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Kingdom Key D

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Everything posted by Kingdom Key D

  1. Hey SkyReaper, is this an ok design for the card's heartless form? I should have the nobody done soon, but I just wanted to double check.
  2. Traverse Town Taria left through the portal. What a handy way of traveling, she really should have gotten Merlin to teach her that. Ah well, too late now. She couldn't help but gasp at the beauty of the world on the other side, though. "Master Zazer, is this your home?"
  3. Taria nodded at Jikan's idea. It made sense for the less experienced warriors to go somewhere safer, although she wasn't sure which group she fell under. She had been training for eleven years, and had fought plenty of heartless, but still... Actually, upon considering, Taria realized that her own training didn't make a difference. The less advanced group would need her healing and support spells, so that was where she would go. Plus, she could get in more practice with support spells. If she mastered those she would be about the equivalent of an advanced keyblade master. Without the keyblade part... "Ok! I will go with the less experienced group." But wait... "Hey, don't we only have access to one spaceship?"
  4. Traverse Town Taria agreed. "Training is a good idea. I can get those harder support spells down. And there were some other ideas I wanted to work on too... But shouldn't we do that while we are helping save the worlds, and then go after Xehanort when we are strong enough? And wait, Zion, you have an army?!" Woah! She smiled happily. These people were awesome! Wonderland Three of the cards facing Rolud were now normal cards, and, having very small brains, all were confused as to where their arms had suddenly gone. He just finished turning the third, after rolling under a stab from it's spear, when one of them figured out it could still move, and tried to whack him with it's head. Throwing up his shield, Rolud figured it was time to finish the Queen off, before she could destroy his eardrums. Unfortunately, it looked like she had run away when he turned to 'fight' the last card. Shrugging his shoulders, he turned back to the fight, figuring that he would find her later... Only to find that only nine cards had been defeated, and one shadow heartless was gone. "Shadow 1, you are with gambler 1. Shadow 2, gambler 2. S 3, G 3. S4, G4. S5, G5. You fourteen other heartless, split into two groups of seven, and swarm attack them." He pointed his finger as he spoke, so as to help his subordinates match up. In under a minute twenty six more cards were down. "Only a hundred and seventy three to go. This Might be a challenge."
  5. Wonderland Rolud smiled pleasantly as the Queens angry untranslatable shouts came to an end. Now maybe she could give him an answer. Not that he thought she would accept, but rather he wanted to make absolutely certain she wouldn't. It would be a shame to lose any heartless on this mission, seeing as they were trying to take over the worlds. The Queen of Hearts, still a brilliant shade of red, chose this moment to answer. "OFF WITH HIS HEAD!!!!" She waved her scepter for dramatic effect. Rolud raised his hand, summoning twenty shadow heartless and five gambler nobodies. The cards from the other rooms began charging in, the queen's shouts had been quite loud. The four cards who had already been there stepped in front of him. Rolud raised his hand to his chin in a classic thinking pose. 'How best to disable a bunch of cards that won't stay down from a normal blow long enough to kill a crazy lady.' Throwing a line of cards at the first, he decided to start turning them into cards. Well, the normal kind, that don't run around stabbing people with heart shaped spears. The nobody heartless crew behind him were having a difficult time with the other hundred and ninety four cards that had entered the room... And the poor things couldn't see that there were ten more trying to cram through the hedge door into the small room. The heartless were doing fine, actually. They had defeated five already. But the gamblers were under direct orders not to injure their opponents fatally, only wear them down so that the heartless could take them. And the stupid cards kept. Getting. Back! UP! (I figured the Queen could have four decks of cards, Rolud wouldn't have been interested if there were only 52.)
  6. MWAHAHAHAHA! I shall abbreviaTe ALL The Things wiTh T's!!!!
  7. Taria nodded in agreement. "But where do we start? It's easy to say 'let's go save the world!', but do we have any information on who needs our help so far?" Twilight Town was gone, based on what the British guy had said, but she hadn't headed anything else on the subject.
  8. Ok, I got this! Raynd got teleported to Traverse Town through unknown means (he didn't even know there were other worlds,) the Bad Guys (yes, it does need capital letters,) had a secret meeting in the Keyblade Graveyard, and Xehanort (the old guy one,) announced their plan to take over all the worlds and reconstruct them, Zion was on an old spaceship, Xion was invisible in Traverse Town, Roxas left digital Twilight Town and went to the real one, Erinys went to Twilight Town, Aeronus went looking for warriors to help save the world with in Traverse Town, as did Jikan, Aether blew up heartless in Twilight Town, Embrex informed Erinys that master Aqua was dead and was questioned, but saved by Roxas while the Bad Guys debated how to proceed, and then sent Shados to spy on Malefecent, as Aether rode the train, Isa, Reneal, and Malaria (I am not joking, that is his name,) were sent to watch what happened in worlds they hadn't taken over (to look for troublemakers), Xion was no longer invisible, she, Raynd, and Jikan talked, Taria ate pasta and then she talked too, YMX followed team Isa from a distance, Aether met up with the people in Twilight Town, Aeronus joined the people in Traverse Town (and had an awesome introduction), Zion fell on Xion and squashed her, the Traverse Town Team (who will be referred to as TTT from now on) compared weapons, Twilight Town started being overrun with darkness, Rolud left the Graveyard to get an army of cards from Wonderland, Sarah joined the Twilight Town Team (TTTT (TTT Two)), and was annoyed, Jikan knows everything, Zion/ Sion's hearts are messed up, TTTT split up, an unknown guy in an org. 13 cloak helped the land group of TTTT, Raynd was confused, Sarah and Roxas got on a spaceship, TTT decided to save the universe, and got attacked, the TTTT land group headed to the old mansion, Namine woke up in Castle Oblivion, the guy attacking TTT was a keyblade hunter (with a British accent), who could summon fog, and Zion showed off her split personality angel awesome skills, the TTTT spaceship crew went to help the land group, Xicor watched the battle with the British guy, and then shot him and sliced him up, so he left, and then Zion asked Xion on a date, and most of the people introduced themselves to Xicor, and then this guy crashed in front of them, just kidding that was you, and a sentence this long is probably illegal, thank you for reading this has been Kingdom Key D's run on sentence summaries, wait, I have done more of these(haha, you thought I would end it there), yes I have, and I hope this was more informative and helpful than confusing, but I doubt it. (Collapses on the ground, gasping for breath.) Hehehe, that moment when you realize that if Jikan knows as much as it looks like he does, he could reveal Xicor... But he can't, because that would start a witch hunt and destroy any unity the team might have. Better to keep him close, have more of an eye on him and keep them intact?
  9. Taria was about to state that Zion had said something about saving the universe, when a guy fell out of the sky in front of them. So, being a Mage, she did what she had started her training with eleven years ago. Looked him over to make sure a healing spell would work. Abc's... "Not dead, and breathing. That's nice." Broken bones... Those were no fun if they healed wrong. "Only one broken bone, in his arm. Clean break. That's a miracle." Infection. You had to heal for infection first or the spell would make it hard to catch later, which could be fatal. "No infection. The cuts are recent, like he was just fighting. What is it with all these people dropping out of the sky?" She wondered to herself. "Curaga!" A strong spell, ineffective in combat because it was fixed to a single point, and not moving was a bad idea, but it would work here. A glowing green circle appeared around the man.
  10. Haha, sorry. Stupid slow internet told me the first one didn't go through...
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