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About Lucario

  • Birthday 03/12/1989

Other Information

  • Member Title
    Time To Mega Evolve!
  • Gender
  1. Yay another StarOcean game! I love them all! I'm surprised no Xbox Port.
  2. Yes my father in 2009 I was 20 years old he's was more than my father he was my best friend it has left me a emotional wreck. Even now I cry sometimes in public cause of it. He died from a Disease he caught during winter time.
  3. Hiya ^_^ im new and I was wondering if your always harsh? Cause I stated before I do t like negative people. So if your one of them then go firetruck off then okay? ^_^

    1. Aru Akise

      Aru Akise

      I like your style, StrawberryMilk.

  4. Pretty sexy if you ask me I would battle her any day
  5. Clearly you guys need to go to Showtime Cinema on Tuesdays Free popcorn and 1 dollar candies. And if you have a membership you can get free soda or 5 dollars off your next movie.
  6. oh well one is fine as long as they make him/her different.
  7. Don't know why Ice Climbers are there they won't be in it cause of the 3DS.
  8. Today is the big day guys! Oh my god one more hour!
  9. yeah now that I think about it it's actually quite low since my gamestop is right in the mall. But I dont care cause tomorrow at 10am I'll getting Xenoblade baby!
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