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Everything posted by matteso586

  1. Here are my predictions for what certain hallucinations might say to whomever he/she is most connected too. "As much as I like to see this idiot crush you three idiots, I can't let that happen! I'm inside of you! I don't know why yet. The thing is, if you go, I go." Vanitas to Sora. If he, Donald, and Goofy run into Pete before a boss fight. "I should advice you not to tell HER about me. If you think she could be an ally, you're wrong. She'll electrocute us if she knows that I'm inside of you. She really hates me." Namine to Kairi. If she runs into Larxene's original self. That blonde Nobody was in an "extremely foul mood" over Namine leaving the room she and Axel were in. Heck, she probably doesn't know that Namine joined with Kairi yet. "I really like this kid's backstory. He even tried to punish some guy that done him wrong. You really need to step up Sora." Vanitas to Sora. We all remember what Hiro did after learning Yokai's true identity. "If you're starting to consider thinking that your trust in Lea is misplaced, you're just letting HIS words get to you." Roxas to Sora. If Vanitas keeps bringing up the fact that Axel got Kairi kidnapped in the first place. Actions speak louder than words after all. "If you're starting to think that your trust in Lea is misplaced, you're agreeing with me." Vanitas to Sora. In response to above. "You have been improving since your time in the Realm of Sleep. Remember how you fully didn't learn about me until Riku told you? No offense, but I asked myself if you not catching on was someone's idea of a joke." Roxas to Sora. If it comes to character development. "This King Candy is capable of changing memories. He better not do it to change personalities, I know how that works." Namine to Kairi. If the world of Wreck-It Ralph appears in the game. And if Kairi was present when Ralph interrogated Sour Bill. That's all I can think of.
  2. I picked Kairi. If she becomes playable, the game might have to give her a new design. Perhaps a longer skirt for starters. Her gameplay would be more based on stealth, since she's less experienced. She might call herself an idiot for trying to take on a group of larger enemies on her own. Story wise, Kairi might experience some illusions of Namine. She might give her some hints on how to progress (like the Cheshire Cat in American McGee's Alice). And in some instances, Namine would pop up out of nowhere if you rotate the camera to where she is now. For example, in a mirror, you only see Kairi. But shortly afterwards, said mirror will have Namine talking to her instead.
  3. Since nobody seems to have anything to say, guess I'll have to rename the thread. Just to make the topic more sense.
  4. First off, yeah, I forgot about that bit with Xemnas. That was on me. Secondly, I never said that Sora could become an overly-logical and analyzing person. Speaking of Xemnas by the way, I wonder who would most likely question Sora's trust in Lea. I assumed that was Roxas talking, but I could be wrong.
  5. Headphone Jack: Might I remind you that Sora unknowingly called himself an idiot when he, Donald, and Goofy first see the Underdome? Hero of Light XIV: As for Sora's trusting nature. Someone is going to call him out for that. Maybe a returning character would ask him if Sora is sure he can TRUST Lea. Remember what he (as Axel) did to Kairi?
