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Everything posted by Veemon

  1. No way... Key REALLY drew it! He got everything in there, and then some. Veemon, battling Ansem: who will win? Ohoh, this is too awesome! And I dunno if Key made it that way or not, but is Veemon wearing armor/clothing? The Key has outdone himself once again! I love it! I downloaded the picture so I can take a look at it whenever. Tell Transcendent Key I said thanks so much, okay Master of Masters? Gahh, this is super epic! Rock on!
  2. Do you think Cor and Loqi from Final Fantasy XV are a reference to Thor and Loki? Just curious...

    1. Joker


      Huh never noticed the Cor one. Im glad he's getting more screen time at least

  3. Got to check out the Choco Mog Festival in FFXV. It's really nice. :)

  4. Whoa... This is so surprising. You have made me really happy, you know! Hmm... I think I may have a possible idea that might satisfy both of us. If you're interested, we could split the roles of a single pair of DigiDestined partners. So, one of us would play the role of the DigiDestined Child, and the other could play as the Digimon partner. If that sounds like a cool idea, you can even tell me any lines or actions you want me to say or do as the character. If you really wanted to do both roles, though, I understand! In fact, I'd even choose a different Digimon so you could use Veemon. It'd be awkward at first, but I'd work around it! Although, I still have that other RP I was about to start with one of my other friends. So... I suppose I can't jump the gun just yet. Well, I guess we'll just wait and see how things turn out on my end.
  5. Your ideal partner...? Oh my, are you meaning... You wanted to have Veemon too?! Uh, not Veemon as in me, but Veemon as in the character.
  6. *Screams internally* Aw, man, I really want to join in so badly! B-But, I was working on making this other RP with a friend of mine, and we were about to start it... If it's possible, would it be alright if you could hold a spot for me, or at least let me know when you might make the sign-ups and discussion? I really want to join, that's for sure! Rock on!
  7. I finished making my very first Shape Animation today at my Career Center! My teacher uploaded it to Youtube so I could share it to my family and friends! Here's the link if you wanna check mine out:

    1. DaxtotheMax


      That's pretty cool, I wasn't expecting that, I was expecting a ball to move from one side of the screen to the other but that was pretty good :)

    2. Mystics Apprentice

      Mystics Apprentice

      Nice work! It looks great. :)

    3. Veemon


      Thanks guys! Glad you liked it!

  8. If anyone's up for some Final Fantasy Explorers, I'm game! I also got SSB4, though I'm not as thrilled about playing online in that as I am about FFEX. I'll put it in a spoilers tag here. Rock on!
  9. Hey, Transcendant! I saw your drawings here, and I couldn't help but make a request! Personally, I'm not all that good at drawing people, but you on the other hand are able to draw creatures, weapons, and humans. So, my request is this: Would you be willing to draw Veemon fighting Xemnas or Ansem Seeker of Darkness? If possible, could you also include the Keyblade I made for Veemon, called the Kingdom Vee? I'll put pictures of Veemon and the keyblade here for you in case you decide to try it out! The first picture is of Veemon with the first version I made of his Keyblade (In Valor Form, also wielding Ventus's Keyblade), and the second picture is of the 2nd version I made. You can choose to draw either design for the keyblade. It's alright if you don't feel comfortable drawing it, though. But if you do, that would be so cool! Rock on!
  10. I was wondering if you all could give me your opinions on these World names. They're not real, but they're if I got to help make a Mario game (that'd have 13 worlds).

    1. Veemon


      Yeah, I know some are kinda dark... But I guess you could say I'd use them for a more serious kind of game, if not Mario.

    2. Awesome Sauce

      Awesome Sauce

      Now if only you were able to spell out a word with those titles like a certain pink ball loves to do, they'd be better.

    3. Veemon


      I know, right? I was trying to come up with something to spell out, but it's hard to do that without a good source.

