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Everything posted by Toominator

  1. I mean, considering that DS3 was probably the last Dark Souls game, I really would like a Bloodborne sequel. I just want to play From Software games forever.
  2. Yo I hear you on that new Sly Cooper game... If Ratchet and Clank is successful, guarantee they'll announce a Movie/Game combo for Sly.
  3. Did a really cool podcast about Kingdom Hearts! Check it out! http://crunchyduckgames.podomatic.com/entry/2016-04-24T09_32_09-07_00

  4. I'm REALLY pumped this year because I get to go and represent KH13! WOOOOOOO!
  5. Well, I was level 135 and I needed to use 2 continues lol the level of the mission is 140, so probably somewhere around there.
  6. So, something about the Dark Firelink that got me was this: My first time visiting Dark Firelink, I was killed by one of the many knights wandering around. For some weird reason, I actually traveled to the ACTUAL firelink, and lo and behold, my lost souls were there. This may just be a weird glitch, but I think these two firelinks are one in the same. I just happen to think that the dark firelink is a glimpse of what is to come of Firelink in the future, once the player beats the game.
  7. Hey everyone! I recently did a podcast with my friends from CrunchyDuckGamers about Kingdom Hearts! In this episode, we talk about what makes Kingdom Hearts so unique and some of the common misconceptions about it. You can listen to it by clicking the link below! http://crunchyduckgames.podomatic.com/entry/2016-04-24T09_32_09-07_00 We also recorded an episode about Kingdom Hearts II so look for that next week! Twitter | Facebook | PodOmatic
  8. I can't invite you until you do, so if you leave your current party, let me know and I will add you.
  9. If you have the jewels to spare, go to the avatar board at the very beginning. There should be a few outfits (KH1 Sora, KH1 Riku, Mad Hatter, and Cheshire Cat ears) that you can unlock by spending jewels. Each of these boards has cost nodes you can unlock for 1 avatar coin each, and then 5 Cid medals (which also reduce the overall cost of whichever medal you use them to level up for). It's an easy 10 cost per avatar board.
  10. If you two leave Unicornis for Vulpes, you're in. Let me know when you switch over.
  11. Hey everyone! I am a fan of From Software and decided to review Dark Souls III, which is available now. If you're on the fence about picking it up, take a listen to my review and let it help you make the decision!
  12. I updated the article with some new info. If more clarification is needed, let me know!
  13. Hey everyone! So, I have a Kingdom Hearts Tumblr which just recently reached 35,000 followers! In order to celebrate, myself, KH YouTuber HMK, and Twitch streamer KeybladeSarah made a video in which we answer Kingdom Hearts-themed "Would You Rather" questions provided by some of you! You can view the video below: Thank you all so much for watching, contributing, and/or following!
  14. For your listening pleasure: Kingdom Hearts "Would You Rather?" feat HMK and KeybladeSarah:

    1. Shuy


      Very fun to watch!

    2. Toominator


      Thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed it!

  15. Just the fact that his base stats are really high, his 6-star special is absolutely amazing because it hits all enemies for a cost of only 1. If you put an attack boost Scrooge medal on him, he's absolutely unstoppable.
  16. The Kingdom Hearts "Would you rather?" video will be up soon!

    1. Toominator


      That's an awesome idea!

  17. Happy Birthday, soraspromise! I personally wanted to thank you for all of your amazing work on my news team, and for the work you've done thus far as our newest Chi team leader! I hope you have an awesome day!
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