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Everything posted by ladydualwieldin

  1. I wasn't aware that there was hate already, but I'm not surprised. I agree with some of what was said above, it's either "weh another side game just release kh3 already" or "ew dream drop distance" or both. I'm betting those who complain the loudest and/or refuse to play it will be the same ones complaining when there's no KH3 demo later -- because 0.2 is the KH3 demo. Nomura said as much.
  2. Considering how much they've built themselves up lately, I think they're pretty obligated to show some KH3, even if it's something as simple as the full Xehanort and Eraqus scene (which I would love) or past scenes now dubbed in English (which I would REALLY love, and would make a lot of sense given all the KH actors who have reportedly worked "on KH3" lately). Not expecting a release window yet, but we can dream. KH2.8 should definitely be there, considering it's been relatively obscure so far.
  3. My party and I were laughing about this last night. The level jumps are indeed crazy and hilarious. If there's one bit of advice I'd offer, it's to not bother with spending your avatar coins every time you level up; wait until after crunch hour is over (since AP/Keyblade cost/HP really don't help you in raid bossfights, at least not in this situation, unless you need the extra cost for a 6-star medal you've been hoarding or something). My usual bossfight pattern is to run mission 57 to max out my Keyblade AP and then do the event mission to get the raid boss, but during crunch hour you don't really need to worry about your Keyblade AP (since you level up so quickly anyway and constantly get your mission AP back, so it doesn't really matter if you're short on Keyblade AP and die multiple times. Just whack the thing for as long as you need. )
  4. Judy's is a 6-star medal with 5001 strength and 5026 defense to start off with; she raises your strength for one tier (like Aerith) and is 3SP (as opposed to Aerith's 2SP). She's also an area attack with 1.4 damage. If you're someone who spends jewels frequently, it might not be worth the buy; but I had more jewels than I really needed at the moment (I've been hoarding them for Reasons) and I'm a big Zootopia fan, so it was worth it to me.
  5. Hmm... I wonder if they nerfed Nick and Judy because NA is getting them a lot earlier in the story compared to JP? As in, they didn't want us to have more of an advantage at 250 missions than Japan did... so maybe we'll see a boost in later medals (compared to their original JP stats) to make up for it. ...Either way, I love Zootopia and I've been sitting on my horde of jewels as I wait for BBS medals to drop, so I went ahead and bought the Judy board. If you're a big Zootopia fan, you have the jewels to spare, and/or you have trouble getting an Aerith medal, I don't think it's a bad deal. The costume is so cute and her tail actually twitches
  6. I'm pleasantly surprised that Square is moving against KHUX hackers :O every other game with that problem just lets it slide

  7. ...I was gonna vote Advent Children by default, but then I remembered how badly it screwed up Reno's character. : But the movie's not bad, sooo I'll just refrain from voting to be fair.
  8. North Carolina. South Carolina. Virginia. Tennessee. Any of these. Just anywhere around North Carolina tbh
  9. I'm in the south myself, but if anything ever comes that far down it's usually in Atlanta, which is still a ways further than I'd like to go. But! Distant Worlds finally expanded to a lot more states, so hopefully this will too! And niiiice, I hope you get to go!
  10. *(im)patiently waits to see if they ever acknowledge any US states besides CA and NY* ok but seriously though this is great news 8D
  11. ^this! I've already decided that I'll stop looking at news and trailers after a point to try and keep all the surprises fresh. Plus we have KHUX and the 2.8 to keep us preoccupied, so we have all the more reason to be chill in the meantime.
  12. A delay would mean that the team is doing everything it can to make sure the game's as perfect as it can be. So... it would disappointing, but at the same time it'd be a nice sign of faith on team's part. In short, I'd just Deal With It like always, lol.
  13. As a party leader myself, I can testify that openings fill up very quickly when we get them. Personally speaking, I don't look at stats when choosing members; I usually just add whoever requested to join first. (but my party is pretty chill, we don't have level or stat requirements, so I might be among the minority leaders here) It could just be that you applied a little too late and the slots filled up.
  14. ngl the biggest laugh I got was at that first one calling Ven a yandere, omg
  15. This is 2016 and companies still can't find a way around leaderboard hackers? : Ah, well. Like any other game, I don't play it for the leaderboard scores, anyway. Also, are the lux scores cumulative? if it is, that stinks, because players just desert to Vulp and Uni for the high scores and now the other three will never catch up ffff. but again, it doesn't really matter at the end of the day, so meh.
  16. THANK YOU. I agree that it's not good to have blind faith in the team, because that will inevitably result in disappointment, and everyone's entitled to think what they want, but the other end of the spectrum is just as bad (if not worse). Instead of arguing about doubts and misgivings that we can't possibly justify at the moment, do something more productive. Replay the series again, or at least your favorite game. Make more good memories instead of tearing yourself up over a huge unknown variable. Now, see, I'm gonna get Scriptural on y'all before I go: "Can any of you add a single hour to the length of your life by worrying?" -Matthew 6:27 Or, in our case, can any of you add to the quality of a game by complaining? No. So chiiiill
  17. Echoing the sentiment that I love the Osaka team! BBS is my favorite game, DDD is great as well, and tbh I was never a big fan of the combat in KH1 and KH2, so I was very glad to hear they're handling KH3. What we've seen of KH3 so far looks amazing, so I don't doubt that the team's only managed to improve on their previous successes. we shall see in the 2.8!
  18. I almost want to switch TO Ursus just so the poor guy gets more love

    1. KingdomHearts3


      Well look, it's fine to feel bad for the underdog. Actually, don't feel bad, cheer them on! Victory taken by the underdog is much better than the expected winner. I as an NFL fan have seen the underdog pull the upset many times. It's much better than watching the expected team win. This is how you don't feel tempted to switch unions. If you have no regrets as part of Anguis, then remain there. You may actually end up regretting switching to Ursus. Saying you had no regret...

    2. KingdomHearts3


      ...choosing Anguis means your heart chose for you and you followed it.

    3. ladydualwieldin


      that's a good (and very KH) way of putting it! thanks for that, I'll definitely continue to give Ursus my moral support :'D

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  19. False! A friend of mine switched over to Anguis and joined my party in the same day. :> So I can testify it isn't true.
  20. Nickname? Lady Player ID? 7835 What level are you? 31 Why did you join the Anguis union? because Aqua. and SNAKES. and I wanted one of the less popular Unions because I'm a wannabe hipster I guess Are you a member of a party? Yes! I started one called the Aqua Moccasins. We're currently #33 on the leaderboard and we're open if you're looking for a chill party! FULL! I'll update when we get openings! What is your favorite medal? Young Hercules
  21. it's funny how X tells you NOTHING about the Unions when it asks you to pick one. you'd think it would offer a little incentive for each one

    1. Felixx


      Yeah I thought the same xD Not a single word.

    2. ladydualwieldin


      I wonder how much harder the choice would be if they didn't have animal symbols, lol. "pick a color!!"

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