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Everything posted by AlixtheMagi13

  1. I greatly approve of the new nickname. (: Thank you for welcoming me back!
  2. I'm feeling so much cringe from looking at my older posts

  3. No offense to Pizza. But personally, this actually looks way more appetizing to me. Plus it can always be worse.
  4. My name on there is Alix and my ID is 278847. And I'm level 5 without a party so far. And I chose Leopardus because I've always thought that it seemed like the coolest foreteller so far. And I didn't believe that Leopardus was the traitor. I would be severely grateful if I could join your party. Thanks!
  5. I'm either lawfull good or neutral good.
  6. *Casually enters dance while pretending that I was there the entire time and walks over to the food table* Hi guys! Sorry for being late,
  7. The moment whenever you realize that at least half the people in the Kingdom Hearts fandom would turn evil for a copy of KH3. Xehanort would have way more in his new Organization XIII if he had the option for a physical copy of KH3.
  8. Welcome to KH13!!!! Also yes! Another fan of Ven.
  9. Ugh Disney Town. While Fruit Ball was actually pretty fun. Ice Cream Beat was a terrible mini game that required a basically perfect score to complete. Which is terrible if you're like myself and suck at rhythm games.
  10. Is it bad of how much joy I'm having seeing the Fine Bros losing all their subs

    1. Cricket


      I don't find it enjoyable when someone loses subs; however, TheFineBros. were in the wrong. :( And their update videos about the situation seem so staged...I mean, ReactWorld could have been successful if they didn't try to trademark/license anything...

    2. Nero Kunivas

      Nero Kunivas

      Good, goooood...let the joy flow through you. X3

    3. venxas24


      I think it was a bad move but I liked them so I wouldn't say I enjoy it. There's actually a livestream showing their subscriber count and how its dropping

  11. It would probably have to be The World Ends with You.
  12. That's good to hear Steven. It's nice to talk to you all hear again. It's fine. I'm glad you're feeling better. :biggrin:
  13. How many episodes are typically in a RWBY volume?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheKingdomkid


      Volume 1 had 16 Chapters with an average length of 7 minutes. Volume 2 had 12 Chapters but they where around 13 minutes on average.

    3. AlixtheMagi13
    4. Yuya Sakaki

      Yuya Sakaki

      Oh yeah, that's right. xD Don't listen to me, I'm not a hardcore RWBY fan.

  14. I really like the pairing VenxNamine. Even though it most likely will never happen in the canon. I mean Namine likes Roxas and Sora. But Sora is in love with Kairi and Roxas has Xion. So with Ven being like Sora in personality and Roxas in his body. I believe that Ven and Namine would be a really cute couple together.
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