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Status Updates posted by itsDON

  1. Has anyone else's friend list completely vanished after this update?

    1. 2 quid is good

      2 quid is good

       Yeah, it's because of the new follow system  

  2. Really bummed that Hayden Panettiere wasn't even asked to reprise her role as Kairi in KH3. I love Alyson Stoner don't get me wrong but Kairi is Hayden's role and has been since the first installment. Just doesn't seem fair.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KeybladeMasterBalo


      Did she stay she wasn't asked about it? Or this is assumption for the trailer's voice?

    3. itsDON


      She stated it on twitter.

    4. KeybladeMasterBalo


      Oh jeez! I love her Kairi work :v

  3. I am honestly in tears from the new snippet of song we got from The kingdom hearts 3 trailer and the fact that Utada is back!

    1. KeybladeMasterBalo


      Many people say it's kinda way different than the other two tracks, but it's not tho. I'm sure they comment this thinking about the intro, which will surely have a Remix version of Don't Think Twice while the ending will be this sad version which will take us down the floor in tears since it will be all over

    2. itsDON


      Yrah but its not ALL over just this saga in the series will come to a close. There will be another Kingdom Hearts title in the distant future lol.

    3. KeybladeMasterBalo


      I know but it's still some kind of "Ending", of a cycle you may call it but a true ending at that.

  4. I don't want a lot for Christmas there is just one thing I need. I just want a real release date in 2018 for KH3

    1. VisitJoan


      I see what you did there.

  5. Someone once told me the grass is much greener on the other side.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Keyblade101


      And I paid a visit. Well, it's possible I missed it it seemed different yet exactly the same.

    3. itsDON


      Till further noticed I'm in=between,from where I'm standing my grass is green. :)

    4. Keyblade101


      Someone once told me the grass is much greener, on the other side.... :)

  6. Someone halp me, how do I make youtube videos autoplay on here?

  7. Catch a falling star

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. itsDON


      never let it fade away

    3. Cricket


      Catch a falling star

    4. itsDON


      and put it in your pocket

  8. Do you think we will get another KH3 trailer before the end of 2017?

    1. KHP@L@D1NX13


      It's possible that they might, though I believe it will be a lil while till we get more news. Prepare for a drought, so pray for rain lol.

  9. D23 Did not disappoint I am so happy and grateful! Thank you Nomura <3

  10. Two more days until D23!

  11. Yo! Five more days until D23 guys!

  12. Will anybody from kh13 be periscoping this D23?

  13. 15 more days until D23

  14. So am I the only one that doesn't think that "final announcements" means release date?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. KingdomHearts3


      Probably not. It probably means release window.

    3. KHLegendIII


      I'm just excited to see the next trailer next month, regardless if it get's a release date or window or not, I just want to see what comes next.

    4. Oli


      what I understood as "final announcements" is that we'll get the last bit of information about the game until it starts full promotion

  15. That new KH3 trailer.... my Gawwd

    1. Solstice


      I havnt seen it.

  16. 5 more days until 3E

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Clouded Sun

      Clouded Sun

      I hear this one will have advance soft body physics surpassing the last.

    3. MythrilMagician


      Sounds kinky ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    4. itsDON
  17. 6 more days until E3!

    1. WakingDawn96


      E3 technically starts for me when the first press conference happens, which is on Saturday with EA, but I definitely can't wait until seven days from tomorrow when we will hear about Nintendo news! Nintendo is my favorite video game company, even though I do like a lot of other video game companies as well! :)

    2. Nweintraub


      I'm waiting for E3 for info on WWE 2K18. Maybe they'll at least show a trailer for it or something, hope so.

  18. These global proud quest are actually hard ah ma gaw

  19. Stayin Alive, ah ah ah ah

  20. 2.8 in Japan, 4 more days

    1. MythrilMagician


      3 days for them, because it's the 9th there. Also, Sora for World of Final Fantasy will release same day :O

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