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Everything posted by ladydualwieldin

  1. Even if 4.0 doesn't come out anytime soon, there's still a chance they'll do KH as a non-numbered release (since 3.0 was all about fixing up the previous versions, rather than being a direct sequel) much like they've continued to release other figures that weren't involved in the 3.0 release. I hope so, anyway!
  2. *gets her chaperone hat on and watches all you youngsters from the sidelines*
  3. I'm a bit burned out on making Vanitas doll commissions lately, but I can't deny that I want to try making him in Remnant colors /thinking face

  4. I know it would never happen but ADAM JENSEN. 8D Just so he can end up in another world and talk about how he never asked for this.
  5. ha! Too bad they didn't make them in the shape of the cards in CoM, that would've been boss. Echoing everyone else's sentiment, though; I didn't even know there was such a game. :|!
  6. THEY BETTER. The pairing's already glaringly canon, so I would not mind some cute stuffs in KH3. ^^
  7. Hopefully! Although there's still no telling whether the west is getting 2.8 late this year or early next.
  8. Try checking your abilities -- if memory serves, Zero EXP is unlocked on Proud mode in this game, so maybe it was triggered unintentionally? That's the only solution I can think of. :|a If that's the case, you can turn it off.
  9. Haha, I did something similar with one of my Disney Infinity figures. There was an Aladdin on the end-aisle display at a store who was there for weeks; it seemed like no one wanted him and he was lonely, so I decided to pick him up (even though I don't own that version of Disney Infinity. Yet. But Al's one of my favorite Disney characters, so there's that. ). Amiibo-wise, though... maybe Ike. He was the first "rare" amiibo that I got my hands on, and the one I've used the most.
  10. Good thinking! It's been my hopeful prediction that X will release in the west sometime in Q1 or Q2 of this year, that way E3 and other shows onward can focus on 2.8 and KH3; that's purely my optimistic speculation, however. I think you have some good points! It's clear that at least a decent chunk of X is in English already (whether that's 30%, 60%, or 99%, I have no idea), and since we missed out on a KH game last year, maybe that means an early 2016 release. Either way, we'll find out soon enough! /fingers crossed
  11. I REALLY hope that the Birth by Sleep trio's voices stay the same more than anything, but I wouldn't want any of the cast to change. :> If I had to choose, though, I'd say either Kairi, Namine, or Xion, since their voices don't sound all that super unique to me.
  12. BLESS YOU, I can count on one hand the number of people who say Terra's a Light (including myself). /high fives This is exactly my thought! If Xehanort had Sora, he automatically had Ventus, too -- regardless of the location of Ven's body, if he had Ven's heart, then he had Ven, period. Ven's body would be useless. I think that the line was purposely left vague so that most fans would jump on the obvious answer of Terra being the one in question; that aside, Lea as a Light simply makes no sense IMO. He doesn't have a strong light in his heart like the others, and regardless of Terra's association with darkness, he still retains a strong light, as mentioned several times (much like Riku's case).
  13. If we're talking about literal fear, I'm afraid of Marluxia's return being true -- because while it would be awesome, I just have the feeling that KH3 would really up his Creep Factor to max, and he already creeped me out enough in CoM. :| (Even if I really do like the guy.) So yes, I'm afraid of fighting him. In terms of the game itself, I have a lot of faith in Nomura, so I'm not too worried. It's already clear that they're going to save everyone (the Wayfinder trio, the Nobodies), and I seriously doubt they'll come back just to die, so I'm not afraid of that, either. The one thing that would irritate me is if the game backtracked on Terra's character development in Blank Points; it's subtle enough that a lot of people (most fans, it seems, since everyone thinks he's going to be one of the Darknesses) have totally missed it, so I hope KH3 doesn't just go "nah" and decide to retcon it after all. That would be seriously disappointing. :
  14. Voted other for Land of Departure, naturally. ;D WHY ISN'T IT ON HERE Twilight Town would be cool, but I think the perpetual sunset would get old after a while.
  15. This was my tactic as well! I can vouch for that, plus any Keyblades that are decent in the air.
  16. I SHIP IT. 8D Canon was pretty ambiguous on pairings aside from Snow/Serah, so I think we're meant to take it as we like. But canon or not, I do think they're very cute. ^^
  17. Definitely misleading, yeah. The Games TM interview that they mention is actually a pretty old one, and it says nothing about the release date. Also, the quote "However, when asked about a new character in the upcoming game, the game director chose to stay mum. He gave a vague answer about something 'secret' that they are cooking up." seems like a misconstrued interpretation of Nomura's reply about there (possibly) being three or more playable characters in KH3. Not to mention they sum it up as "he gave a vague answer" rather than quoting the actual answer itself, which is super shifty. Not to mention, Nomura knows better than to drop a bomb as big as the release window in a little side interview; whenever he does, it should be a big event that can't be missed.
  18. Terra's theme has become so much more epic to me since the day I realized you can hear Rage Awakened in the background. So many emotions, every single time ;~;

    1. Isaix


      I used to like Terra's theme a lot until I realized how short it is.Its still great though

    2. ladydualwieldin


      That's why I listen to it on loop. xD But yes, such a great theme.

  19. my FF Explorers special edition just shipped!! I'm so excited 8DD

  20. ^Agreed, it's still very early in KH3's lifespan. I won't go into the Jim Cummings thing, since there's been a lot of debate on that already, but chances are very good that voice acting isn't underway for the actual game yet.
  21. Really? I just played it for the first time the other day and really like it. Although, I haven't played the other games in the franchise, so I didn't go in with any expectations, but. Even if it falls short of its predecessors, I don't think it's bad, and I play a lot of online shooters. 8|a
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