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Everything posted by Sportsmaster5

  1. And today I have another Kingdom Hearts character profile and today we look at Mr. Dance Water Dance, Demyx! Hope you enjoy!
  2. Another graphics comparison between regular DDD and the HD remake. I hope you all enjoy!
  3. Just my thoughts on the latest season of anime, hope you enjoy and let me know what you all thought too!
  4. My quick overlook of the new trailer, hope you all enjoy!
  5. What up everyone! Today I have another Kingdom Hearts Character Profile and in this one we take a look at the mad scientist Vexen. Hope you enjoy!
  6. What up everyone! I have another Kingdom Hearts character profile and today it's on the the Cloaked Schemer Zexion! I hope you enjoy!
  7. If someone says hey you should give this game a shot then I would more wonder why they say give it a shot and then read the review or watch it if I hadn't already, rather than if someone says it's a 9/10 then rather than thinking wow that's a pretty good score they would think wow, but you only gave *Insert their favorite game here* an 8/10 and so I must complain in the comments about it, not saying this is everyone I think it's a more consistent way of making people care for what they are actually saying rather than the number. And yea now a days people just want to look at something really fast such as a number and assume that's their whole opinion, even though it's wrong it's how alot of people are now.
  8. Yep, this topic I feel is more about the readers being the ones that are a big part of the problem rather than the reviewers, and in general I think saying something like a "Give it a play" or a "Pass" then listing Pros and Cons for it, would give a better gauge for those readers who don't want to read the whole thing and it could general stop people from causing riots over some number they give a game, but again it's up to the reviewer just to me this non-numbered way I feel would be better for this day and age.
  9. Yea since you don't care for numbers that reviewers give things, a lot of the things for numbered reviews don't effect you but you make some very good points especially about most scores being between 7-10. For people that do care for the numbered rating system I feel that the system is a little off, something I said to Hero of Light on here is a quicker summary of what I was saying in the video " instead of scores giving you an idea of what a someone's thoughts are on a product, people are twisting it to a point where they get offended by a review because it's rated lower than another game or that it's higher than another game and it becomes less about whether it's a quality product and more a competition among similar products, also the fact that you must know someones personal rating scale is another issue, because we all have different scales and this again causes confusion and at times anger too. I just feel like numbered reviews are causing people to more care about the number rather than the actual review." Thanks for the post!
  10. Thanks and that is very true, sadly though their are many that turn it into a competition rather than whether you should buy the product. I fine it perfectly fine if you have your own personal rating, I think the biggest problem is when bigger reviewing sites and even youtubers give numbers and then people look past the actual review and go onto the number then get highly offended if that number isn't up to their own personal score then flame the comments. but i'm done talking . And I'm glad you enjoyed!
  11. I know it's the reviewers opinion and choice on how they review things, I'm not saying that they are wrong I'm going at the point that giving scores to different games or shows is probably a lesser productive way of sharing someones opinion, because instead of scores giving you an idea of what a someone's thoughts are on a product, people are twisting it to a point where they get offended by a review because it's rated lower than another game or that it's higher than another game and it becomes less about whether it's a quality product and more a competition among similar products, also the fact that you must know someones personal rating scale is another issue, because we all have different scales and this again causes confusion and at times anger too. The point is that rather than people listening and reading the review, rather people just look at the number and then base their entire opinion on what the person says just on that number and then you see people complain and just compare it to other reviews that they've had. So people can judge and review things the way they want, I just feel like numbered reviews are causing people to more care about the number rather than the actual review.
  12. This is just a short video talking about the problems I think their are with giving video games and reviews in general numbered scores. Hope you enjoy and let me know what you all think! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evLy8Y4C7CA
  13. Was up everyone today I have another Kingdom Hearts Character profile and in this one we take a look at the lightning girl herself Larxene! I hope you all enjoy!
  14. Yea I love Okarin, suprising that some people find him to be somewhat annoying but hey I think he's great. Also yea if you go back to the first few episodes especially the first episode after watching the show then the episodes will make a lot more sense. I heard it's as good if not better than the show, and thanks!
  15. Hey everyone, I have another anime review I thought I'd share and this one is the on the pretty popular anime Steins;Gate! Tell me what you think of the show and if you might watch it now! Hope you enjoy!
  16. Yea very true I feel like they'll throw something for Unchained X in their at the least too. I feel that 2.8 is pretty much a lock since it is suppose to release this year.
  17. Thought I would make this short video talking about what I thought would be at E3 for Kingdom Hearts this year, tell me what you think! Thanks for watching!
  18. I would not be surprised honestly, makes sense to me. Yea I think the chance of him returning is decently high, especially if you look at the chess board in the KH3 trailer, if you wanna go off that, then he has a piece that is obviously representing him.
  19. Thought I'd share my review of the Beautiful and emotional anime Your Lie in April in case anyone was thinking of checking it out! Hope you all enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IY_RksSXPjE
  20. What's up everyone, today I have another character profile and this one is on the Trickster Luxord. Hope you all enjoy!
  21. I haven't been reading, but with the amount of the manga that is out their could be a season 2.
  22. Hey everyone I thought that I would share my thoughts on the somewhat popular anime out right now My Hero Academia! Tell me what you think of it so far and I hope you enjoy!
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