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Everything posted by Soofi

  1. Hunter x Hunter is a godsend

    1. Soofi


      @Barry Bacon Allen agreed~

  2. Any of you keeping up with Tales of Zestiria the X? How does it compare to the game, in your opinion?

    1. Emrys


      It differs from what happens in the game in terms of events but nothing drastic. Ufotable animated it so its animation quality is the best your going to get and the fight scenes are very well choreographed. Same music from the game here and there. Id say its a faithful adaptation

    2. Emrys


      The op is pretty hype too.

    3. Soofi


      @EMIYA I agree with everything you said. They really threw me for a loop with some of the events they're cutting/changing/adding/etc. but for the most part I really enjoyed the first season. And yeah, OP by FLOW is automatic hype. 8D

      It's also nice because my friend who can't play the game can watch it instead.

  3. Hnnnn I want to play Tales of Destiny so badly-

  4. Also I like how Fractured!Presa just ignores the fact that Alvin apparently grew a beard in the five minutes since she'd seen him last.

    1. Xiro


      What if there's something about Alvin's facial hair that we just don't know about >.>

    2. Soofi


      @Xiro :O GASP

  5. Everyone complains about Alt. Milla so I thought I wouldn't like her, (SPOILERS AHEAD) but I liked her to the end... Also, Elle's ENG voice actress did a FANTASTIC job with those scenes.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Elrandir


      Ludger has a connection with the Key of Kresnik, is a descendant of Kresnik, and the chrono thingy. About Milla, that's easy, maybe. There was already a Maxwell in "prime" there cannot be two of the same spirit.. Alvin was close to both Ludger and the Key (Elle), maybe that's why?

    3. Elrandir


      Maybe the other Rollo disappeared because his dimension was gone and because there was another Rollo already there.

    4. Isaix


      Hmm,maybe that would make sense

  6. Ivar!!! Ivar is back!!! I know I'm probably the only one who likes him but I don't mind! More Ivar for me!

    1. Veemon


      Oh yeah, Ivar is one of the best! ›:D His angry arm-swinging motions made me want to do the same, like a Dance Routine!



    2. Veemon


      Ivar is awesome as always.

    3. Soofi


      @Steven Drake (SteVentus) Yes!!! Although he's as good as picking fights as ever. I swear I'm not even ten hours into the game but I've already fought him three times.

  7. I ordered Xillia 2 and it gets here tomorrow. I'm really hyped for this, since people say it's the darkest Tales of game (I'm still holding to my previous statement about Abyss though lmao).

    1. Isaix


      I didn't play Tales of the Abyss but Xillia 2 is definitly the darkest Tales I've played

    2. Soofi


      @Isaix A LOT of people agree, so I've really excited to play it! I remember seeing a screenshot of the MC (Ludger?) with blood on his face so that's certainly a good indication haha. The only other time I remember seeing blood in a Tales of game was that one scene from Vesperia.

    3. Soofi


      *I'm not I've

  8. Okay, Leia being 15 I can believe. Jude being 15 I can kinda sorta believe; but Ivar is NOT 16 no one can convince me.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Soofi


      @Steven Drake (SteVentus) Right? I mean he does act pretty childishly, but I never attributed it to him ACTUALLY being a child. Although I have a tendancy to assume people are older than they actually are, apparently, since I thought Tear was at least 20 and she's 16 as well.

    3. Soofi


      @Xiro fricking heck Todd is amazing. Like, I've always been impressed with Tales of English voice acting (minus Zestiria; ick), but seriously, Todd is a badass.

    4. Soofi


      I also find it hilarious that both Jade AND Raven complain way more than Rowen does, despite being like half his age.

  9. Wow I'm really enjoying Xillia. Like, more than I thought I would. Skits ahoy (seriously though, the skits in this game rival those of L&L. And that's saying something)!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Xiro


      lol I didn't even notice that typo

    3. Soofi


      @Xiro I didn't either at first, but sometimes I go back to things and reread my old messages and then go "crap there's a typo there, and even though I posted that comment like three years ago let me just fix that real quick-"

    4. Xiro
  10. Everyone seems to have the hots for Xillia so I ordered it a few days ago so I'd have time to finish Lineages & Legacies. Finished L&L last night. Wish me luck!

