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Everything posted by Toominator

  1. In a recent interview for Dengeki PlayStation magazine, Tetsuya Nomura, director of the Kingdom Hearts series, has stated that almost all worlds apart from the Olympus world in Kingdom Hearts III will be new. Although considered obvious from the trailer, this seemingly confirms for the first time that Olympus is indeed one of the worlds in Kingdom Hearts III. The other notable point from this is re-confirmation that the majority of the worlds we visit in Kingdom Hearts III will be new to the series. With that in mind, what worlds yet to be seen in the Kingdom Hearts series do you think will be visited by Sora and company? Let us know in the comments! Thanks go to @htmk73 for the interview summary, and to goldpanner for English translations of Nomura's comments, which can be read below. Click here to view the article
  2. In a recent interview for Dengeki PlayStation magazine, Tetsuya Nomura, director of the Kingdom Hearts series, has stated that almost all worlds apart from the Olympus world in Kingdom Hearts III will be new. Although considered obvious from the trailer, this seemingly confirms for the first time that Olympus is indeed one of the worlds in Kingdom Hearts III. The other notable point from this is re-confirmation that the majority of the worlds we visit in Kingdom Hearts III will be new to the series. With that in mind, what worlds yet to be seen in the Kingdom Hearts series do you think will be visited by Sora and company? Let us know in the comments! Thanks go to @htmk73 for the interview summary, and to goldpanner for English translations of Nomura's comments, which can be read below.
  3. If you participated in #KHFandomSelfie, thank you so much! It was so much fun.

  4. Hey guys! So, if you don't know, I run a Kingdom Hearts Tumblr blog called f***yeahkingdomheartsseries (you can figure out what the stars are replacing...) I recently hit 30,000 followers on that blog - 30,000! I can't believe it! Anyway, in order to celebrate, I decided to start the KHFandomSelfie tag on Tumblr. So, I am formally inviting any and all of you with Tumblr blogs to take a selfie with your collection of Kingdom Hearts merchandise and tagging it with "#KHFandomSelfie". I may even reblog your picture! Feel free to take pictures of your game collection, shirts, posters, cosplay, tattoos, jewelry, ANYTHING you own related to Kingdom Hearts! Also, if you'd like to bring that hashtag to Instagram and Twitter, feel free, but I think I am sticking to Tumblr. Thank you!
  5. I love the Halloween Town look the best. The Nightmare Before Christmas has been my favorite Disney movie for quite some time, so ever since I saw that Halloween Town got special treatment with the clothes, I dubbed it my favorite outfit!
  6. Full size of my current icon! Me and my heartless plushie, Kanye!
  7. These are awesome! You should draw Bing Bong next!
  8. I like how convoluted and crazy the story is. I've realized that Kingdom Hearts is really the only game I had to STUDY to understand, because what you get in the base game is not enough. I LIKE that. If the story was "normal," if you will, it probably would have just been a game I played and forgot about. However, the over-complicated plot keeps me interested and engaged in every little tidbit of information. Only Kingdom Hearts and Fallout have done this to me. I am so enthralled by this series that I spend hours that I'm not playing the game to research it instead, and that is a magical and impressive feat.
  9. How hard it is to Platinum CoM and BBS on 1.5 and 2.5 respectively. Seriously? 6 playthroughs? ICE CREAM BEAT WITH A BROKEN TIMER? kill me now
  10. Friendly reminder that it's okay to agree to disagree carry on, but let's be friends here.
  11. I decided to update my icon to a picture of me and my Heartless plushie, Kanye!

