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About ForsakenAngel

  • Birthday 08/11/1988

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  1. The growing heart theory could be true. It would make sense. This is true. They still look quite young for being 10/11 yrs older then BbS. To be honest I kinda hope they didn't age all too much cause that would make Axel like 24ish and Roxas and Xion would only be 14/15. For how much he cares for them it makes him seem a bit odd, especially for Axel x Roxas fans like myself. I'm just not sure if that age gap is all right haha
  2. Omg I would love for them to do a Pocahontas world. I really liked the Mulan world in KH2 But yeah, I think those choices could have been better then Alice too.
  3. Well she does become human in the movie, they could have had that in her world and then she gets taken, a bit like Jasmine in Agrabah?? I just thought it was weird that they chose Alice to be a princess of heart.
  4. I don't know why so many people don't like him. Yes he was being used and fell into darkness but so did Riku and nearly everyone loves him (me included lol). Apart from him being a bit slower then Aqua or Ven I didn't mind him. I dunno who my fav out of the 3 is
  5. In KH1 swimming was a pain and the enemies sucked. In KH2 it's just boring and I think it was weird. I like the movies but it just wasn't a good world I think. Also I think she should have been a princess of heart instead of Alice.
  6. I reaaaaaaaaallllllyyyyyyyy don't want this. I just don't think it would fit. I do love marvel but just no, not it KH please.
  7. Hmm, I'd say someone who loves the series completely, the good and bad. Someone who doesn't call the handheld games spin-offs and refuses to play them(this really annoys me) and someone who isn't afraid to tell everyone they love it and shares the love with others
  8. Hmm, maybe that's true. He is very serious looking. I wonder if we'll get to see some back stories for him and other 13 darknesses we haven't seen. Would be interesting to see why he decided to be evil if that's what he is lol.
  9. ohhh so that would make them all like 10/11 years older in CoM, Days, KH2 and DDD. Saix looks like he's quite a bit older then Axel though, I wonder if that's cause he's part Xehanort too??
  10. I really like KH2 or DDD. I just love how their faces can show so much emotions, especially their eyes. I love the looks RIku gives to Sora in DDD
  11. I've been thinking about this for a while now and it's really annoying me cause I can't find the answer lol I read somewhere that they don't but there are a few things that don't add up for me. Namine looks younger in Chain of memories then in KH2 Lea and Isa joined the organisation soon after BBS but they look much older in other KH games Ienzo and Even are seen after their hearts are taken by 'Ansem' and Ienzo is still a child but he's a teen in the other games. What do you guys think??
  12. No, I don't want that. I like that its so open to interpretation, everyone can have their own fav pairings without there being a defined one.
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