Hello everyone! Swordinger here![vsauce is dat u dude]
Hi! My name is Loris, I'm 18 and I'm writing from Italy. In this cold and quite depressing morning, moved by who-knows-what, I just wanted to participate to some huge community about Kingdom Hearts. Why? Why not? And here I am :^D
So, yeah.
Ehr, I'm an atheist. An evil atheist who just wants to watch the world learn. Yeah. That's horrible. Sorry. Btw, I'm everything but evil. Maybe a bit strange, or even weird under some aspects but who cares? I don't and so you should ah-ah-ah i'm crying you don't even know how much but shh i think.
How about some hobbies?
I like to cry over fictional characters. Yeeeah. Shion and Roxas are still alive and you can't do anything to make me think otherwise. And also, married. Yes. I quite like to make graphics on videogames and make requests, even though I'm not that good lmao but, as always, who cares?
I like also to discuss over science, morality and pretty much, every other kind of subjects. I love to know things, and the more I know the better I feel with myself. Idk why, honestly... it's like a thing I have right in my genetic code, in my own DNA. I feel the urge to contraddict bigots and idiots, not in an aggressive and superb way. But in a gentle one. It's kind of bizarre, isn't it?
Yeah. But I don't care about it, sincerely.
Who cares about things too much ends up tearing his mind apart.
Btw, bye! See you soon! c^: