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HMK last won the day on April 11 2019

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About HMK

  • Birthday November 22

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  1. Hey there! Thanks for the support! I've never REALLY been one to get into MMOS, VERY Time consuming but if a KH MMO or Crossover were to happen. YOU KNOW THEY GOT ME ROLLING INTO TOWN! HA! HEY GUYS! I Gotta roll now! Thanks SO MUCH for coming! AND BIG THANKS to KH13 For inviting me for an AMA here! See you on the channels!
  2. OH HERE WE GO! Roxas is my FAVORITE character in Kingdom Hearts Not just for his story, (which you hit the nail on the coffin) but also the facts that not only is he one of the most powerful characters int he series, and still as of now, the 1st Dual Keyblade Wielder, but his entire existence is a beautiful Fallacy that sets himself apart from Sora in the best way. He was born as the COMPLETE IDEA of a Nobody but evolved into the most Human character in the entire series, if that isn't poetry in motion I don't know what is.
  3. Event wise? EASILY the Kingdom Hearts 3 Premiere, the Union X Event is a CLOSE 2nd Favorite memory from playing the games... I think it was just the realization upon playing the First game that not this series had a crazy good message, but the FACT THAT DISNEY AND SQUARE MADE IT WORK OMEGA CANON, it's been Canon since 2! Remember Roxas said "OH YEA! You're that Girl he likes!" Roxas feels what Sora felt. Oh Dope! Street Fighter, Marvel Vs. Capcom, SOUL CALIBUR, Dragon Ball FighterZ, Tech Romancer.
  4. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No, It was just fine and Sticker Star deserves it's place in the depths Can't really pin down a favorite but I think one of my favorites would have to be the first time I actually streamed AS a Partner and the support that came from that first stream was insane!
  5. Hey Rax! I definitely see that Kingdom Hearts News COULD dry up at a point, but With the success of KH3 and With Disney's powerhouse looming over Square, that may not be the case going forward! I've already teased that I'm going to be diving more into Yugioh Content! Also various videos on a specific game, going forward is gonna be a lot of experiments! LOL and not Really? It was more morbidly Ironic given how long he was sleeping but at the same time helps drive home the fact that he is finally awake. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH LOL I've only had this happen VERY RARELY but I think it was the time Square Enix President Matsuda indirectly mentioned my in a Famitsu Article citing my "THANK YOU" Moment back in E3 2015
  6. Not really, part of me I guess always expect how the story would flow when considering everything the game has to cover and what it is set to accomplish and focus on. Also I DO have a gamble Deck! LOL I run a Tempest Magicia-Magical Explosion Deck!
  7. LOL I feel you! But honestly I think since they got the new system, engine, and models down-packed we aren't going to wait TOO long for the next titles! What I truly expect is for the next game to be NON-Numbered and a bridge game to get Sora back, Focusing completely on that. And once he is back, Kingdom Hearts 4 will truly follow It really depends on the aspect and how you approach the discussion using that aspect. Comparing wildly different things to push and off-point goes against logic
  8. Was told about it, Checked out, YIKES, Dipped. Not for me
  9. Hmmmm it really depends, I've got a bunch of avenues open for me thanks to what I know in Marketing, Writing, and Editing, so it's really a cross the bridge when we get there type deal. My passion is already and always into Entertainment and Public Speaking.
  10. Thanks! She appreciates the love! We actually do plan on making some more videos and streams together, probably leaning towards the more Vlog Variety! ESPECIALLY when we go to Japan at the end of the month!
  11. Damage in Kingdom Hearts 3 is indeed out of wack, but I do believe it was because of their "Reason" to appeal to a wider variety of an audience with Kingdom Hearts 3, so it would be less.....Intimidating? Leaderboards, Co-op I really don't see happening for Kingdom Hearts....MAYBE for Classic Kingdom down the line. But Mirage Arena COULD happen.... you never know, it IS Osaka after all!
  12. I REALLY need to thank my parents! LOL I'm actually told my various barbers that, "DARLING! you are lucky to have this nice of hair, LET ME TELL YOU! LOL
  13. Hey Toom! LOL My First Video actually was a Yu-Gi-Oh Deckbuild....PSSSSSSSSSSSSST if you like Yu-Gi-Oh BE ON THE LOOK TOMORROW! So yea that really hits home to my heart but I think that the one that REALLY comes the closest to a Video that really continued to resonate with me was my FIRST EVER Kingdom Hearts Video which was my Top 10 Kingdom Hearts Characters, It was released a LONG time ago during a time in YouTube where if a certain video with a similar naming convention as other existing videos gets the most views it would be known as the "OFFICIAL" Video, and funny enough it got a LOT of views back then and earned that Official tag. I was really happy with that and I plan on Remaking that video as I will wit others down the line
  14. Well the thing is, I no as much as the next person following all this about Critical Mode for Kingdom Hearts 3. What I CAN tell you is what I would like from it! Challenging is of course the main NEED, but what I really want from Critical Mode is for it to force me to play and approach the game differently like I did with Proud Mode. I felt pretty safe throughout the game so for starters I want that taken away from me. Plus I would love for Situation Commands to run on a new system that deplete your MP if you decided to use it (Grand Magic, Team Limits, Attractions etc.) for better resource management. From what I'm hearing about it with Tai Yasue I'm confident that this will be a great Critical Mode, AND IT'S GONNA BE FREE!
  15. Hey Everyone! HMK Here! I've been asked to appear here for an AMA by the good people at KH13! I'm a Content Creator on YouTube, Twitch, Twitter, Facebook and more that specializes a great deal to Kingdom Hearts! I also delve in Zelda, Super Smash Bros, Nintendo and more! I'm here so you can ASK ME ANYTHING! Well, almost anything! Remember to keep things civil and appropriate and lets have a HYPED TIME! You can check out my channels here! https://www.youtube.com/user/HMK9CAPN https://www.Twitch.tv/HMKilla Be sure to follow me on Twitter as well! @HMKilla https://twitter.com/HMKilla Here are some videos on Kingdom Hearts I'm particularly proud of! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0EtAVYCG8g&t https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SI54oBIcjlY&t https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jI-5NxKoBR0&t
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