    1. Exiblade7


      Xillia is a very good game, though is considered the shortest game in the series

    2. Soofi


      @Zeldablade7 ah really? How short we talking? The quickest I've finished a Tales of game is Abyss in around 35hrs. That was my second playthrough of course, but even on my first playthrough it was barely 45hrs. I considered that pretty darn short for an RPG, especially a JRPG.

  11. Everyone here told me that Tales of Graces was just as sparkly as I assumed from the cover. Hahahahaha yOU LIED TO ME (still not as bad as Abyss lmao).

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Soofi


      I've heard that as well. Once I finish Graces I'm going to play Xillia and Xillia 2, so we'll see. Mostly it's subjective after all. I've also heard that Rebirth and Destiny are pretty dang dark (I'm looking forward to it lol).

    3. Soofi


      Coming back to this, I'm pretty certain that Graces has my favorite graphics in any Tales of game.

    4. Exiblade7


      I agree with you.

  12. What is the most memorable scene in Kingdom Hearts for you? And why?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ladydualwieldin


      Blank Points in BBS, specifically the last scene where all the lost ones say Sora's name. ;; it's such powerful foreshadowing.

    3. Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      Xion's death. Poor Roxas needs to find a new ice cream partner.

    4. teh lazy prince Xylek

      teh lazy prince Xylek

      sora's, axel's, or riku's speeches xD

  13. Do you tend to perform better or worse when playing games around people you don't know (i.e. your sister's friends come over and happen to hang out in the room you game in)?

    1. Veemon


      I perform a bit worse if they're people I don't know very well, or if they are a relative (Such as my grandpa).

    2. Soofi


      @Steven Drake (SteVentus) same here. I get really nervous, lol.

  14. When playing games, do you more often refer to the playable character as yourself (i.e. "did you see that attack I just performed?") or by their name (i.e. "did you see that attack Sora just performed?")?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Moochieh32


      Well, it's pretty obvious, but usually FP games, I refer to myself, and TP games I refer to the character. Oh and in multiplayer I always refer to myself and the others playing of course xD

    3. Soofi


      @Moochieh32 makes sense lol xD I just wanted to see if you had anything specific to say. xD I love hearing about other people's opinions.

    4. Moochieh32
  15. Video games taught me that if you want a fresh start, all you need to do is cut your hair.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Soofi


      @Xiro yeah, I liked it both ways, but I think I prefer it shorter. Only by a bit, though. xD

    3. Exiblade7


      oh. I've been into the tales of series so much that it was the first thing that came into my head. lol

    4. Soofi


      @Zeldablade7 nah, that's what I was originally referencing TotA so it's totally cool. It was the first thing to pop into my head too. xD Even just typing the word "original" like I did a second ago made me think of TotA. I'm in pretty deep. xD

  16. Man, games that deal with replication and loss of individuality get me every time...

    1. Soofi


      @Shinobi Palace I'll check it out! I've been playing through Tales of the Abyss recently, and that and KH both heavily involve those particular themes, which intrigue me very much... It's so interesting, and also so saddening, when you hear one of the Nobodies/replicas start to talk about how they feel, being someone's replacement... Ha, sorry, I rambled. :P

  17. Any 'Tales of' fans here? What's your favorite?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Soravids


      I know man! Finally a super cool female protagonist!

    3. Exiblade7


      @Amberlyn I was referring to tales of graces f if you didn't realize yet. my bad

    4. Soofi


      @soravids right? I'm so hyped!! It's really interesting that they decided on a prequel for Zestiria, since I never really considered it as having room for one, so I'm excited to see how it plays out.

      @Zeldablade7 I figured as much. Thanks for clarifying, though. c:

  18. Anyone else played Tales of Zestiria? What are your thoughts?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Elrandir


      A nice game. Not the best in my opinion.

      It suffered a lot for the Alisha DLC when it was released. I didn't get the DLC, just watched it on YouTube.

