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Everything posted by sora473

  1. if you recall nobodys look like the boy/girl and in BBS ven gives his heart th sora and sora loses his heart wich made roxas but roxas looks like ven becose its not his haert its ven not soras
  2. if you need help ask me leve me a note on my profile

  3. ples help me with the lingering will

  4. the best way is to use limit from and when he go's in rage mode you need to block block bock roll jump glide PUT YOUR BACK TO THE WALL block block bock roll
  5. do you guys think im stupid i know that its comeing out on ps4 one it cant handle the GB and it said ps4
  6. you guys think im stupid it said its only on the ps4 and xboxone i wanted to see if a lot of people would feakout im not that stupid
  7. i had a ps2 but i have ben saveing up for a ps3 so i would like to know if it will be on the ps3
  8. no he will keep his shoes its some thing that they will keep in the game sora will have cloths like vens but better
  9. it also said kairi sora riku will get the suit that terra ven and aqua have
  10. sora has had alot of outfits and i think sora should get a new one
  11. the kings feet are big so they made soras like mikeys
  12. 1.you will need the fallowing items 7 orichalcums 2.a plan orichalcum 3.a mythril crystal 4.energy crystal 5.dense crystal 6.twilight crystal 7.serenity crystal you can fined the orchalcum in chests or get them from the bullky vendor the mythril crystal you have to syntheszise you get the dense crystal from the nobody berserker you get the twilight crystal from the nobody sorcerer you get the serenity crystal from the nobody sorcerer you get the energy crystal from the heartless bookmaster then go get the recipe its in twiligit town is the pod place is the mansion whare sora wolk up in the begining
  13. im going to wach the super bowl tomorrw i hope the seahawks win

  14. i will answer your questions if you have eney
  15. sora crys thats roxas saying bye when you frist start playing as sora
  16. i just beat terras story and i want to the all the spots and there nothing there
  17. i see videos with people that alows them to stay in finale form i've done every thing and i still cant get the glich to work help me!!!
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