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The Deathdealer

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Everything posted by The Deathdealer

  1. You know it would be great if Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts 3 were on the PC

    1. smellslikejavier


      @Casper there's no game at 900p on PS4, they're all at 1080p and 30/60fps. Funny to see a pathetic PC fanboy being unhappy at how everyone is enjoying their games on PS4 while he has to wait years for them to come to PC and/or not come at all.

    2. The Deathdealer

      The Deathdealer

      FFXV is 900p, Watchdogs is 900p.

    3. The Deathdealer

      The Deathdealer


      1. The Steam survey is not optional so we don't know the sample size.

      2. Laptops are included in that survey which means people who have several laptops sku the results.

      3. You also have to look at the data of people with multiple monitors, the 34 percent is only single monitors

      4. Resolution doesn't indicate performance, and that survey you are quoting is roughly 1-2 years old, PC parts get cheaper in time. Now about the resolution one games at doesn't...

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  2. They still want to try and breath life into that dying system somehow.
  3. Its because they want to broaden the audience for Kingdom Hearts games like FInal Fantasy don't be suprised if they release the games on PC as well.
  4. Can't wait for Marvel to get the movie rights back to The Fantastic Four.
  5. Guns don't kill people, people kill people video games don't kill people, people kill people. In fact you know what we should surrender our guns cuz you know guns cause violence, or you know what alcohol yeah that really causes violences.
  6. 2016 is going to be an awesome year Captain America Civil War Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice Suicide Squad Dr.Strange AMD Zen New HBM2 GPUs from AMD and NVIDIA Final Fantasy XV hopefully like FF Type-0 HD it comes to PC a few months after the console version even though in the same week would be good to avoid SPOILERS. I mean have you see this framerate FFXV NEEDS to be a on PC I mean especially with the new stuff coming out you know more powerful hardware to make this game run at it fullest potiential
  7. My 2016 specs are going to be amazing CPU: AMD FX Zen 8 to 16 Core CPU GPU: AMD Greenland or NVIDIA Pascal(both have HBM2) in SLI/CrossFireX Motherboard: AM4 socket DDR4 RAM: 64GB of DDR4 PSU: 1500W PSU and two 8 terabyte hard drives yeah I'm going balls to the walls for Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts III I want those games on my computer at 4-8K Textures my friends the PS4 and Xbox One can barely handle FFXV now.
  8. The only think I care about is Kingdom Hearts games coming to PC( like Kingdom Hearts 3), Oh and I want Final Fantasy XV coming to PC PC as in Personal computer but you guys know that I mean I'm not building a close to 7000 dollar gaming rig( that should last me for about 7 years) just to play FFXV and KH3 at 30fps and at 900p oh hell no 4K at 60FPS or no sale.
  9. I just hope one day we can go back to a time where video games were just innocent fun that didn't have this political scretwny under them and PC nonsense where we are trying to equalize everything as if video games especially single player games need it FOR AN MMO sure have equality. Also have the gameplay like KHII
  10. Good an in 2016 that will be even better I'll be prepping the Black Blade of The Zen Mayan Gardans: Bleeding Edge( My 2016 Computer Upgrades, The full name of my Gaming PC( Yeah I named my complete gaming PC what of it) AMD Arctic Islands or NVIDIA Pascal(HBM2 GPUs)( Two-Quad SLI/CrossFireX)( 2 or 4 Graphics Cards in one system) New AM4 Motherboard(Quad SLI support, DDR4 RAM SUPPORT(64GB MAX CAPACITY) 64GB of DDR4-2133MHZ RAM AMD Zen CPU( 8 cores or 16 cores) 17 Terabytes of Hard Drive space 1500w Power Supply Logitech K800 Wireless Keyboard Logitech G602 Wireless Mouse 4K TV 40-49 inches I hope its enough to run FFXV at 4K 60FPS
  11. I'm fine with it but only if its Tetsuya Nomura's vision not our requests or people will start asking for WE WANT more trans characters. Their are more male characters because that is simply how he envisioned it and if he invisioned his main character to be a straight white male I don't have a problem with it and I don't want him to add characters for the sake of balancing out.
  12. Listen as a Black Male I could care less if KH has represents me games aren't meant for that especially KH, I don't want them to add a character for representation sake, all I want are good characters their sex, their race, their gender, shouldn't matter as I never even in my entire gaming life have though I should be represented in a game. To me I am perfectly fine with just Aqua and Xion, but a KH mmo with the game play style of KH2 wouldn't go amiss you know just KH X except better.