    3. Soofi


      @Zeldablade7 I totally agree. I hold a firm belief that boss battles shouldn't require very much (or any) grinding. But I did. For about 3-4 days. The mechanic for that battle is really really stupid. Of course you're not going to be able to do that much damage in that short amount of time at LVL. 65 (that was my level when I first attempted it). Sighs. Aside from that and a few other nitpicky things, I really enjoyed the game.

    4. Soofi


      @Elrandir Yeah there were certainly things I thought could've been better, but it was pretty solid overall. And the characters were memorable imo.

      I haven't gotten the Alisha DLC yet (I plan to) but I can see where you're coming from, for sure.

  19. What do you think Lea's KHIII outfit will look like? Surely he's eager to get out of that stuffy coat.

    1. WakingDawn96


      Not if Xehanort has anything to do with it!


      But seriously, I think it will probably have elements of his childhood outfit, but it probably will look brand new at the same time, kind of like how you can see Sora having past elements from the KH games but also looking brand new at the same time.

    2. Shimmy


      I don't know about you but I sure do hope he gains some weight before trying to do a sleeveless getup again

    3. Soofi


      @WakingDawn96 It's a good call. I was talking to a friend who said something similar when I brought this up. In any case, it can't be easy to jump around in that coat like he does. I'd want something looser and more comfortable. xD

      @Shimmy For sure. He's such a stick it's kind of ridiculous. xD

  20. The hype for Riku and Kairi KHIII designs is real.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Soofi


      @Forever DEFINITELYYY~ I can't wait to see what outfit he might have. He's worn the Org. coat every single time we've seen him (unless you count BBS, but he was kind of a different person there, and Sora wasn't really in Radiant Garden lmao).

    3. Forever


      omg, yeeeeeees! I wonder if they'll just make it a more "grownup" version of his BBS outfit? :)

    4. Soofi


      @Forever Ohhhh yes that'd be really nice. I want new designs for most of the characters at least, since they all got outfit changes in KHII, and his is KHIII. There should be a design change for every installment in the main series, I think. ;P

  21. Vocaloids? Your favorite(s)?

    1. Sikota Urinakano

      Sikota Urinakano

      Kaito for me probably. Favorite voice and songs. Plus scarves.

    2. Soofi


      @Sikota Urinakano Oohhh Kaito~ Yes he's great. His scarf is cute (I want one in that color. Even though I know myself well enough to know that I'd never wear it, sighs.)

  22. Are you excited for FFXV?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Soofi


      @KHLegendIII that makes two of us. 8D

    3. PrinceNoctis
    4. Soofi


      @PrinceNoctis THERE'S THREE SO FAR NOW!! :D :D

  23. Talk Magi to me.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Soofi


      @ラッキー ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Magi.


      @kingdomhearts378 They ARE pretty cute. ;u; I'm weak to redheads (Kouen is my favorite~).

    3. catmaster0116


      "And so began what would be a glorious friendship that was built on household vessel collecting and dungeon conquering" Sinbad was pretty funny tho, are you also following the Sinbad side stories?

    4. Soofi


      @catmaster0116 He's hilarious. xD Yes I do follow SnB!! I'm up to date with it, but it hasn't been updated in awhile, so I've occupied myself with other manga while I wait. :P

  24. What do you think of Owari no Seraph's anime? How well do you think it sticks to the manga?

    1. Soofi


      @Firaga Sensei I agree. Not only does it have Miyu Irino AND Okamoto Nobuhiko in it, but it also (imo) stays with the manga storyline pretty well, sans a few minor, unimportant scenes that were mostly there for humor. Season one's theme song grew on me, as well, lol.

    2. Soofi


      Yep!! :D Pretty awesome yeah? Okamoto also plays Mizuki from Kamisama Hajimemashita and Shin-ah from Akatsuki no Yona. All the Haikyuu fans are flipping out because of all the voice actors from HQ being in OnS, it's fun to watch haha (I myself have actually never seen Haikyuu, due to my lack of interest in sports anime, but it's cool to see the fans so excited, lol).

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