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The Deathdealer

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Everything posted by The Deathdealer

  1. I don't care when the game comes out I just want Square Enix and Disney to port it to PC, what does it look like I want to spend close to 5000 dollars on computer upgrades to make my PC 4K Gaming Ultra poweful and stuff in Q4 of 2016 to play Kingdom Hearts 3 along with games like Final Fantasy XV and Final Fantasy VII Remake on a machine that can barely handle 1080p and the other barely being able to handle 900p, and God knows that framerate ain't staying at a lock 30FPS, I'd rather Square Enix take advantage of Unreal Engine, DX12, Vulkan, and GPUOpen by releasing it on Steam, don't gimp it like Tales of Symphonia, I want to run Kingdom Hearts 3 at at least 60 frames per second, and at resolution in 1440p or 4K and being able to use CrossFire and SLI. Look I don't exactly hate consoles, but I like the option to be able to play a possibly great game such as Kingdom Hearts 3 on a platform that can really make it shine on a technical level.
  2. The only way it will be a strong showing for me if it's announced for the PC, anything else is useless, I know the game is going to be great, but I would rather play it on a great system IE. an AMD Zen based rig with a AMD Polaris Graphics card. Or at least a GTX 970M with a i7-6700HQ
  3. Oh those licensing issues can be fixed, I mean kH3 is going to be digital anyway if that is the problem.
  4. It's good that Disney owns the property they are the ones that are pretty good at porting stuff to PC, maybe Kingdom Hearts will be part of their catalog of Disney games coming to Steam
  5. I'm really looking forward to Final Fantasy XV and Final Fantasy XV because they are the most likely when it comes to coming to PC, but Kingdom Hearts was one of my first introductions to Square Enix titles and KH2 is my favorite one tied with FF7.
  6. If you have a laptop, get a Desktop, BUILD IT get a AMD Polaris 11 GPU or a NVIDIA Pascal GP100 GET A I7 5820k or an AMD FX ZEN 6 CORE CPU.AS WELL AS 16GB OF DDR4 RAM, GET A NZXT PHANTOM 630, NZXT H440, or Cooler Master Storm Stryker, get a Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO CPU cooler or else you will cook it, get a 1000W power supply, and a DVD drive.Get a mouse and keyboard(gaming or ergonomic)Oh and get a ASUS 1440P monitor
  7. Also for advice get more games on Steam, I mean seriously 5 games, come on man, I though you would have like 300 games on Steam or something. Also add me on Steam, look I may not the Bucky to your Captain America, in fact i'd say I'm more like Tony Stark to your Cap pre Civil War, more like Avengers Age of Ultron or maybe Deadpool to your Spider-Man no not in the Yaoi kind of way, but hey at least I'm not the Zod to your Superman, I mean do you know how many problems that shit caused I mean metropolis almost turned into a wasteland, and it caused Ben Affleck to want to kick Superman's ass, not to mention the amount of property damages that fight caused, I mean that shit ain't cheap how on earth is he going to pay for all of that on a daily planet budget, shooting off that heat vision as if a Steel Beam is worth a slurpy at 7-eleven, he didn't even pay for the destruction of the 7-eleven, what if I was working there huh, then I get a call from my boss that I can't go to work because of some alien? Errrr...... I'd be pissed I tell yah
  8. Well KH13, just got a whole lot smaller than it already is, man as Xehanort said this world is just too small, this group is just too small. So why exactly are you leaving so soon man?
  9. I hope this game is very good, I mean, I'm putting that $hit on PC, and if it's bad then damn, that would suck spending Max 5500 CAD dollars on upgrades man that I will use for like 10 years or so, this game has to be very good, rather not play trash, and 4K trash is still trash.
  10. To me it doesn't matter when they do it, I mean it's not like it's impossible for them to fix the licensing issues it's just a matter of when they do and when they port it.
  11. Good now Square Enix Bring Kingdom Hearts 1.5, 2.5, 2.8, 3, Final Fantasy VII Remake to the PC
  12. No because the Luminous Engine was posing rendering issues, if they kept with the Engine KH3 wouldn't come out until 2019, and more importantly(for me at least) would decrease it's chancing of coming to the PC and Nintendo NX
  13. I'm afraid of the possiblity of it not coming to PC 30fps ew *shudders*
  14. 1. Is Square Enix considering releasing it on PC 2. Is it releasing on PC 3. When will it release on PC 4. Will it have similar options to the PC port of Lightning Returns Final FANTASY XIII 5. Will it have 4K support when it comes to PC
  15. Off-Topic, I would really love it if you were in the 2017 solo Spider-Man movie, as an assassin hired by Norman Osborn to hunt down teenage Spider-Man for his blood, maybe have a battle with him, so you can get the blood sample then you obtain it, and deliver it to Oscorp, so that Norman Osborn in the next movie can become the Green Goblin(not the HUlk-like one, like the Spectatcular Spider-Man version)
  16. More like a deal would have to be made for the songs, or already is made, also what exclusivity contract, because if there is one not that one was ever confirmed, it doesn't encompass PC, since FFX/FFX-2 is coming to Steam. Also no plans don't mean won't happen, FF TYPE-0 HD, Lightning RETURNS PC had no plans of coming to PC, yet here we are.
  17. I'm very happy immigrants are coming to my country(Canada), I like to get to know new cultures)
  18. They also never said it won't happen, in fact they said they were willing to explore that, if for some appalling reason it couldn't happen they would have said it point blank it couldn't happen or it won't happen at all. http://ca.ign.com/articles/2014/12/02/first-kingdom-hearts-games-could-still-hit-ps4-and-xbox-one
  19. the PS4 has the same policies as the Xbox One in regards to digital, so if it can't happen on XBox One, it can't on PS4 either Both the PS4, and Xbox One have the Vita policies same day digital, all physical games will release on PSN
  20. The final battle is the 13 darknesses and 7 lights, he is the leader of the darknesses, and he is the one that caused all the events of KH to occur he was definitely set up as the final and main villian.
  21. What do you mean? 1. Everything is set up so that Xehanort is the final villian, him being the final boss in BBS is more of an introduction to what happened in the beginning before KH1 him being the final boss, will be closure because of how much he screwed with everyone's lives, as a heartless, a nobody, and a somebody
  22. Speculation is fun, very fun my friend, it's not about the point of thinking, but it's fun to ponder, and try to predict their moves.
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