  13. Ok this game coming to the Xbox One won't hurt the PS4 version in anyway hell this game will even come to the PC, and if Tetsuya Nomura and Square Enix are fine with putting it on the Xbox One then what is with all the hubbub let me tell anyone who thinks it will hold back the PS4 version THE PS4s GPU isn't that much more powerful than the Xbox One GPU its more powerful, but not Sega Genesis to NES more power. ITS LIKE THIS THEY CAN BOTH RUN THE EXACT SAME GRAPHICS, BUT THE PS4 WILL RUN IT AT A HIGHER RESOLUTION, AND FRAME RATE JUST LIKE A PC THAT IS MORE POWERFUL THAN A PC THAT IS WEAKER THEY WILL GET THE SAME GRAPHICS, BUT IT WON'T RUN AT THE SAME RESOLUTION OR FRAMERATE, also even if it was a PS4 exclusive its not like they won't be able to push the settings to what the PS4 can handle, both the Xbox One and PS4 are x86 and are easy to max out and port between the two all they have to do is litterally release the PS4 version then port the code from the PS4 version do small tweaks like turn down the resolution, change the button prompts, the whole making it usable for the Xbox One part is done by DX12. You do know the FFXV is a open world game, That is not linear, THAT WILL NOT LOOK AS GOOD AS a sony exclusive regardless ok let me ask you this do you honestly think that if the game being a PlayStation 4 exclusive, consider this the game is being made on a high end PC made at its fullest then being ported to the Xbox One and PlayStation 4, also this isn't the PS3 era of gaming where a game has to be exclusive to take full advantage of the hardware, they are both x86 and FFXV is maxing them out. Square Enix knew what vision they wanted and it just so happened that the vision could work on the Xbox One and its obvious they don't care about parity because guess what THE XBOX ONE VERSION OF THE GAME RUNS AT sub-800p while the PS4 runs at 900p and has a better framerate.
  14. people who have played the duscae demo has said it was great, but needs some improvement duscae 2.0 looks to be an improvement can't wait for a PC version though
  15. Good now all that Steam needs is Kingdom Hearts 3 This just cements that FFXV is going to be on PC so it doesn't need mentioning well better starting saving on the PC Upgrades
  16. YES like 89% percent possible now let me list the reasons why. 1. Only 1/3 of Square Enix's games sell digitally. http://www.siliconera.com/2014/11/21/one-third-square-enixs-console-game-revenue-comes-download-sales/ 2. With Kingdom Hearts III being on the Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 it will have a digital release as MS and Sony have the same policies on same day digital which means http://xboxonedaily.com/2013/06/all-xbox-one-games-will-have-same-day-digital-releases/ "While digital downloads are nothing new in the world of gaming, the Xbox One is changing the way Xbox Live offers games to consumers. Every disc-based Xbox One game will have a digital purchase option from Xbox Live at launch, Microsoft confirmed yesterday." 3. In response to this Square Enix has announced that they will be focusing on increasing their download sales, on places like STEAM, AMAZON, and other mainly download store fronts, and considering the weird crap that has happened like the Xbox One digital copies of Far Cry 4 being unplayable when delisted from the store and the lackluster amount of digital sales on a console physical will be the driving force a console for a long period of time. http://www.maxconsole.com/maxcon_forums/threads/286476-Digital-copies-of-Far-Cry-4-rendered-unplayable-on-Xbox-One http://www.siliconera.com/2014/12/19/square-enix-will-focus-increasing-download-sales-via-steam-platforms/ 4. As we all know Square Enix is interested with putting their games on the PC hell thats why they are attending the PC Gaming E3 Show sponsored by PC Gamer, AMD, and Microsoft, but did you know that Disney also released a crap ton of games on the PC. They have added so far 21 http://kotaku.com/disney-adds-21-games-to-steam-heres-whats-worth-playin-1643050057. 5. Tetsuya Nomura has expressed interest http://www.dualshockers.com/2013/06/11/e3-2013-final-fantasy-xv-and-kingdom-hearts-iii-pc-version-hinted-by-tetsuya-nomura/ "Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts III Director Tetsuya Nomura just dropped a bomb at the end of his interview on the Square Enix Presents E3 livestream. When asked by the interviewer for a confirmation on the release of the two games on PS4 and Xbox One, he was quick to point out: Yes, Correct, but again DirectX 11 is the tool that we’re using and whichever hardware which has a compatibility with that tool, we can keep it consideration. That’s a pretty obvious hint to the possibility of a PC release for the two upcoming Square Enix flagship titles, especially considering that PC is the only remaining platform capable of supporting DirectX 11. It’s also interesting that Nomura-san wasn’t directly asked about other platforms by the interviewer, but touched the topic on its own initiative. Kingdom Hearts III is being made in Unreal Engine 4 which would mean an easy port to the PC http://www.technobuffalo.com/2014/10/07/kingdom-hearts-iii-now-running-on-unreal-engine-4/ 6. There are most PC gamers than console gamers considering that the total amount of consoles sold is barely 1/3 of the ammount of PC sold and considering how cheap it is to upgrade now adays most PC gamers would at least have GTX 750 Ti or a GTX 960 and even if the majority don't have a PC thats more powerful than a PS4(even though thats most likely false now it would still be a large chunk worth investing and considering SE thought that both FFXIII and FFXIII-2 and the other FF games sold well enough they decided to port more over ie. FF TYPE-0 HD PC.
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