  6. I think that the new outfit is supposed to be a sign of character development. Try not to forget that the franchise is made by Japanese people. And in Japanese tradition, fictional characters shorten their hair, change their hair style, or their appearance. Only when they undergo development in character. Not to mention that there are rumors that Sora will be at least a bit more mature in KH3. Besides, Sora bases what happened on what others say, and rarely tries to understand things for himself. Also he has been overly trusting, and needed a reminder most of the time. And they are no different from the following. Kairi's heart being inside of him (which was never fully explained), when Sora has been seeing her, and hearing her voice during the whole time. At the Deep Jungle tree house, at Merlin's House, and at the First District after returning from Neverland. Not getting that Leon and the gang are just figments of his memory, when Marluxia said that Traverse Town is just an illusion created from his memories. "Namine's good luck charm" would have been the first clue that Sora has been receiving false memories. Seeing that nobody wears the same pants for several years. And that it could have been a reminder IF the memories are real. ... Then again, Sora's memories were being corrupted at the time of his first fight with Larxene. Sora doesn't get the picture that he unlocked the Underdome. After the Battle of a Thousand Heartless, Sora learns about how a slain from the Keyblade releases a captive heart. Which he should have learned by now. Sora doesn't understand who Roxas is exactly, until Riku told him. This shows how easily his memory "sleeps". For a few moments, Sora mistakes some Realm of Sleep residents as the real thing. Most notably, Jiminy, Tron/Rinzler, and Mickey. Speaking of Tron, Sora clearly didn't keep in mind that Space Paranoids is a copy of The Grid. When Sora first entered the sleeping Traverse Town, he instantly puts his trust in Neku and look where it got him. Even Neku pointed out that they only just met. Pretty much of TWTNW, including the Namine illusion. When he's supposed to remember that she joined with Kairi. "I don't get it", "What do you mean", that's mostly all he ever says. Hopefully we'll be hearing less of that in KH3. ... And maybe Hades will say "you still don't get it", if he appears in said game.
  7. I just learned that Double Fine has recently started a kickstarter for a sequel to Psychonauts. Here's a link. https://www.fig.co/campaigns/psychonauts-2 If you don't know what Psychonauts is, I recommend looking it up, watch walkthroughs, or play it yourself.
  8. I think his new outfit just shows that he has become at least slightly more mature. Seeing that in the past, he rarely puts two and two together and instantly puts his trust in complete strangers. Like when he first see's and learns about the Underdome. Thinking that The Grid and Space Paranoids are exactly the same world when it comes to Tron (if I remember correctly). And instantly putting his trust into Neku when they first met, and look where it got him.
  9. Even if the cartoon was finished, wait until Riku see's the real Maleficent. Even the Riku from the games learned that Maleficent isn't trustworthy the hard way.
  10. Maybe with his original self in the present. While Marluxia makes appearances in illusion induced flashbacks. Remember who's inside of Kairi right now. And remember Batman: Arkham Knight.
  11. Since we're on the subject, how much do you want to bet that the credits in DDD will be edited in the HD re-release?
  12. You're supposed to use reality shifts. They help progress the game. And from the upcoming HD re-release, Reality Shifts are going to be harder to accomplish.
  13. For many years, fictional villains are able to sing songs that become well known. Like Be Prepared, This Day Aria, Still Alive, and the latest one on Equestria Girls: Friendship Games. That got me to ask myself. Why do bad guys always get the good songs?
  14. I wouldn't get my hopes up Mr./Mrs. mag77. As for old Paper Mario characters. Lakister, Lady Bow, Jr. Troopa, Doopliss, The Shadow Sirens, Kolorado, a version of Merlon, Kammy Koopa, and maybe Francis.
  15. Which of the old Paper Mario characters do you want to see in Paper Jam?
  16. I bet that Namine would ponder why she doesn't have a keyblade herself. And might bring it up while talking to Kairi.
  17. I know I said this a lot before, but Spencer Ellis Norman's most recent topic inspired me to make this. Because of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M32ojNSew7o, something tells me that the same will happen to Kairi sooner or later. If it does happen, what sort of things would Namine say to her other half? Also, I think Brittany Snow will be the one reprising Namine this time.
  18. What about these? Before being caught by Saix, how did Kairi escape from Axel? Why did it take almost a year for Lea, Dilan, Braig, Isa, and Master Xehanort to be restored. And almost two years for Even, Ienzo, and Aeleus? Where has Namine been during most of KH2? Can The Gullwings be trusted? Because Sora gained much of Roxas' memories in KH3D, should we be worried that Kairi might experience the same thing with Namine's memories?
  19. Do you think Mickey decided to reveal some secrets to Sora, because he brought up seeing the king in a dream of Traverse Town? Also, I bet it involves what he said to Data-Sora before heading to Castle Oblivion. Something about being "there that day".
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