    4. Show next comments  24 more
  11. Last night, I decided to play KH 3D and get that Ryu Dragon, and I made my goal finally happen... All I can say is this: IT GIVES SUPERGLIDE & COMBO MASTER! :D

  12. Veemon

    Master Form Veemon

    Here's a drawing I did of Veemon in Master Form! He's holding the Kingdom Vee, as well as another keyblade I came up with called Torrent Shuriken. He's casting a Water spell, a Final Fantasy spell that has yet to appear in the Kingdom Hearts series. Enjoy!
  13. DDD HD is crazy awesome! The 60fps really changes the game!

  14. I wanna hug... :(

  15. Lightning meets Aqua, Terra Meets Noel, and Ventus meets... Serah? Definitely not Hope. DEFINITELY not.

    1. DoDo4869


      Hm... don't you think it would rather be Ventus meets Noel and Terra meets Snow xD?

    2. Veemon


      Shinobi, that's really mean... You KNOW I'm a Ventus fan. :( Please tell me you're just teasing me.

    3. Veemon


      Yeah, that's what I was hoping on. When you didn't have any indication that you were joking, like "jk", it was hard to tell how you really felt about Ventus and Terra.

    4. Show next comments  24 more
  16. Square Enix and Marvel BOTH announce that they will announce something tomorrow, and posted at the exact same date, and the exact same time, down to the minute. They're making it so tough to tell what could be involved. These major companies are getting our hopes up by messing with our heads, like the awkward moment of getting two copies of Destiny for Christmas... "Ohh... Ehhhh, okay? Guess I can give it to one of my friends. " Welp, I guess we'll just have to wait and see what both of them announce tomorrow. Rock on!
  17. Whoever's chatroom it was did a poor job protecting it. xP

  18. Oh! Oh! I figured out what the 2.8 Advertisement on here reminded me of! It reminds me of Luffy and the gang walking to Arlong Park in One Piece! I can hear the serious music now...

    1. Veemon


      dun dun dun... Dun dun DUN dun... dun DUN Dun...... dun-Dun...

  19. If you do it right, you could even do some of these (but don't get carried away!): Arlene (Larxene's assumed somebody's name) Hayner Pence Olette Demitrius (Later on, start callin' him Demy, like Demyx's somebody) *shrugs* Personally, I got no clue what I'd name my children if I were to have any. If I were to name my children something out of a video game or anime (sounds like a really weird idea...), I would probably just go with... Ha, I kid! I seriously don't know what I'd choose. Rock on!
  20. Helping out with something called Sophomore Visitation at my Career Center. It's where many students from the Sophomore Grade come in and we do little activities with each of them in the different Programs/Classes.

  21. "What's that comin' over a hill, is it a monster? Is it a monster?"

    1. Xiro



  22. Starting to feel a little better... I'm drawing again, so that's a good sign...

  23. I just love the vibrancy of the colors you used! That Pikachu has some seriously high levels of cuteness, no doubt about it. I think the "Pika!" really seals the deal. Now, for that Mickey and Mario one... I am digging the fact that Mario has a ring on his finger! He's finally growin' up... *sniffle* I'm, so proud! Yessie, you deserve 50 Likes just for doing that, alright? You blew my mind so much! Rock on!
  24. My counselor told me this interesting thing about dreams and nightmares. Apparently, if you have fears about your nightmares or personal thoughts, and you confess them to someone close to you, the feelings seem to dissolve or something.

    1. Veemon


      And it can even be life issues you've been sort of hiding from everyone, they work too.


      I feel that this might be true, given what has happened to my feelings for my one friend... Man, I am so glad about the things I didn't say to my mother, otherwise I think my dreams would be crushed...

    2. Clouded Sun

      Clouded Sun

      That's a lotta things. Talking about it eases the pain many times in people. At least from when I've seen.

  25. Measurements are so "Meters Liters Grams."

    1. Veemon


      The international system of units sure is "MLG". ;D

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