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Everything posted by Veemon

  1. There should be one for reaching 1000 likes. If you decide to add a 1,000 Like milestone, could I suggest for that to be "Wayfinder"? Well, here's some other ones you can use wherever! Mark of Mastery Valor Form Wisdom Form Master Form Final Form GrandStander Struggle Champion A True Hero! Foreteller Master of Masters Nobody (definitely to replace Newbie) Half-Xehanort Full-Xehanort LUX Grinder Rock on! (Not part of the list.)
  2. Jonathan Joestar Spiderman/Peter Parker Hiccup Hmm... Yeah, I think that's a pretty good guess for me. Rock on!
  3. So if LUX is light, then what is the Dark equivalent of LUX?

  4. I added a video on my profile page. It has a separate meaning to me, and so I hope you guys (and girls) get to check it out!

    1. Solstice


      You never told me you liked linkin park

    2. Veemon


      Heheh, sort of... I only ever listened to this song, because I was looking for awesome Veemon compilations. I guess I just liked the music that went along with the video.

    3. Solstice
  5. Okay, I just gotta ask this because it's good. Have any of you people met each other in real life before? (Specifically, the people online right now)

    1. catmaster0116


      3 hrs? wow!

      I think I'm less than an hour from MythrilMagician and Yuya Sakaki (heck I drove past Yuya's Uni last week lmfao)

    2. Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)
    3. Xiro


      @cat Wow just visit yuya while he's in class. I'm sure he won't mind

    4. Show next comments  48 more
  6. Why do some of us get these deep, empty feelings inside when we don't hear from someone we talked a lot to before, after so long? I should feel happy when I see a friend, but sometimes it doesn't happen...

    1. catmaster0116


      Mr Iaguro has a better answer. take it from him.

    2. DoDo4869


      ehehe it's not that good^^'

    3. Veemon


      I see, then. Thanks you two.

    4. Show next comments  48 more
  7. Whenever I imagine something involving me, I automatically imagine myself as Veemon instead of, well, the real-life me. Anyone else do that, too?

    1. WakingDawn96


      If I thought I was actually a Xeveemon, I would have some serious problems, so I just think about the me that I like and go from there.

    2. Shard the Gentleman

      Shard the Gentleman

      I usually see myself skinnier for some reason. Like the me in my head is this super skinny short guy, because that's how I feel. But my actually self is this big tall dude.

    3. OmegaForte
  8. Next time on VGray Mon: The Black and White Virus - Watch out for Eaters! Bring Forth Salvation to this Tormented Digimon's Soul!

    1. Joker


      I swear im so happy that d gray man is continuing.

  9. I'm with the majority, here. I love getting the chance to explore areas and levels in hopes of finding something I never knew about before, or finding special materials and items that drop from enemies. (Okay, that's technically combat-based, but it's less linear because you discover their varying dropped items.) Plus, exploring lets me sort of do my own thing, rather than being limited to one objective. (That doesn't mean I don't like to progress and have story, though. Imagine a game that only had sidequests and no ending! Haha, I kid, I kid. ) Rock on!
  10. Exactly! You're absolutely right! Max the medals out and at least put skills on the ones that seem reasonable enough to have that skill. For example, dump Attack Boosts on medals that seem to do lots of damage, and give defense skills on medals that heal or restore yourself. I also reccomend this, but might not be necessary, put status effect skills on medals that do more damage to enemies that have the ailments (Yuffie's Paralysis affiliated ability, Simba's Poison affiliated ability, etc.). My brother and I used these, and this worked for sure. (Bosses are super weak against Poison in particular, if it lands.) Rock on!
  11. Next time on VGray Mon! : Fire imbued dreams, Quench the Chaos within! Bring forth salvation to this tormented Digimon's soul!

    1. Joker


      The Lord Millennium is in search of you

      Looking for the heart now,

      Have you heard the news?

      Mabye you stole it from him,

      I'll see if it's true


  12. I'm nervous... Am I putting too much thought into these things?

  13. Two and a half months left! FFXV, here we come! :)

    1. Joker


      So close, I don't have a ps4 so the plot is al im really getting

    2. Sakuraba Neku

      Sakuraba Neku

      Unless, they delay it again.

    3. Joker


      Im sure it wont be delayed again. Soon FF XV will be out for the masses

    4. Show next comments  48 more
  14. The good news is there can be heroes without villains. Unfortunately, there can also be villains without heroes...

  15. Quick question, has anyone seen or made a picture of the 5 foretellers hugging MoM and saying "We luv you, mom!"?

    1. catmaster0116


      Bwahaha I get this joke

    2. Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      There must be MoM memes somewhere xD

  16. A fragmentary passage... I get it now...

  17. Profile Under maintenance. Adding animated sprites!

  18. Hey there, old buddy! I saw that your Roleplay was closed, and I saw why. Do you need somebody to talk to about it?

    1. Veemon


      Oh, I uh, didn't mean to sound rude, if I did. (By the way, this is SteVentus.) I'd be happy to talk to you about any issues you might be going through at the moment.

    2. kingdomhearts45


      Thanks pal. But I'm good now. Thanks for checking. ^_^

  19. I see Xamt. A bit too much Xamt, if ya ask me. Rock on!
  20. Thinkin' about how I'm going to ask my brother's friends to help me make a costume, because they are only ones I know who can make good cosplays for themselves and their friends.

  21. Saitama Sensei! Please restate your training regimen to me! I think I forgot it! >:D

    1. The Transcendent Key

      The Transcendent Key

      100 push-ups! 100 sit-ups! 100 squats! And 10km running...EVERY.SINGLE.DAY!!!!

    2. Veemon


      Thank you, sensei! This time, I won't forget! >:)

    3. The Transcendent Key

      The Transcendent Key

      You're welcome, man! Remember, always push yourself to be the strongest, and give it your all! That's all it takes! :)

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