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Everything posted by itsDON

  1. What's a good website for rain sounds? havin a bit of trouble sleepin..

    1. itsDON


      I didn't even think of youtube wow I feel new lol.

    2. itsDON


      Rainymood! I think I remember someone telling me something about it. I'll give it a whirl. Cheers mate :)

    3. Yuya Sakaki
    4. Show next comments  9 more
  2. When is a door not a door?

    1. itsDON


      Correct Dave lol

    2. Javelin434



    3. Javelin434


      Missing a hamburger and more Eagles. Otherwise it's good xD

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  3. Lost in my thoughts

    1. Xiro


      Momo is indeed the wisest of creatures

    2. itsDON


      Arigatou gozaimasu

  4. Sweet Dreams are made of this

    1. Josuke Higashikata

      Josuke Higashikata

      Who am I to disagree?

    2. itsDON


      I traveled the world and the seven seas.

    3. Shana09


      sweet dreams and beautiful nightmares

  5. Am I the only person who doesn't think that Corey Burton's "DIZ" "Ansem the Wise" voice sounds like Christopher Lee (RIP)?

    1. Dave


      Lee's voice is hard to emulate, just because it was so deep.

    2. itsDON


      Yeah I just...I don't hear it. Like There are definitely similarities but the mannerisms just seem off. Christopher Lee just had a way of speaking that is difficult to emulate. Sounds too much like Yensid to me.

    3. Sora96


      Corey Burton fills in for Sir. Christopher Lee for everything. Haha.

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  6. Why are people assuming KH3 is coming out in 2017? Never assume things thats how butt hurt raging fans are born.

    1. itsDON


      I just think that assuming something without facts leads to misinformation and chaos look what happened at D23. It's better to just wait and see what happens.

    2. Nero Kunivas

      Nero Kunivas

      Well, it won't come out this year, that is for sure.

    3. ladydualwieldin


      Agreeing with the OP, guesswork never does any good, especially for a game 10+ years in waiting. I've been assuming late 2018 for a while now; if it drops before then, great! my expectations are exceeded. if not, I'll have figured as much and won't be too disappointed.

  7. 0.2, I pray to God that those blocky weird looking character models for Yen Sid and Mickey are just the "early development" ones because they look awful. Riku and Kairi didn't look "too" bad but Kairi's hands are massive. There is definitely room for improvement. Dream Drop Distance honestly looks even more gorgeous on an actual console and I can't wait to see how "flow motion" is incorporated for the PS4. Speaking of, I spotted some heavy flow motion in the new (Kingdom Hearts III) footage, I'm honestly even more excited to play it now after seeing how Sora can interact with the environment. That scene where he slides in the river was awesome. At first I wasn't too keen on the new character model for Sora or his new clothes and haircut, but it's really grown on me now and judging by the way the footage is set up we will still be able to play with our KH2 Sora for a while before he inevitably shows the mark of mastery and gets his new duds, powers, and hair cut. I went in not expecting much of anything good from Osaka and I'm not going to lie and say I'm not still a bit "concerned" about it being developed by them, but based on what I'm seeing so far. I may have to start having a bit more confidence in their work.
  8. I Don't wanna be Peter pessimist but, I doubt there will be any KH3 information there. I'll watch the live stream anyway though
  9. I hope I'm wrong but I have this nagging feeling inside that Kingdom Hearts III will be released in Japan first....

    1. MythrilMagician


      That, unfortunately, is always the case.

    2. Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      Well, it is Japanese, it's obviously going to release there first.

  10. Oh..... I didn't even think about that. It looks like its been recorded from a phone though..Idk. I mean they checked us all literally made sure we could not record anything.
  11. Need new manga to read. Halp!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. itsDON


      Oh and I already read Fairy Tail haha Love it.

    3. Sendou Aichi

      Sendou Aichi

      Xion- Not fan translations. It will probably never get one cinsdering the anime is subbed and there is an official translation.

      Although, Lost Canvas is fully translated. Some of the other spins-off have one as well.

    4. Xiro


      I've read LC. I haven't been able to find the official translation (Knights of the Zodiac) either, though TnT At least, I couldn't find it back at home

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  12. Oh, I hope this isn't completely Obvi but Do you all think that Kingdom Hearts 3 may be delayed even further because of FFVII?

    1. itsDON


      Thanks Guys

    2. Sora96
    3. Isamu Kuno

      Isamu Kuno

      If anything I would say KH3 would delay FFVII RE. KH3 is much farther along in development.

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  13. Doors that make the woosh sound *tingles*

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Josuke Higashikata

      Josuke Higashikata

      Thank you, thank you! I can assure of two of those, but my wings need stretching out, ha.

    3. Forever


      Ah, no worries! I'm sure you'll find your barrings in no time...you always do!

    4. itsDON



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  14. FFVII Fans = BOOOOOOHOOO Where's the Turn based Attacks?!! Waaaaaaaah. It's called a Remake not a remaster. Get over yourselves and just play your original TB copies. Idiots.

    1. itsDON
    2. Josuke Higashikata

      Josuke Higashikata

      *Final Fantasy VII victory music intensifies*

    3. Shana09




      Let's not junior mod either, which is against the rules. And it wasn't against a specific person so it is fine.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  15. HI! :D

    1. itsDON


      Not like I luuuuuuuuuuuuuuhve dem haha

    2. Enix
    3. Forever




      ..please? X3

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  16. And the KH3 NEWS drought begins...sorry I Meant continues...

    1. PrinceNoctis


      I dont think KH3 will release next year, I think it'll release in 2017 but since 2015 is almost over I consider 2017 to be a year away

    2. Exiblade7
    3. Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      I do think we'll get a trailer of a KH game or the release date of UX in Jump Festa.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  17. Hopefully there will be a release date announced during D23

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. itsDON


      Gotta love those Time differences lol

    3. Gamerazor247


      HA! You wish...

      "Now in Development" - Nomura

    4. itsDON



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  18. It was in California....it was in the Walt Disney Studio lot in Burbank CA.
  19. Sora very much had and still has a purpose. Roxas for all intents and purposes was never supposed to exist in the first place, He fulfilled his purpose the moment he rejoins with Sora. Sora's purpose in Kingdom Hearts II was to find Riku and have them both return to Destiny Islands where Kairi was left at the end of the first Kingdom Hearts. This purpose is the very reason he ended up in that sleeping pod in the first place. I loved Roxas as well but seeing you talk like this about Sora being essentially useless makes me wonder if you've even played Chain of memories. If you had played chain of memories there would be no way you could think Sora had no purpose in Kingdom Hearts II. I mean what was the poor guy to do stay in hyper sleep and remain incomplete while HALF of himself "Roxas" his nobody is left roaming around just as incomplete as Sora?. They Needed each other. Just like Naminé needed Kairi.
  20. The World Ends With You. Really hoping we get a Shibuya Town in KH3

    1. Clouded Sun

      Clouded Sun

      What I meant to say was that they hinted we'll get Shibuya in the next KH game in DDD. Sorry bout that.

    2. Oli


      @Sun Nomura didn't say all worlds would be new, he said many of them would be and the returning worlds would have more/different areas to explore.

    3. Oli
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