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Toominator last won the day on June 18 2016

Toominator had the most liked content!


About Toominator

  • Birthday 07/18/1992

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  • Member Title
    The Most Charming KH13 Staff Member
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  • Wrote over 60 news articles. Contributed over 200 images to our gallery. Previously lead the news writing team. Represented KH13 at numerous events. Started and co-hosts the KH13 podcast. Acted as a communications representative for KH13.

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  1. I thought of another question! What is your favorite Kingdom Hearts memory, either from playing the games or attending events?
  2. Another question! What would you be doing for a job if YouTube wasn't an option for you?
  3. Hey HMK! Firstly, thanks for doing this with us! Got a question for you: Which video of yours do you hold closest to your heart? Your first? The one with the most interactions? A personal favorite topic? I'd love to know!
  4. Woah man, relax. I still think that if you're CHOOSING to play on the hardest difficulty, you're CHOOSING to be frustrated.
  5. Bryan Cranston in good makeup would make a great Xehanort imo. Picture Walter White (Breaking Bad) but with just the small grey beard. I'm not too knowledgeable of any child actors out there, but they would HAVE to be young to play Sora Riku and Kairi right.
  6. Having just beaten the game on Proud mode, I can only find myself agreeing about the lack of i-frames during Flowmotion. The rest of what you brought up is very trivial. I didn't have much trouble with Ansem 2 at all. Took a few tries to learn his patterns (which yes, are random, but give you PLENTY of time to react once you've memorized which actions yield which attack). The orbs are easily avoidable if you have any projectile attacks (Fire/Blizzard/Raid/Balloonra/etc.). It also sounds like you didn't take much time to make good spirits because the higher level spirits can cast protect, shell, and even heal you if leveled enough. I finished the game with the Lion and T-Rex spirits, and they were both livesavers in the final boss rushes. I think it comes down to you not taking full advantage of Link Portals or Sales in the moogle shops to create the best spirits and to get the best abilities and commands. Sorry, but if you're not willing to put in the effort to buff Sora/Riku/your spirits, you're gonna have a tougher time, which is totally fair in my opinion.
  7. It is with great pleasure that we present to you the premiere episode of KH13.com's brand new Kingdom Hearts-centered podcast - The Usual Spot. Hosted by Toominator and SeaSaltShelby, this first episode is our Dive to the Heart; we tell you how we became fans of the series, list off our "favorites" and "least favorites" of the series, and end with a unique challenge. We quiz each other on our knowledge of boss fight quotes in Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II. Come listen or watch, and see if you can do better! There are two unique experiences with our podcast. We will be simultaneously releasing episodes on YouTube and Podbean. YouTube allows you to watch the recording of our podcast, but is better saved for an online experience. Podbean allows you to listen to the audio file online, or you can download it to any device and listen to the episode on the go. The choice is yours! Click here to download or listen on Podbean! We plan on releasing episodes every other Sunday. Episode 2 will release on Sunday, November 11. We hope you enjoy the premiere episode of The Usual Spot! View full article
  8. It is with great pleasure that we present to you the premiere episode of KH13.com's brand new Kingdom Hearts-centered podcast - The Usual Spot. Hosted by Toominator and SeaSaltShelby, this first episode is our Dive to the Heart; we tell you how we became fans of the series, list off our "favorites" and "least favorites" of the series, and end with a unique challenge. We quiz each other on our knowledge of boss fight quotes in Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II. Come listen or watch, and see if you can do better! There are two unique experiences with our podcast. We will be simultaneously releasing episodes on YouTube and Podbean. YouTube allows you to watch the recording of our podcast, but is better saved for an online experience. Podbean allows you to listen to the audio file online, or you can download it to any device and listen to the episode on the go. The choice is yours! Click here to download or listen on Podbean! We plan on releasing episodes every other Sunday. Episode 2 will release on Sunday, November 11. We hope you enjoy the premiere episode of The Usual Spot!
