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Everything posted by AngelTheWeirdStranger

  1. So techinacally, Sora can triple wield because he has the hearts of Roxas, Ventus and his own.
  2. I wanted to ask though, is having two hearts really a limitation? Because I don't remember Roxas having 2 hearts within him when dual wielding.
  3. I assume she gave it up along with her armor to save Terra, so until she finds it in the realm of light again she cannot wield it, and since Master's Keeper was left with no wielder when Eraqus died, I'm pretty sure it became Aqua's because she was the Master next in line and was also the first to claim it.
  4. Aqua gives up her armor and her Stormfall/Rainfell Keyblade in order to save Terra, which is why you see her armor and Keyblade when Xemnas visits her in the chamber of Sleep during Kingdom Hearts 2. But during Birth By Sleep Final Episode, it was shown that Aqua assumed possesion of the Master's Keeper which is uses to replace her original keyblade in the Realm of Darkness.
  5. Considering the length of a world, 1-2 hours, cutscenes included.
  6. DDD still looks early in progress, if you notice, Riku doesn't even hit the Dream Eaters when he attacks in the trailer, so maybe it's the most unfinished out of the 3 games.
  7. It was simply incredible, so much story, so much plot to uncover, so many new character to meet and old characters to return and it's all 6 months away! I haven't had this much hype since Final Fantasy Uncovered and now I simply can't wait.
  8. Wait a sec...A release date!? Worldwide!? Best KH trailer EVAAAAH! xD

    1. Exiblade7


      that was just the beginning! watch them spill the milk on kh3 like crazy in december

    2. AngelTheWeirdStranger


      When that time comes, I'll probably die from overhype. :P


  9. Pokemon, Fire Emblem and Smash 4. We're instantly best friends. I thought the same.
  10. It's raining like hell outside and now I'm stuck in my college. X'D

    1. Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      I was about to post the link, you beat me to it xD

    2. AngelTheWeirdStranger


      Well, that's...Entertaining. Lol, the song made me hungry. xD

    3. Pizza


      firetruck no

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  11. I feel like I should be more active on here...Hmmmmmmm...Nah! :P

    1. Felixx


      You lazy bum! (get the reference? xD)

  12. Had to stay up all night to finish my project. It turned out good but now I'm too sleepy to work on other assignments. -_-zzz

  13. True, it is very annoying, I mean...Why make limited medals that are so hard to get? They should had at least guaranteed one of the 2 Super Rares in the deal. Instead you just hope for the best and get salty when you fail.
  14. 14. AP runs out before you know it. 15. Don't have enough AP to spend on a Raid Boss. 16. A new, really cool, deal comes out but you don't have enough Jewels. 17. You have really awesome medals but not a high enough Keyblade cost. 18. You have to wait for a week to get the evolve and fusion medals you want. 19. You don't have enough money to LV up your medals. 20. Your LV is 200+ and it takes forever to LV up. 21. Limited time only medals exist and are hard to get. 22. You get YET ANOTHER Gummi Ship costume.
  15. Though I'm not sure, the one on the right has a more...Complete(?) design, which could probably mean that it has a stronger effect, depleting larger amounts of HP. Again, this is me assuming this. I am not sure.
  16. Hmmm...Toughie because they are all great. I like the KH2 Version, the BBS Version and the 3D Version. But I think KH2 takes the cake.
  17. I just ran out in the storm for chips. xD #TheThingsIDoForSnacks

    1. Felixx


      Poor chips, they probably thought they're save on a stormy day xP

    2. teh lazy prince Xylek
  18. I'm talking about Scott saying that FNAF4 was going to be the "Last FNAF game". I guess we can always count on him to keep a promise. :rolleyes:
  19. It's an acronym for Power-Speed-Magic.The medal basically is a strength boost for all types of medals. It's probably best for the Olympia and Starlight Keyblade.
  20. New class and our homework is...Find a song you like for the visual sound book you will be making. GREAT! :D

    1. Felixx


      Sounds like fun! :D I wish math had anything to do with music xD

    2. catmaster0116


      Omg! Seriously? Lucky!!

  21. KH3 and KH2.8 Horizon: Zero Dawn FFXV and FFVII Persona 5 The Last Guardian. UGHHHHH! So many games! I need them all but cannot afford them.
  22. I learned to love her dedication to say the least. Plus, she's cute apparently. Weird results even though I flipped out when she killed my friend and even called the police.
  23. Ugh, so hard to decide because each gen was unique in its own way. I love Gen 3 because Emerald was my first pokemon game. I love Gen 4 because I had so much fun with it while playing with my cousins. Gen 5 brought me back to pokemon even though I said I would stop (But who really can?) and it also had an amazing storyline and characters. Gen 6 introduced so many new things and it's the Gen where I started taking pokemon seriously, by playing competitively and trying to complete the Pokedex. It's hard to decide but I guess Gen 5 stands a bit above the rest because I really liked the story.
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