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Everything posted by ladydualwieldin

  1. Because there's a hate train for every game in the series. Seriously. I have seen hate for each of them. Anyway, I like Re:Coded, personally. (BBS and Days vie for the top of my favorites list overall, if I'm being honest, but I thought Re:Coded was really good for a handheld.) There's some repetition in the gameplay and stages, yeah, but every game does that at some point.
  2. Agreeing with the foreshadowing! The very last frame of the chess set in the trailer showed seven pieces on the good side ("coincidentally" bearing the symbols of the presumed Seven Guardians, Mickey/Sora/Riku/Terra/Ven/Aqua/Kairi), while the bad side had symbols representing most of the Darknesses we've seen and had a total of 12 pieces, if I recall correctly, possibly marking the 12 Darknesses minus the unknown 13th.
  3. I agree, it's been my guess that he has more of a window in mind than a solid date, and he hasn't said anything to avoid A) disappointing fans if that release date is pushed back and B) backlash from the fans if said window is too far off (I still anticipate a 2018 release myself, but I'd love to be wrong). He did mention in recent months that the groundwork for the game was laid, which is apparently the hardest part, so that might have also been the "important stage" he was referring to.
  4. The three C's: church, chocolate, and choosing something to give up for Lent. o/
  5. EVERYONE, but especially the BBS trio. Aqua's outfit is probably worn to bits, and Terra needs to continue his quest to mimic Eraqus' wardrobe as much as possible. As for Ven, he's also been wearing the same thing for 12+ years now, so he needs something new -- but mostly I'm just curious whether he'll manage to wear even more layers. 8|;;
  6. Master Xehanort! It'd be cool to hear some of his stories. And I'm not a Keyblade wielder so I wouldn't have to worry about having my body stolen. hopefully...
  7. LOL. The part where he was cussing out the Awoken got me. (this should totally be a voice pack. including the original Dinklebot again >:|! )
  8. Aw yis, kitty!! Congrats on your cat-to-be! 8D I actually just adopted two cats from a shelter: The tabby is a girl, and her shelter name was Rose but I changed it to Rosa. The white one is a boy, and since he's (coincidentally) all white with a patch of yellow on his head, I decided to name him Cecil. (A double Final Fantasy IV reference, in case anyone's unfamiliar with it.) From my experience, I actually found that male cats are a lot more aloof while females are more cuddly and affectionate, but it could depend on the breed. I've only owned domestic shorthairs, so I can't speak for others. As for a name, I think all the ones you mentioned are great! I might lean towards Makoto, though, it's pretty! But if he does come out with pretty blue eyes, Sora seems fitting, too.
  9. Bayonetta. For the life of me I canNOT understand why it's so popular?? It's a watered down Devil May Cry starring a hypersexualized chick whose battle moves are ridiculous and nothing but further fanservice. The cutscenes are embarrassingly cheesy and the plot is just ???. Very rarely do I give up on a game, but I stopped only a few chapters in and never went back. Resident Evil Outbreak. I am a HUGE fan of the RE series, but as many times as I've tried, I can't get into Outbreak. Stupid and useless AI, a terrible item system, zero instructions as to where you're meant to go, and a "live" menu system even when you're offline (also, online play is terrible). Assassin's Creed Revelations. There were some parts I liked, but this was the game that officially killed my dwindling interest in the series (it took me that long to realize that the gameplay will never change, Ubisoft doesn't care to fix all the glitches, and the plot is a convoluted, make-it-up-as-we-go mess). Marvel vs. Capcom 3. Strong cast, awesome graphics and GREAT promise, but the patches broke the gameplay, the Street Fighter characters were obviously favored and horribly overpowered, there was zero story compared to what the trailers advertised, what little story it did have was often VERY out-of-character, and the team's greedy, please-buy-all-our-DLC-and-Better-Versions tactic ruined my impression of the series for good. And I'm not saying this is a bad game, but Monster Hunter. Any Monster Hunter. I always try the demos and I lose interest at about the same time that I realize I have no idea what I'm doing despite the (useless) tutorials. It's sad, though, because it looks like such a good series and I want to get into it.
  10. Xehanort! I still want to punch him in the teeth, but he's a great villain with a level of complexity that most endgame villains lack.
  11. I'm probably the odd one out in hoping that he'll get "redeemed" in the end -- quotes necessary because while he might not turn around and become an active good guy, I'd like for him to take his failed plans in stride and kind of fade to the back as a neutral character. Kind of a "welp, there went that plan, I really have nothing else to live for so I'm just gonna chill and live out the rest of my days" thing. How would that even happen? No idea, but Sora's capable of anything, really. Time for a shounen hero speech!
  12. I feel like the fact that most people here don't know the show really shows my age. X'D But my thoughts are along the lines of KH YOU BETTER PUT IT IN THERE IN A FUTURE GAME
  13. If it's fake, all right. If it's legit, all right. That thing's a bit ugly, yeah, but I haven't seen nearly enough to make a judgment call. I wonder why there's always this "IS NINTENDO SERIOUSSSSSSSSSSSS" bandwagon that the world loves to bring up every time a new console comes out.
  14. and to your left, you'll see the Resident Evil fandom pitching a fit once again because no one knows the difference between "port" and "remaster"

    1. Gamerazor247


      I mean, everyone IS butthurt about Street Fighter V, but when Resident Evil HD and DMC4 came out, everyone started praising Capcom like, "OMG they're giving us what we wanted, aw yeaahhh!!"

    2. ladydualwieldin


      ah, yes, I do recall that wave. and it only got worse with the announcement of the RE2 remake, which will be interesting to see the haters and fanboys tear each other apart over.

    3. Gamerazor247


      Definitely, lol

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  16. Perfect LW in the background makes it even more hilarious.
  17. Personally, I think this is another case of Square Enix pulling some voice actors together just to record a trailer -- I still need a lot more convincing before I believe that actual voice-acting is being done for the full game, although I admit I can't rule it out. Either way, this is all just getting me hyped for a BIG kh3 trailer at E3 this year. PLEASE DELIVER
  18. I crochet, actually! But I'll recommend those to my sister, who's looking into plush-making. Thanks!
  19. $50, plus overseas shipping... ...all right, nope, time to buckle down and make my own Chirithy plushie. :'| This is my next project.
  20. He did, actually: According to Bill, since he was done recording, he figured the game would be released relatively soon. His previous Tweet said so, and he seems to reinforce that in this interview.
  21. We know that Square Enix stays very tight-lipped on its proceedings, even when dealing with the voice actors (see Ben Diskin's comments on the last E3 trailer, when the KH team wouldn't tell him what he was recording for or even that he was supposed to be doing a "younger" young Xehanort; they only told him to copy the Japanese VA's voice. They didn't let any details slip.). Chances are very high that they haven't confirmed or denied what Mr. Farmer was recording for at the time; if he's positive that it wasn't for any of the "side" games, it could have been just for any KH3 trailers that are due out this year. Also gonna mention that within the last year, Nomura made the remark that he’s still not sure how he’s going to do the ending for KH3; I find it unlikely that since then he’s come up with the idea, had the team do the storyboard, the script, had both cleaned up to the final stages, and brought in the VAs to do the recordings, least of all the English VAs. LONG STORY SHORT, I sincerely doubt Bill Farmer's really done recording. No offense to him, but VA opinions have not been the most reliable things in history.
  22. Terra. The way he struggles with his own identity versus what others think/expect of him is a very human quality, and one that I totally get on a personal level.
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