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Everything posted by matteso586

  1. What are the odds that the custom hero will be completely silent, like Classic Sonic?
  2. Oh yeah? What about when he said Ansem SoD is the one who sent Kairi to Destiny Islands, but then it turned out that it was because of a charm Aqua cast on her?
  3. That makes no sense! I'm pretty sure that Sora, Donald, and Goofy were moved to the mansion by the time Roxas arrived at Castle Oblivion. Remember, there was a short cutscene of DiZ and Namine approaching the mansion.
  4. Question 3: But Sora wasn't in Castle Oblivion at the time.
  5. If you've played King's Quest (2015 series), here is what I think what a second season would include. Also, try not to complain or something. Alexander, Rosella, and Gwendolyn being playable characters. The former two only in flashbacks. The premier starting with a retelling of the climax of King's Quest V. To be precise, how Mordack got the scar on his face. But this would be how either Alexander, or Rosella remember it. Like the first season, season 2 would constantly change from past to present. But this time, there are more playable segments set in the present. In case of the reappearance of the Bridge Trolls' meeting place, it's appearance depends on how we last left it in chapter 5. Re-imaginings of King's Quest III, IV, VI, and VII. Although, the first former will be a retelling of the events that lead to Alexander feeding a cat cooky to Mannanan. An answer to the question on if The Merchant is immortal, or not. In Chapter 4, he looked like he hasn't aged a bit. And neither did Mr. Fancycakes, if I remember correctly. Alexander meeting Achaka, The Hobblepots, Wente, Bramble, Amaya, and Neese/Vee at the Realm of the Dead. ... I'm not actually sure if Amaya was alive at the time of KQ6, or not. In case of Cedric making an appearance, he should be voice by either Gilbert Gottfried, or Paul Reubens. To fit with his annoying personality and uselessness. The debut of Wente & Bramble's song, and possibly one of Princess Madeline successors. Maybe an explanation to why Rosella is blonde. That's all I could think of. Now what do you think?
  6. I think more information about Super Mario Odyssey, Sonic Forces, and the Klonoa movie.
  7. I imagine Sora being taking smaller steps (at least a bit) when it comes to strangers. Given his experience with Neku. And for some reason, the first post made me think of Donald commenting Sora's character development like this. "Where HAS this guy been last few games... worth of our lives"?
  8. Didn't the original Final Fantasy 7 have multiple playable characters too? And I don't mean who you have fighting alongside Cloud.
  9. We all know that Master Eraqus will reappear in Kingdom Hearts III. Well, at least in flashbacks. So that brings to question. Should Mark Hamill voice him again, despite Eraqus' younger appearance?
  10. For those of you that played World of Final Fantasy. There are a lot of hints that there might be a sequel. The most interesting one to me is that talk of Anti-Champions in Cloud's Who's Who entry, and one of the intervention missions. Enna Kros creates Champions, so I thought it would make sense if the Anti-Champions were created by some evil sibling. Anyway, onto the OC description. Anti-Enna Kros Anti-Enna Kros, or what the main characters should call her, is the god of darkness. She feeds on chaos, and desires to destroy A worlds, and remake them in her own image. Her sister (or brother, depending on their true forms), Enna Kros however, wouldn't allow it. The latter considered Anti-Enna's thirst for chaos and destruction to be her greatest failure. After reasoning failed, Enna had no choice but to banish Anti-Enna to someplace that is similar to where Brandalis ended up in the true ending. Despite the banishment, Anti-Enna is still able to create Anti-Champions. Those include Sephiroth, Kefka, Caius, and Seymour. After a long time, Anti-Enna has ended up in Grymoire when the Cogna were unleashed. The Exnine Knights should have made sure that nothing else got unleashed into Grymoire. They didn't want any competition. Unfortunatly for Anti-Enna, she was very weak upon entry. All that time during banishment has sapped away her strength. During the Cogna crisis, Anti-Enna was only able to regain 1/3 of her powers. She can only take on the appearance of a Lilikin version of Enna Kros' current form. But with black colored hair and jacket. She'll have to assemble every (if not all) known Grymoirian Anti-Champion to restore her to full strength. Her personnel Mirages are a Kyuubi, and a black colored version of Seraphie. The former wandering around Grymoire (or at least the Icy Ridge) finding it's master. Inspiration for Anti-Enna Kros. Tirek (Friendship is Magic), Kai (Kung Fu Panda 3), and Anti-Pops (Regular Show).
  11. Being thrown into the future made Jack ageless?
  12. World of Final Fantasy II, a sequel to Crystal Bearers, and another FF7 spinoff. The latter because we never got to know if Shelke ever properly reunited with Shauna.
  13. Then the Lilikins won't resemble chibis. And besides, chibis' heads are supposed to be that size.
  14. If the game, World of Final Fantasy gets a sequel, we should have expectations for it. You know, just in case. So I'll go first. Since the Reynn and Lann we've been playing after the final battle (the one in post script) are prismarian clones, there should be emotion to the fact that Hauyn is the last Jiant in Grymoire. The tea girl, Enna Kros, Rikku, Yuna, and maybe Sephiroth having a bigger role. More details to events that lead to the boss fight with Terra. Lilikin versions of Paine, Noctis, Cecil, Wakka, Garnet, Migelo, Serah Farron, Shauna, Vaan, Yeul and Locke. First off, I like to see what happens if two of John DiMaggio's best known voice roles interact. Second, I bet the Lilikin version of Yeul will be more like The Doctor from Doctor Who. And as for Garnet, new Summoners would be nice. More focus on character development, and backstories. Such as the Ultima Gate's creation. Removing the "deal a lot of damage at once" prsimunity. Battle Master Tonberry and Ultima Weapon to see what I mean. New Mirages, obviously. Perhaps including SIn, Orphan, and Dysley's pet bird. Mirages no longer starting at level 1. Anti-Champions having a major role in the plot, as major antagonists. Those (other than Sephiroth) include Kefka, Caius, Seymour, and that sorceress lady from Squall's game. That's all I could think of. So what do you think? And what expectations do you have?
  15. You said you finally beat the game. I just wanted to make sure you know that there's a "post script".
  16. The newest reason behind reverting Sora back to level 1 is no surprise. I'm sure a lot of fans already speculated that Xehanort's deception would've caused that.
  17. Pharoh: You mean I went into the middle of a canyon for nothing?!
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