  9. It is with great pleasure that we present to you the premiere episode of KH13.com's brand new Kingdom Hearts-centered podcast - The Usual Spot. Hosted by Toominator and SeaSaltShelby, this first episode is our Dive to the Heart; we tell you how we became fans of the series, list off our "favorites" and "least favorites" of the series, and end with a unique challenge. We quiz each other on our knowledge of boss fight quotes in Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II. Come listen or watch, and see if you can do better! There are two unique experiences with our podcast. We will be simultaneously releasing episodes on YouTube and Podbean. YouTube allows you to watch the recording of our podcast, but is better saved for an online experience. Podbean allows you to listen to the audio file online, or you can download it to any device and listen to the episode on the go. The choice is yours! Click here to download or listen on Podbean! We plan on releasing episodes every other Sunday. Episode 2 will release on Sunday, November 11. We hope you enjoy the premiere episode of The Usual Spot! This post has been promoted to an article
  10. We are pleased to announce that KH13.com will be starting a brand new podcast series about anything and everything Kingdom Hearts! The hosts of this lovely podcast are Toominator and SeaSaltShelby! We call ourselves The Usual Spot, aptly named after the favorite meeting spot of the Twilight Town trio. The first episode will be released on Sunday, October 28th, 2018! Episodes of the podcast will be released simultaneously on our new Podbean page so that you may download episodes to listen to on the go, and our YouTube channel where you can watch a recording of the show! We plan to talk about the series itself, hot topics in the community, and speculation of Kingdom Hearts III, in addition to interviews with special guests, trivia, and other mini game competitions between the hosts and any special guests! We hope you enjoy this new project that we've been working hard to bring to you, the KH13 community, and we look forward to engaging with you more in the future!
  11. Hey everyone! It's been a while since I've posted on the forums. That's because my role here on the site has been going through a major reworking process. In that regard, I am pleased to announce that I have become the Public Relations Representative for KH13.com! What does that mean?Glad you asked! It means that KH13 has become more interested in affiliating with content creators, other Kingdom Hearts news sources, etc. Therefore, if anyone is interested in affiliating with the site, I will be the person to begin that discussion process and take things from there! What is your role?I will act as a liaison between KH13.com and Square Enix for events such as E3, Comic Con, and other conventions, and I will also act as the liaison between content creators wishing to become affiliated with the site. We are working on setting up a general email account for this, so stay tuned for that! What ideas do you currently have?The first thing that came to mind is the ever-growing popularity of Twitch, especially in terms of Kingdom Hearts. Many of our community members stream themselves or watch others stream religiously. Therefore, my first plan of action in this new role is to focus on Twitch Affiliation. I hope to create a partnership with Twitch streamers in which KH13 has a "stream team" or community on Twitch that affiliates of KH13 will display on their channel. Here on the site, I hope to open a sub forum specifically for Twitch chat where people can promote streams or discuss streams they watch. Any feedback on this would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for taking time to read this, and I'm looking forward to this new opportunity! Take care!
  12. On April 6th, 2018 word got out that popular Kingdom Hearts YouTubers such as SkywardWing, HMK, and TheGamersJoint would be among the first people to play Kingdom Hearts III. We at KH13.com are pleased to share that staff members Toominator and Raxaimus will also be among the first people in the world to get their hands on Kingdom Hearts III! Unfortunately, we cannot share any further details. We thank the staff of Square Enix for this incredible opportunity, and we look forward to sharing more information in the future! This post has been promoted to an article
  13. On April 6th, 2018 word got out that popular Kingdom Hearts YouTubers such as SkywardWing, HMK, and TheGamersJoint would be among the first people to play Kingdom Hearts III. We at KH13.com are pleased to share that staff members Toominator and Raxaimus will also be among the first people in the world to get their hands on Kingdom Hearts III! Unfortunately, we cannot share any further details. We thank the staff of Square Enix for this incredible opportunity, and we look forward to sharing more information in the future!
  14. I can't BELIEVE THIS!

    1. itsDON


      Congratulations! I hope you enjoy this amazing opportunity.

    2. KingdomHearts3


      I’m so happy for you!:D You will be part of the privileged few to experience me in the flesh.;)

    3. khkairi12


      OHHHHH my gosh Toominator, what a fricken awesome experience! I wish I could go, if I couldn't even play I would be so happy to just watch the start of what we've been waiting for forever! Bless you! You are living out a dream! I wonder how much you will get to play! Hopefully all, it would make sense.

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