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Everything posted by masterchilidog

  1. heyayea whats going on?

  2. Lately, I have felt slower than everyone and everything around me. Everything else is just going smoothly as usual and i feel like im wandering around trying to remember something or find some purpose but idk

    1. Emrys


      thats deep dude.


    2. Forever


      You just summoned up my life in a nutshell. It's like everyone else is zooming past, and you're stuck in the Twilight Zone.

    3. WakingDawn96


      Weird, maybe you are just different from other people?

  3. Hear anything new on Tool? whether it be rumor or truth, discuss below. I'd love to hear Spiral Out!
  4. This really stirs my pasta

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Emrys


      this really butters my muffin

    3. Aru Akise

      Aru Akise

      This really basks in his glory

    4. Emrys
  5. RIP Kitty0706. You and your humor will be greatly missed

  6. Guess I'll have to try harder

  7. I wish my Buneary would evolve to Lopunny ;~;

  8. la la la la la la la la lie lie lie

    1. Soul Eater Evans

      Soul Eater Evans

      its a wonderful lie

  9. Chemistry is awful tbh

  10. When will Sempai notice me?

  11. thank you MMD

    1. Emrys


      it truly is a beautiful thing

    2. masterchilidog
  12. your theory was excellent and makes a ton of sense sure there are a few rough unconfirmed patches but i can see how it works you may be right...
  13. What is the most depressed fish in the ocean? A question asked by many, but answered by few.

  14. that moment when you find the prettiest flower, but its on someone else's private property

    1. WakingDawn96


      This can be taken in so many different ways

    2. masterchilidog
  15. Screw school I just want to play Skullgirls ;~;

  16. I feel like an attention whore. I'm not used to people actually commenting replys /).(\

  17. Well I did like JSRF but i don't think it was as good as it could have been. I haven't beaten it yet but I like it. They really need to release another one though. That would be awesome
  18. am i kawaii enough for you sempai?

    1. Show previous comments  30 more
    2. Ruby Rose

      Ruby Rose

      You fiendish fellow

    3. masterchilidog


      Wow. Look what I gone an missed

    4. Soul Eater Evans

      Soul Eater Evans

      stay night forever


      ilyas best girl

  19. personally my favorite would be Jet Grind Radio for Sega Dreamcast. JSRF was okay but i didnt think it was as good as JGR whats your favorite title? and what was your favorite or least favorite part about the game?
  20. I'm listening to it in class right now lol. It's honestly my favorite song by TeddyLoid and I loved the PSG OST but this song just blows me away
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