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Everything posted by Veemon

    1. Veemon


      But now, it's made me realize this truth, and I must face it with pride in my beliefs and imagination. God made me this way, and I'm really happy he did! I know now, even if I have yet to meet them, I believe there is a person who thinks almost just like me.

    2. DaxtotheMax
    3. DaxtotheMax


      Even if there isn't then that's what makes you unique

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  1. *Pretends he doesn't know Sora96 AtM* Happy Birthday, Wakeless! And happy holidays, too! Rock on!
  2. Wings of Fire... Wow... I think I know what I am gonna ask for for Christmas... <3

  3. I just learned what language my "Break Up!" alarm is in. German. Fascinating.

  4. Haha, nice! Yep, it was called the "Ultimate Pose", and I wasn't sure what to expect, and right there, he made THIS pose! It blew my mind seeing the reference. Congrats once again, Square, you have definitely made one of the greatest games ever. Rock on!
  5. https://goo.gl/photos/PYY1JVd93CivZqMi7 Sorry that it's a link, but it's awesome if you know what it's from! Rock on!
  6. Aw, cool, my dad showed me some pictures of this castle that is built on what looks like an island. But what it actually is is when the tides are high, it looks like an island, but when the tides are low, there is a path leading to the castle! And it's real, too! :D

  7. Or at least, it was, until Ken joined the party. Rock on!
  8. Talk about backseat fishing. *catches a tiny fish*

    1. Emrys


      "Puny just like yours"

    2. SoraUltimateKeybladeMaster
  9. Sheesh, I gotta say, it's been a while since I've done a Roleplay! Although, whenever I imagine myself doing a RP, I picture it being that I would end up explaining every detail of every battle, like in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. X/

    1. Veemon


      ..., and I was sort of kicked out. :/

    2. Javelin434


      If you're having trouble and conflicts, consider checking out the RP Guide for tips and pointers

    3. Mystics Apprentice

      Mystics Apprentice

      Well, I think I would have to go through the Mark of Mastery exam in order to be deemed a master, and I don't think I'm cut out of such cloth to pass. :P But I got a good grin out of the suggestion nonetheless!


      Also, I sent you a PM concerning the RP stuff. I figured it'd be faster than get cut off with the status' character limit.

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  10. Don't pay attention to these guys, they just throw their souls around like "Makin' it RAAAAIIIN." To answer your question on a more serious note, yes, this site is free. But it's up to you to pay the bills necessary to make it onto the internet. By the way, nice to meet you! The name's Veemon, but you can call me V-mon, or Ven if you'd like. Rock on!
  11. Man, Final Fantasy XV has been giving me lots of deja vu moments. Not just nostalgia, I'm talking about things I've seen before elsewhere.

  12. A little less than 2 1/2 weeks to go.

  13. Aw man, there's just too many peeps to level up! For some reason, though, I think I would end up maining either Saix or Xaldin, since they seem like my kind of playstyle. Although, it would be awesome if I could play as some of the Disney world-exclusives like Simba or The Beast. I approve of these so much. Definitely like the Maleficent and Tron ideas. Rock on!
  14. While I was playing FFXV, I accidentally walked toward a dead Wyvern's claws (after I won the battle against a few), and Noctis actually took damage from it. Was it my imagination, or did it really work like it was sharp?

  15. Hey, look here. Please, don't cry... Please don't be mad, for I will tell you why. An old friend of mine in a red suit is stopping by our town. :)

    1. Xiro


      Deadpool is Coming to Town

  16. Let your imagination run wild, and allow it to lead you to an infinite number of creative ideas and dreams!

  17. Okay, so to explain this game, here's some background info. First off, I don't think this is considered spoilers for FFXV, since it's literally one of the many random quotes the characters will say numerous times in the game, so it's nothing special. Secondly, this quote, "Then lose the jacket" is what Gladiolus says to Noctis when he says "Man, it's so hot...". So, how it works is, first, read the complaint, idea, sentence, etc., that the person above you has posted. Then, put "Then lose the jacket," in your post. Now, you must come up with a complaint or sentence that could get the response "Then lose the jacket." Here's a few examples: Player #1: "I just want Kingdom Hearts 3 to release..." Player #2: "Then lose the jacket." "I came up with a brilliant plan to get an A on my test today!" Player #3: "Then lose the jacket." "Hey, Gladio, lose the jacket!" Player #4: "Then lose the jacket." #RektNoct So, see how it works? I know, it looks boring at first, but when you read them out loud, it will probably make a difference! "Man, I'm so cold..." Rock on!
  18. That's supposed to be Sora's KH1 jacket, just with the hood up. And the fox (I believe) is Nomura's rendition of Famitsu magazine's mascot. This looks so cool, though! I see Cloud, Squall, Lightning, Noctis, Ace, and... that one lady I have seen so many times, yet never heard her name. What is she from, anyhow? Rock on!
  19. 20 days until Christmas. That's a little less than three weeks to go.

  20. Man, I am hardly getting any new notifications on here. This can only mean one thing: I've been forgotten. ._.

    1. Cricket
    2. Xiro


      tbh I haven't really seen u around lately

      That being said it's nice to see you now xD

  21. It's been nearly a year now... And the pain hasn't ended... Why must everyone treat my feelings like a forbidden territory? :(

    1. Veemon


      I can respect the wishes the person I love if they desire to wait. But my problem is, why is "being young" such a big deal to all the people I have talked to? I don't think age should be an issue as long as the love is truly in thst relationship. Cuz think: who can prevent me from caring about someone, regardless of their affiliation with me?

    2. Felixx


      Oh, sorry to hear that :/ But I don't think you are too young. If it is what you want then age shouldn't matter. Maybe you just have find the right person.

    3. Cricket


      How old is the other person?

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  22. I've started playing FFXV a few days ago, and I AM LOVING IT. It feels awesome because I don't really FEEL underlevelled, nor overlevelled, so it's pretty balanced so far. I am certainly satisifed with the game, and it's still only Chapter 1!

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