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supersora x_51868

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Everything posted by supersora x_51868

  1. I hope metroid prime 4, Jak and daxter 4 and elder scrolls 6 get announced at e3. :smile: That will shock people.
  2. Finally hdd support coming to playstation 4 looking forward to it.

  3. https://blog.eu.playstation.com/2017/02/03/ps4-system-software-4-50-beta-starts-today/ Best update ever coming to playstation 4 ! :biggrin:
  4. For me it feels happy and thinking about positive things in my life that have made me better. :smile:
  5. KINGDOM HEARS 1.5 and 2.5 PS 4 HYPE!!!

  6. Kingdom hearts 2.8 in January! I hope.

    1. Felixx


      They won't dare to delayit again. I hope xD

    2. Felixx
    3. supersora x_51868
  7. Found a company named: SORA! Lol https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sora_Ltd.
  8. Same for me. I only buy one if i didn't have a ps4.
  9. Hello! Who gonna get playstation 4 pro?
  10. This is sad news... :sad: I hope God help them. This has to end.
  11. Kingdom Hearts 2.8 December ! :)

  12. I am sad about no kh3 at e3 and its get me worried for the game development. They should give us something. :sad: They could say no kh3 at e3.
  13. Had a dream today about heartless invading earth and they killed all people and my parents. I was sceard when I woke upp. Have anyone else any dream about kingdom hearts? Please share if you can :smile: .
  14. Kingdom hearts 1 when Sora sacrifice himself to wake up Kairi.
  15. Hello just going to tell some mysterious things I feel. I believe strong in Jesus and God so much I sometimes cry that they are not here. I have feelt this 4 years and I feel like I dont belong on this planet anymore. I have spoken to my parents about this but they dont listen. :sad:
  16. I have played Just Cause 3 and it's fun good game.
  17. Most Hot girls: Aqua > Kairi > Laraxine > Xion This what i think about the female characters. :wub:
  18. Star wars battlefront 3 almost here now so hyped! :) Anyone else?

  19. I'm confused why does not square enix say that they dont gonna show the d23 trailer? If this is the case they should respect the fans to say sorry or something. :sad:
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