sense, you don't want the pilot to crash the plane you're on do you?
  11. Didn't like brave exvius but the song is bearable (did I spell that right?). That Yoshitaka Amano artwork at the beginning is just too good though!
  12. I like the game where you hit the ball up in the air in KH2 and watch the crowd go wild. Fruitball is also fun!
  13. To be honest the only game where Disney worlds were relevant to the real plot was KH1 imo, every game after that used them as filler in one way or another since the original story expanded.
  14. Pretty much. I also want the worlds to be canon to the plot so you can't just cram one in as DLC, else it wouldn't make sense.
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