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Everything posted by Toominator

  1. Thank goodness. For a while, it seemed like it was going to stay an Xbox exclusive.
  2. Thanks, Daniel, and thank you to anyone who took the time to read this message. I think we have a VERY dedicated News Team, and we will be working together to ensure that news gets to our members quickly, efficiently, and elegantly. I look forward to hearing any suggestions you have for us to improve, but I think Daniel has done an amazing job. I have some mighty big shoes to fill
  3. I had a very good birthday :)

  4. Hey, it's my birthday, too! =D Lots of July 18th birthdays lol
  5. Exactly why I'm so hyped that he was announced, they held off for a long time! lol
  6. Blaziken joins the tournament! I am getting hyped for this game because I have a hunch that it will be ported to the Wii U and will come overseas. Maybe it's wishful thinking. Who do you all want to see in Pokken Tournament?
  7. Formal announcement coming soon, but I am thrilled to be the new News Team Leader for KH13. If you're reading this, you're the first to know ;D

    1. WakingDawn96


      I didn't mean make up news, I meant shorten down the news, we don't need a long drawn out summery of something unless it is a real interview that requires that. But if you can make something more simple then complex, why take the complex route still?

    2. Toominator


      I was answering your previous comments. As for shortening articles, I'll see what we can do.

    3. WakingDawn96


      Oh, well I got confused, sorry, but I just want real gaming news, and not just simple "there might be a chance blah blah blah may be working on KH3, we should bug him/her and see what information we can get out of them even though we should know by now that Square is being secretive about KH3 and voice actors hardly know anything themselves"

    4. Show next comments  93 more
  8. Look up Bizkit's guide on YouTube. SUPER helpful. Edit: Sorry, he made guides for 2.5. However, there are plenty of useful guides on YouTube that will probably help more than anything anyone here can type up for you.
  9. BBS simply because it introduced Xehanort's obsession with the ancient Keyblade War and him attempting to reforge the X-Blade.
  10. He was the head of a company that helped shape my childhood and fuel my imagination, and for that I thank you. RIP
  11. Pretty much all you need to know own about Man of Steel is that Superman destroyed Metropolis.
  12. My initial thoughts: It looks like it's going to be pretty good. I honestly despise Superman, but I would go just to see Ben Affleck's Batman. Eisenberg's Luthor looks... weird with hair. Usually cosmetic stuff doesn't bother me, but a hairy Lex Luthor gets to me. The drama looks like it will help to progress the plot, which is okay for DC's gritty nature. And, lastly, I feel like this movie will be very predictable, seeing as any "Superman v __________" involves Kryptonite in some way, which is boring. Oh well, I'll still definitely see this movie. What are your thoughts on the trailer or the movie itself?
  13. In order to save space on the front-page article, I am providing an update here: Ben Diskin took to responding to more fan questions about the Kingdom Hearts series in his reddit AMA (ask me anything) thread. Here are the questions/responses dealing with the Kingdom Hearts series: If you'd like to know more about Ben Diskin's other voice acting projects, such as Digimon and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, be sure to check out the rest of the fan questions on reddit.
  14. I do a little bit of voice acting on the side, and I can confirm that this would be very frustrating. However, I understand that they don't want to reveal too much, because it would be hard to keep tabs on every single thing every voice actor says in interviews/social media/etc. Part of being a pro is dealing with these adversities and making it work anyway.
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