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Felicia Novita

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Everything posted by Felicia Novita

  1. It seems I have gone for too long from this forum, when I'm back again, I feel that somewhat unfamiliar with the forum, I saw some members that I have ever seen before. Should I do some introduction again? xD

    1. Javelin434


      I guess it would be proper, and it would help gather some of the older members who still remember you! :D

    2. Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      There's a lot of new people recently now that you mention it xD

    3. Felicia Novita

      Felicia Novita

      I see. Maybe I should, thanks for the advice guys! :)

  2. My room, listening to the music. Sometimes, I do hang out with some college friends.
  3. Hmm... I would rather play in normal ways, If in normal ways, I would say that will be hard, even though it's beginner mode (I can't imagine if in standard mode or maybe Critical mode). Besides, in my opinion, playing in normal ways, it's quite challenging
  4. I think : - Rage Awakened (Battle with Lingering Will) - The other promise - Dearly Beloved - Lazy Afternoon - Destiny Islands - Missing You
  5. Thank you. Sometimes I lost my confidence in doing photosession especially for cosplay, since I'm seldom doing any photoshots after I have graduated from my college (at College, I used to be as model for my friends who are photography students). Once again, thank you. I'll keep doing my best for next cosplay (If I have another cosplay project). Is that velma from scooby doo series? Anyway, I found a photo being saved at my Instagram, It's my photo when I had my hair tied. My friend said that I was different with this hair style and I didn't put any make up since I was too lazy to put it that day. (to be honest It's photo from last December when I hadn't had hair cut) :
  6. Hello Guys, long time no see and post here. Finally I got my Kairi Kingdom Hearts II cosplay photos after being retouched especially for backgrounds. Big thanks to my friends, Ady and valerie who took these photos and also Randy Juliant for retouching. Actually I did photosession of Kairi Cosplay and also namine cosplay at night time, but I haven't finished filtering the best ones. So, maybe I'll upload later! Here are the cosplay of Kairi that I had done. I'm sorry if the cosplay are not good ;')
  7. 4 months left to my 1st anniversary at KH13.com! Although I'm not here for some times, but I'm happy that I can be a part or member in this forum.

  8. Hello there, I change my ID from 592482 to 1770505. 592482 is no longer used. And about mine : ID : 1770505 Name : フェリシア Union : Vulpeus
  9. Photosession is done! I have done my best for the best photo. Lot of things that still need to be fixed, and yeah, I hope the results are good.

  10. Good Luck for my photosession tomorrow! Feeling nervous after haven't done any photosession for 3 years.

    1. Felicia Novita

      Felicia Novita

      Oh it's about taking photo of my cosplays. I have made cosplay costumes and properties, but I haven't used it for a while. I and my friend decided to take photo of them (I will use it). And later, I plan to request it as photobook for my friend's catalog.

    2. Veemon


      Ah, so it's like taking a photo as a memory. That sounds like a great idea! Good Luck on tomorrow then! :)

    3. Felicia Novita

      Felicia Novita

      Yup. Since, after this, I can't meet my friend again who will take photo for me, since he will return to his hometown. And also, I will seldom do cosplay due to my job. Thank you anyway, I'll do my best :)

    4. Show next comments  30 more
  11. I'm sorry If I'm late, Merry Christmas 2015 and Happy New Year 2016 to all kh13.com members here. Wish you have a great times this year!

    1. Nick Sideris

      Nick Sideris

      Happy New Year !

    2. Penny


      Happy new year!

  12. Another photo of mine. Thank you to my friend, Randy Juliant Wijaya for taking this photos during an event in my city a week ago. Me as Kairi from Kingdom Hearts II uniform version. I have just cut the red hair, so... I'm sorry if it's not good enough.
  13. Well, I have some KH stuffs to be shared, but idk how I should start it... xD

    1. itsDON


      Cookies? Are they cookies? :)

    2. Felicia Novita

      Felicia Novita

      I'm not sure I understand what you meant, but I think it's not :D

  14. And... the residence environment committe cut my telephone line while they were cutting down some old trees.

    1. Forever


      Oh no!! I'm sorry to hear that, Felicia. :(

    2. Felicia Novita

      Felicia Novita

      it's sad too that I can't call my home and also people who want to call my home. Thankfully, my father has told this issue to the operator, It should be fixed ASAP.

  15. Well, although I'm not big fan of it, I can say it's cool, and I don't mind to play it once it's been released.
  16. Now Watching : Mnet Asia Music Awards 2015 (MAMA 2015)

  17. It seems I have been missing a lot in this forum, I'm sorry, I'm super busy lately with my job. Sometimes I don't have time to do online here. Damn, I do miss this forum, seriously! It seems I also miss a lot. #lol

  18. I have known KH since KH I was being played by my brother, after that I didn't follow any updates of KH (That time I had less interest in KH)...
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