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Key Sharkz

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Everything posted by Key Sharkz

  1. I kind of have to agree here. Also I am a bit surprised that 2.5 wasn't in higher demand just because of the fact that many people prefer KH2 over 1, and Re:CoM is not exactly a fan favorite; however you are correct, with a new console out, a lot of people don't want to invest in the PS3 anymore and many of them traded in their's for a PS4 which can not play PS3 games.
  2. I kind of imagine Kairi fighting WITH them, because the whole "Kairi is kidnapped" thing is getting old. Not to mention in 2 she says she's going to fight with Sora from now on. So it would make sense and feel refreshing to see her there on the battlefield.
  3. If it DOES come out, they will have to hurry to get it out for the PS3 since they probably don't want to have the entire set on the PS3 and have one remake that requires the PS4, especially since there is no way that game will make full use of the PS4's capabilities. Don't get me wrong, it's a great looking game, but if I recall it's fairly short and really doesn't justify a full console release on its own. The only way I could see them releasing it is probably as a pack in bonus with KH3 (since it takes place before it, it would make sense too) or like on a disk that includes more or less notes on what all of X is about and any other various universe crap that has not been released yet. I doubt Days will get a full remake considering the multiplayer aspect would have to be modified heavily to work properly (let's face it, there is no point in giving it online functionality because not enough people will play it to justify it. KH is a great series, but Days multiplayer was more or less abandoned a few months after the game came out) and since the multiplayer plays into the main aspect of the game, that would kind of be releasing it with limited functionality. The multiplayer would have to be severely butchered, so Days remake is more or less out.
  4. Yousuf, that's a spin on the name "Joseph" right? What origin is it? Also it's so strange to me realizing people born in 1998 are 16+ now! I'm old. Either way, welcome to the site!
  5. ^ Receives an invitation to a barbecue with your mother-in-law, whom you're not too fond of. < Puts in coffee, without the cup.
  6. I am stuck on Axel, I can't beat him worth a damn. I get him down to 1HP, but that bullcrap where he can't die as long as the arena is lit is getting me every time...
  7. I don't know about easiest (probably a tie between Luxord and Roxas for me), but I can definitely say that Axel is insanely hard for me...
  8. Ah, if you can you should get your hands on the ReMix 1.5 and 2.5 sets, basically compiles 4 games on 2 disks along with the entire cutscenes of 2 more games.
  9. Hello and welcome! Do you own the original PS2 game or the 1.5 ReMix?
  10. Defense, Defense is a pretty good choice if you are trying to give yourself more edge in critical mode, but if you are all about 100% challenge, choose something else.
  11. The shield will determine skills. Having second Chance, once more, etc. Earlier in the game will help a lot on critical mode. Since you don't really use magic a terrible amount it's advised to focus on defense, plus since you take a lot of damage and have reduced health more defense can make the difference between 3 hit death and 4 hit death. Also I would advise in synthing a ton of defense ups to help you. You can realistically get you defense to around 70+ around end game. I'm assuming you're playing for achievements so you will want every little advantage you can get.
  12. Go fight them at the end of the game when you get it, it'll make it far easier.
  13. Use Final Form several times. Final form reduces the chances of Anti-Form happening. So if you do that, it will reduce Antiform. Also do not use Two Becomes One, it makes every form (except Final) become Anti-Form.
  14. In KH1 the annoyance was constantly trying to readjust the camera to see what you were doing, and half of your moves and abilities didn't work there, making it frustrating. In 2 it's just an annoying drawn out cutscene with singing. It's better than one because at least you don't have to attempt to fight there, but it's still annoying to me.
  15. ^ Receives a horny rhino. < Puts in hipsters.
  16. I think the issue of why people get upset is because Square Enix made a big deal about it with Lightning Returns going on about how her boobs and how they made them bigger too, which basically just came off as "buy our game because tits."
  17. How could that POSSIBLY be illegal? It's buying low and selling high, which EVERY single business is doing. Nintendo is doing it by making games in the first place. Do you honestly think they pay $50 for a game then sell it for $50? No, they produce them for cheaper and sell them for more to make a profit. These people are doing the exact same thing that retail stores do to make a profit too. You could not possibly make it illegal because doing so would mean you have to make capitalism itself illegal. Supply and demand, they researched what the demand would be and went through great lengths to acquire the supply, this is the exact same thing that retailers do. They price based upon how much they have vs. how much people want it. It deserves respect because it's a VERY high risk business, you could spend thousands to not sell anything. Don't be mad because other people are willing to risk their money to make a big profit and you didn't. They are far from assholes, they are people trying to make a living. Reminds me of the old saying: Don't hate the player, hate the game. The world is about survival of the fittest, if these people are willing to take bigger risks for the chance of bigger pay offs and it works out for them, more power to them. Hey, I don't think any of us could deny that we would love to be able to make the kind of money that scalpers make sometimes.
  18. This happens with every major release like this. Scalpers generally are people who don't work all year round and make a majority of their money for the year by grabbing up big limited number items like this and reselling. Remember when the Wii and PS3 came out? I saw people selling a Wii the day after release for $1,000 a piece. This is capitalism at its finest, and as much as people say it's not a job, it does take a lot of work and there's a lot of risk involved. It's a very fair way to make money because you are taking a huge risk for a potential big payoff. You have to do a lot of research beforehand before you just buy up whatever is coming out.
  19. ^ Receives hepatitis < Puts in a can of chili.
  20. There are two major important rules here: Rule 1. Don't tell everything you know.
  21. He was the lazy bastard who dies and the organization is like "okay" about it.
  22. Like seriously, how hard is it to remember "FIGHT SORA"?
  23. ^ Receives glorious glorious Soviet Russia. < Puts in photos of your mother stepping out of the shower.
  24. Remember the rules. Rule 1. Don't talk about fight club. Rule 2. Don't talk about fight club.
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