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About SorRik

  • Birthday 05/11/1994

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  1. When the twitter X phenomenon happened yesterday, I saw the Kingdom Hearts community banded together and changed to organization 13 cloaks pfp It was a historical event for us KH fans that they are coming out from their shells of hiding and how they expressed and loved the series and made memes and everyone was having fun! It made me smile and happy that the KH community did something for fun! I joined in too as a KH gamer and fan because it was fun and at the same time having cloaked figures following you or seeing tweets taken over by Organization was more funny hilarious and fun! I never laughed so hard for such a long time that made me enjoy something again that has been dormant hidden for a few years after Union X shut down. The KH Community was very wholesome and that got me to go meeting new people who love the series too. No negativity, no arguments, Just talking about Join US and Darkness has over taken Twitter! Elon has become Norted and many more. This experience will be engraved in my memories and a day to remember. Thank you for reading! May your heart be your guiding Key! Sorry my apologies, please move my post to the General section.
  2. My Reply: Ah I see, so that's why they didn't pursue the dub for the cut scenes in RE:COM and JP RE:COM for budget reasons. It would makes sense that way because they did build the game from scratch from the GB to PS2. But I agree with you, it would have been more reminiscent if they did the voice acting the Re:Make of COM. My Reply: Yes you are right DestinysUnion. Wow I see, I have the Final Mix of KH2/Re:COM and they are in a bundle 2 disc games in 1 game case. My Reply: Wow I never tried that. So there are cards from JP RE:COM that are not in the original English COM? 😮 My Reply: Yeah I noticed that, that there are some new cutscenes in KH2 Final Mix in the PS2 were voiceless. The reason why I thought about this was because I watched the movie version of RE:Coded yesterday and it was really good in their voice acting. In the actual game of Re:Coded in the DS version, there were so many parts in the game that were dialogue. The movie version of Re:Coded was really done very well and the voice acting was reminiscent and enjoyable to hear the OG voice actors of the Disney characters and Cloud and Sora, Roxas, Namine. It was good hearing them. That's the reason why it made me wonder why in Chain Of Memories in the PS2 version, why was their no Voice acting in Sora's story mode in COM.
  3. Hey everyone, I want to ask you all something about KH Chain Of Memories in the PS2. I am aware that Chain Of Memories was a Game Boy released game when it first came out before it had a remake for the PS2. My question is, Why was there no voice acting in Traverse Town room and the Disney world rooms of the characters in Sora's story mode? Since they made it for the PS2, they could have called the original cast of the voice actors from KH1 and they were able to voice their dialogue right? What do you guys think to why did they decide to not add voice acting?
  4. True, I will try to find in Ebay or asked around in the community who either sells them or in other areas. These 2 boys are just so rare to find now a days. Unless in the future Bringarts figures of Roxas they plan to release Roxas Twilight Town Outfit. That would be worth to get him.
  5. Hey everyone I hope it is okay to post something like this but I have been trying to find these 2 figures for my collection. I have been collecting the Kingdom Hearts Bring Arts figures. So far, I have: 1.) KH 3 2nd Form Sora 2.) KH 3 Pirate Form Sora 3.) KH 3 Riku 4.) KH 3 Kairi 5.) KH 3 Axel 6.) KH 3 Xion 7.) KH 3 Terra 8.) KH 3 Aqua 9.) KH 3 Namine But I cannot seem to find Roxas and Ventus. The only 2 boys missing in my collection to complete the trios. If anyone can tell me where I can find them please let me know thanks!
  6. I wonder what the size of the plushie is? I already have the Kuji KH3 Sora plushie. It is a big bigger.
  7. Hey thank you so much for the welcome back message! I remember you too. 😁 It has been awhile hasn't it. I am glad to know you remember me! Can I send you a private message if its okay with you?
  8. Hey Everyone, It is SorRik here and it has been a long time since I haven't returned here in KH13 forums. I see that a lot of members here have also left too. But alright, I am glad this forum is still up and running. It seems years ago Forums were a huge deal and it is like Facebook for us. But we post KH content related depending on the threads. And you can post something general for all. I am glad to be back. We got Dark Road and Missing Link and KH 4. I hope you all have a good day. 😁
  9. Here are my replies based from numbers 1.) I guess I can showcase what's the best level up area needed to level up quickly to the max. I can showcase that part. 2.) Alright then I can do all the challenges. But I'm planning to stream them though so I can't edit my failures during stream. 3.) Yeah I already have a fixed playlist of KH Unchained X/Union X and Dark Road so I really upload when there is a new story update. And its all dubbed. Feel free to look in my youtube channel. Click on the link below Thanks! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYWxAwTT8AYeH_y7oj1YqiQ
  10. Thank you! Feel free to sub to watch what games I play to get notified. Here's the link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYWxAwTT8AYeH_y7oj1YqiQ
  11. Thankyou Wakeless Dream. Thank you for your answers. Much appreciated. Ill try to see what I can do then! Hard work and make tutorials! KH series will be my last to play. Im panning to play FF7 series first then TWEWY Neo then the KH series will be the best for the last.
  12. Hey everyone this is SorRik, and first and foremost i want to greet you all a Merry Christmas to you all! I have been a long time member here and yet its been so long I haven't went online in the forum. Been doing a lot of Youtubing lately and I want your full on opinion on something. Im planning to do the biggest project and it is to the Kingdom Hearts Let's Play Series from KH Unchained X/ Union X and KH Dark Road till KH3. FYI, I haven't played Kingdom Hearts 3 or the DLC Remind either and I've been avoiding a lot of content about KH3 because I want to be surprised in my first play through. Here are my questions of what I should do in my lets play series? 1.) Should I showcase to do leveling up characters on stream? Will it be boring for the viewers they see me try to level up? 2.) Should I do tournaments and challenges depending on the games that have a coliseum or in BBS Mirage Arena? 3.) Should I play Kingdom Hearts BBS while also playing KH Union X and Dark Road? Since these 2 games are delaying me from playing KH BBS terms of trying to follow the story in order..... Feel Free to Check my Youtube Channel. Thanks. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYWxAwTT8AYeH_y7oj1YqiQ
  13. Thanks for everyones replies guys much appreciated
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