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Toominator last won the day on June 18 2016

Toominator had the most liked content!


About Toominator

  • Birthday 07/18/1992

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  • Member Title
    The Most Charming KH13 Staff Member
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  • Wrote over 60 news articles. Contributed over 200 images to our gallery. Previously lead the news writing team. Represented KH13 at numerous events. Started and co-hosts the KH13 podcast. Acted as a communications representative for KH13.

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  1. Formal announcement coming soon, but I am thrilled to be the new News Team Leader for KH13. If you're reading this, you're the first to know ;D

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. WakingDawn96


      I didn't mean make up news, I meant shorten down the news, we don't need a long drawn out summery of something unless it is a real interview that requires that. But if you can make something more simple then complex, why take the complex route still?

    3. Toominator


      I was answering your previous comments. As for shortening articles, I'll see what we can do.

    4. WakingDawn96


      Oh, well I got confused, sorry, but I just want real gaming news, and not just simple "there might be a chance blah blah blah may be working on KH3, we should bug him/her and see what information we can get out of them even though we should know by now that Square is being secretive about KH3 and voice actors hardly know anything themselves"

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