    1. Felicia Novita

      Felicia Novita

      Woah, you're so lucky! :D

    2. Javelin434



    3. Xiro


      ... I understand why you named it that. I think xP

      @Jav lol

    4. Show next comments  102 more
  12. When I get some time, I'll edit in his analysis as well. Edited in PrinceNoctis's analysis. I think we have some good stuff now!
  13. Thanks so much! That is a really great analysis. I totally agree about the hourglass bit, couldn't make it out before.
  14. To continue on with our trailer analysis series, let's take a look at the chess pieces Young Xehanort and Young Eraqus are using in the Each piece seems to have a symbol on the top, which we noticed could correspond to characters in the Kingdom Hearts series, more specifically, the seven lights and the thirteen darknesses. Thanks to Tumblr user freeshooterxig, some of these symbols have been depicted with their corresponding characters: We also noticed that there are duplicates of the "Ansem, Seeker of Darkness" pieces - one to represent Ansem, and the other to possibly represent his Guardian. Also, we found two "Vanitas" pieces, possibly signifying Vanitas and the Vanitas Remnant. Another interesting thing to note is which pieces eliminate each other. It's hard for us to tell, but one move that is certain is the "Sora" piece eliminating one of the "Ansem, Seeker of Darkness"/"Guardian" pieces. If you can make out any other eliminations, let us know! We would just like to clarify that this is based purely on speculation. However, it seems too perfect in our eyes. So, what do you think of all of this? Can you depict any symbols we missed? Sound off in the comments below! Click here to view the article
  15. To continue on with our trailer analysis series, let's take a look at the chess pieces Young Xehanort and Young Eraqus are using in the Each piece seems to have a symbol on the top, which we noticed could correspond to characters in the Kingdom Hearts series, more specifically, the seven lights and the thirteen darknesses. Thanks to Tumblr user freeshooterxig, some of these symbols have been depicted with their corresponding characters: We also noticed that there are duplicates of the "Ansem, Seeker of Darkness" pieces - one to represent Ansem, and the other to possibly represent his Guardian. Also, we found two "Vanitas" pieces, possibly signifying Vanitas and the Vanitas Remnant. KH13 user, PrinceNoctis, gives his analysis: Another interesting thing to note is which pieces eliminate each other. It's hard for us to tell, but one move that is certain is the "Sora" piece eliminating one of the "Ansem, Seeker of Darkness"/"Guardian" pieces. If you can make out any other eliminations, let us know! We would just like to clarify that this is based purely on speculation. However, it seems too perfect in our eyes. So, what do you think of all of this? Can you depict any symbols we missed? Sound off in the comments below!
  16. I have a feeling this will be releasing globally eventually. Maybe a European realease will be revealed at Gamescom?
  17. As we are all certainly aware, Square Enix shared new Kingdom Hearts III footage at their E3 2015 press conference yesterday. As the trailer floated around the internet and more fans watched it closely, multiple theories have come about concerning subtle hints that Tetsuya Nomura placed in the trailer. We're going to be exploring a few of these popular theories here. First, one possible hint is the calendar seen near the end of the trailer: The calendar in the background seems to depict a month where the first three days are a Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, and the month has 31 days total, also ending on a Saturday. After doing some very quick checking, it seems that there are a few months in the coming years with these same criteria: As you can see, the next two months that match with this calendar are October 2015 and December 2016! What do you all think? Could this represent anything, or should we take this with a grain of salt? Let us know in the comments! Click here to view the article
  18. As we are all certainly aware, Square Enix shared new Kingdom Hearts III footage at their E3 2015 press conference yesterday. As the trailer floated around the internet and more fans watched it closely, multiple theories have come about concerning subtle hints that Tetsuya Nomura placed in the trailer. We're going to be exploring a few of these popular theories here. First, one possible hint is the calendar seen near the end of the trailer: The calendar in the background seems to depict a month where the first three days are a Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, and the month has 31 days total, also ending on a Saturday. After doing some very quick checking, it seems that there are a few months in the coming years with these same criteria: As you can see, the next two months that match with this calendar are October 2015 and December 2016! What do you all think? Could this represent anything, or should we take this with a grain of salt? Let us know in the comments!
  19. Alright, this was an epic E3. So much KH goodness!

  20. During Sony's E3 2015 press conference, Sony opened the show with a short montage of upcoming PS4 games. Among the games that were featured in the montage was none other than Kingdom Hearts III. If nothing else, this means that Kingdom Hearts III is still alive and well, and it could mean that we have more Kingdom Hearts III news to look forward to in Square Enix's conference. Below is an image from the montage, which shows Sora gliding through the air as he is about to change into the new Kingdom Hearts III engine graphics from the announce trailer: What do you make of this? Still think Kingdom Hearts will be mentioned in some capacity at this year's E3? Let us know in the comments! Click here to view the article
  21. During Sony's E3 2015 press conference, Sony opened the show with a short montage of upcoming PS4 games. Among the games that were shown in the montage was none other than Kingdom Hearts III. If nothing else, this means that Kingdom Hearts III is still alive and well, and it could mean that we have more Kingdom Hearts III news to look forward to in Square Enix's conference. Below is an image from the montage, which shows Sora gliding through the air as he is about to change into the new Kingdom Hearts III engine graphics from the announce trailer: What do you make of this? Still think Kingdom Hearts will be mentioned in some capacity at this year's E3? Let us know in the comments!
  22. Sony E3 Bingo! Okay, ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the first Bingo game of the conference. Here are the rules: Visit the original E3 Bingo Thread to see the overall rules and blank bingo cards. Post your board for this conference (using spoiler tags) WELL before the conference starts, so I know no changes were made. As you watch the conference, cross off your board (I suggest using red X's in Photoshop or MS paint) as things are announced If/When you get a BINGO, post the updated board (with the items crossed off) into this thread. Based on timestamps, I will determine the winner. You can watch Sony's conference on YouTube or on Twitch (with live commentary and real-time chat). Sony's conference starts at 6:00pm PDT, 9:00pm EST. ​I'll post my board here (because I assume I will be the only one playing...)
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