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Everything posted by Sportsmaster5

  1. Ha you've "had an EYE on him" I see what you did their And yea while making this video I was thinking whether or not he actually is loyal to Xehanort and honestly it doesn't seem like it so i won't be surprised if he does turn on him in the end. And also thanks!
  2. What's up everyone!? Today I made a character profile for Xigbar the 2nd in command to Xemnas. Tell me what you think of him and I hope you enjoy!
  3. Yea it's pretty good you should check it out if you enjoyed the manga
  4. Thought I would share another anime review I made and on one a lot of people may not of heard of called Mushi-shi. I hope you enjoy!
  5. ArcaneKeyblade: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBPciuydIhu-lb0mXcFQX7A
  6. What up everyone, I thought that I would make a video giving my thoughts on Unchained X so far, I hope you all enjoy! Let me know that you think of the game too.
  7. Thanks! And yea he is one of my favorite just because of his whole design and I love scythes as weapons too, And he's not bad for a villain either even though he doesn't stick around for long, but at least he's gonna most likely be back in KH3.
  8. Another Kingdom Hearts character profile, and today we are looking at Mr. Fabulous hair himself Marluxia. I hope you enjoy!
  9. I'm changing the link I decided to put it on another channel.
  10. Yea something that I noticed when I made older reviews is that people get annoyed or mad if you don't give something a certain score as in a number. So I'm making it like this and yea hopefully ppl don't take it as 3/5 because that really isn't what I mean, but like you said people are probably gonna twist it to that oh well. But thanks for the feedback!
  11. If any of you care for anime I made this review of a recent anime named Erased! I hope you enjoy!
  12. Hey, everyone I just wanted to ask for everyone's help in making a choice for my next "In-depth Character profiles" and also a new series where I review anime's or cartoons. The straw polls are in the description of the video! Thanks for the help! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FGwlWv2khY
  13. Today, I made another in depth character analysis video and in this one I take a look at Dipper Pines from Gravity Falls! I hope you all enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woY0qnnLfJI
  14. Gravity Falls? but i'm not sure how well that would look with 3d graphics.
  15. Today's character profile we take a look at one of Xemnas's top men Saix! I hope you all enjoy!
  16. Yea I've seen it, in the cutscene when he's talking about the passing down of the keyblade and saying his time for that hasn't come then he's basically saying that the keyblade, master Xehanort has hasn't been passed down to him yet. That's what I picked up on at least.
  17. True but my statement is a theory and it could be possible that like what happened to him in BBS where he lost his memory at the end could of possibly happened again and forgot completely about his previous life, again just a theory, whether it's plausible or not idk, but their is an obvious connection between himself and the lost foretellers. Another thoery is maybe his master was the missing foreteller because the E3 trailer it shows Xehanort's ram keyblade hanging up.
  18. My point was that he has the ability to move his heart into different beings, that being we see in the trailer could be some other person in which he put his hearts into like he did Terra. I'm pretty sure he split his heart into 13 fragments I could be wrong but the KH wiki even says he did. http://www.khwiki.com/Real_Organization_XIII Yea their are alot of questions yet to be answered. Yep because he is most likely going to be the final boss so you know he has to be extremely powerful somhow.
  19. Just a short video I thought I would make on a question I don't think a lot of people might of thought about. I hope you enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLFogms7X8k
  20. He's mine too! and thanks for watching! That's cool! Well if you enjoyed it then I highly recommend you watch Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood if you haven't already. Well thank you I tried! And I had that idea but I'm already doing character profiles for all the KH characters, so with this series I thought I would just jump from different series and games, but it is a possibility in the future.
  21. Just a video I made as an in depth analysis of the character Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist. I hope you enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EY4QecinY8
  22. Just a drawing of Sora I did a while back.
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