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Everything posted by Toominator

  1. Just... thank God it's payday tomorrow

  2. Y'all knew what I meant when I said faction. I haven't played the game yet so I didn't know there was a new name for it. Anyway, thank you for the input. I'll have to talk with some of my friends and see which UNIONS they are interested in.
  3. Haha, I understand. You'll need a next gen console to play KH3 anyway, so start saving up! =D
  4. I think Sora could have a shot at games like Super Smash Brothers or Dissidia, but otherwise, I don't see that happening.
  5. Seriously, do yourself a favor and get to know Rocket League lol
  6. Rocket League (PS4) Styx: Master of Shadows (PS4) MouseCraft (PS4, PS3, Vita) Entwined (PS4, PS3, PS Vita) Rain (PS3) Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved (Vita) ​ I cannot vouch for many of these games, but I can tell you how much fun Rocket League is. I took part in the open beta a month or so ago, and it was the most fun I've had on my PS4 thus far. Essentially, Rocket League is a mix between FIFA and Mario Kart - It's a game of soccer where you control rocket cars. Need I say more? If you think I do, I'll just let this trailer do the talking.
  7. It has never mattered what we want lol what matters is what makes Sony money, and they make money from HD remasters at little to no cost to them.
  8. Wow, it's so awesome that KH13 achieved 30,000 users today! Congrats to the KH13 community!

    1. Keylore


      Woohoo, I made that 30,000 possible by just joining a few days ago! I love your profile picture, by the way. :)

    2. Toominator


      Thank you so much! It's me and the heartless plushie from the 2.5 collector's edition =D

  9. The online service provided by Nintendo is called Nintendo Network.
  10. This is awesome news! Congrats to the KH13 community!
  11. Where the hell is Rocket League? lol but nah, Fallout 4 by a long shot.
  12. Gotcha covered! Check out the post here.
  13. I can totally do that! What are your Youtube and Twitter accounts?
  14. Wow, this is awesome! Do you have a tumblr? If so, I would love to reblog it on f***yeahkingdomheartsseries (over 30,000 people follow my blog, so it will get lots of attention!).
  15. Posted my very first official video game review! Review of Batman: Arkham Knight - http://kh13.com/forum/topic/88144-batman-arkham-knight-review/

  16. Hey everyone! I thought I would give video game reviewing a shot, starting with my most recent completed game, Batman: Arkham Knight! Warning: Spoilers Ahead! Arkham Asylum became the definitive comic book video game. It captured every essence of the Batman lore that makes Batman a favorite amongst fans. Arkham Knight is no different. Every element from previous installments that fans loved has returned: Crime scene investigations, free flow combat, predator combat, nods to the Batman universe, tons of gadgets - old and new, and a long list of villains to take down. Let's take an in-depth look at how these elements were utilized in the game. Story I feel like I should preface this with the fact that Scarecrow has always been my favorite Batman villain. I love that he never gets involved with direct combat, and would rather make you fight yourself. In true Batman fashion, figures from Batman's past continually haunt him after his exposure to Scarecrow's fear toxin. For the first time in the Batman Arkham series, I got scared. There were parts of this game that just made me jump out of my seat (i.e. Joker appearing for the first time, and randomly encountering Man Bat for the first time). The atmosphere was near perfect throughout, but one complaint I have is the identity of the Arkham Knight. I didn't have a problem with who it was, but I did have a problem with how painfully obvious they made it hours before the actual reveal. They could have kept me guessing longer. Additionally, the Joker virus inside Batman seemed to disappear after a bit. The virus became part of Arkham Knight's plot, but there was never a conclusion. It was THE pivotal moment in Arkham City, so I expected it to be a huge part of this game, but it ultimately didn't matter. Other than those nitpicky things, the story was very well thought out, and there was just the right amount of "but wait, there's more!" Lastly, I really enjoyed the endgame content, such as Deathstroke (my FAVORITE DC villain!) and the Riddler challenges. Gameplay This game felt like an Arkham Game, and that's a good thing. It really felt like I was just revisiting Arkham City, but with better gadgets and a Batmobile. Speaking of which, let's cut right to the chase: the Batmobile was a fantastic addition to the Arkham series. It was a lot of fun, and was much faster than gliding and grapnel boosting everywhere. However, I absolutely dreaded the "stealth" tank missions. That is such an oxymoron! If I'm controlling a tank, I want to go head on in combat and blow things up. I don't want to sneak up behind someone in a tank. It just doesn't work. This also made the fight with Deathstroke VERY disappointing. His fight in Origins was my favorite by far, so that was just a let down. Other than stealth tanks, the gameplay was excellent. I found that the enemies were a lot harder thanks to the weapon combos they had and the Medics. I noticed that I used quick gadgets a lot more often than I had in other Arkham games. Thankfully there was a lot more strategy involved. Verdict I know I complained a lot, but that's because the Arkham series has raised its own standards so high. This felt like a Batman game, and that's really all I need to say. The Batmobile was a great touch, but it was used stealthily, and that just didn't sit right with me. There was a lot to do, and Scarecrow was used well. The mystery of the Arkham Knight was fun, but was given away far too early. In the end, still a must-play for fans of the Arkham series. Score 8.7/10
  17. My two puppies! White one is Opal (we call her Opie) and the black one is Dano.
  18. I need a new Kingdom Hearts game to play so bad. Give me Unchained Chi, give me KH3, give me SOMETHING!

    1. Klonoa the Dream Traveler

      Klonoa the Dream Traveler

      How about Kingdom Hearts DDD HD?

    2. Toominator


      I'll take that too!

  19. I've been doing a lot of the analysis articles for the site, which equates to a lot of trailer watching lol
  20. I actually think this should be interpreted as: "Disney doesn't want me to talk about it". Not because the movies haven't been released, but because Disney is the hierarchy in this process, and what they say goes. Also: This. Star Wars is most likely not going to be in KH3, but possibly in future installments.
  21. This is awesome news. If running a Kingdom Hearts blog with over 30,000 followers has taught me anything, it's that a large portion of the fan base is a member of the LGBTQ community, so I could not be happier by this news. Congratulations to everyone this helps to achieve their dream to marry the person they love.
  22. Okay, Arkham Knight is ridiculously good. I'm so scared and I love it.

  23. As a member of the News Team, this past week has been unbelievable. We've been very hard at work getting all this news out as fast and efficiently as possible. As a fan of Kingdom Hearts, it's been AWESOME!!!!
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